
V5 Chapter 86 Tenancy Chains

Philomel couldn't help but feel slightly better with a cold hand against her hot cheek after traveling so far. Amon's hand cold hand was so lulling that Philomel's eyes flickered trying to stay awake. Not sleeping for god knows how long in shadow time has finally taken its toll. Her breathing slowed to a steady pace as she leans against Amon's hand, since his hand had no support she could feel herself falling down and immediately stood up. Knowing if she stay there any longer she would have fallen asleep and that would have sealed Amon's doom.

Darzirak who was just a slight distance away was jumped scared by Philomel's sudden stand, at that moment Little One pulled hard, pulling Darzirak on top of Little One. Little One squealed in delight finally having the opportunity to hug Darzirak and pull his ears.

" Darzirak you stay here and take care of Little One. I'm going to do the quest by myself."

Philomel made a snap decision, knowing that she couldn't trust Darzirak, and bringing along someone you can't trust, would tempt Philomel to double-cross him during a mission and possibly hinder their quest.

" WHAT! "

Darzirak exclaimed loudly as he squirmed under Little One's hug. Philomel ignore Darzirak as she did a weapon and inventory check. She puts down the two satchels that she's been carrying along with Amon's spear, next to Amon's bedside. In her head, she counted her 4 hidden blades, 3 daggers, and her father's magical stone. Darzirak pushed Little One and slips out of the baby's grip, he leaps onto the ground and stands between Philomel and the door, blocking her way.

" I am a demon! I'll be more useful to you than a terrible babysitter! Imagine the things we could do if we teamed up! With your agility and my shadow skills, we could have the world at our feet if you team up with me."

Darzirak declared as he reached out a paw toward Philomel. Little One immediately misunderstood Darzirak's gesture and climb to the edge of the bed, reaching out toward Darzirak and falling off the bed. Philomel immediately noticed and caught Little One before he hit the ground. Little One laughed excited at the sudden fall and rise to Philomel's shoulder. Philomel couldn't help but smile at the naught Little One and kiss his chubby cheek. It took a while for Philomel to turn and notice Darzirak blocking the exit.

" Demon or not, I don't trust you. There's no way I'm bonding with you even if it's for 3 hours."

Philomel informed as she stepped over Darzirak and leave the room. Darzirak immediately chased after her and walk beside her.

" Not even for half an hour?"

Darzirak questioned.

" Not even for a minute."

Philomel answered as she shook her head.

" Then how about I help you without the bond? "

Darzirak suggested, wanting to convince Philomel to bring him along, just so he doesn't get left with babysitting duty. Ever since Little One found out Darzirak's tail was a very nice thing to pull, the baby has been pulling anything and everything that is Darzirak as soon as he grabs it. It's only been 8 minutes of such injustice and Darzirak had more than enough of it. Oh, that and wanting to save Amon. Darzirak didn't trust Philomel that she would be able to make it in time and wanted to shadow-teleport the potions as soon as he could get his hands on them.

" You may not be able to use any of my powers but I can be a great distraction! "

Darzirak informed as he leaps in front of Philomel blocking her path once more. Philomel fell for a moment, wondering why is Darzirak trying to convince her... He doesn't need her permission and even if she tells him not to follow, it's not like she could do anything to stop him, he's a demon. He could slip through the shadows and follow her without her knowing. So why?

" And my body can become like a super good satchel! I can hold even water perfectly!"

Darzirak added trying to get her to say yes.

" Hmmm... I might let you come but on one condition."

" And what condition is that?"

" You tell me with complete honesty, why you need my permission so badly? "

Philomel questioned with a knowing smirk as she cradles Little One in her right arm. Darzirak's perked pointed ears immediately flattened on his head as a huge frown appears on his face. He stood there in silence as Philomel boops Little One's nose with a finger and plays with the baby for a moment.

" Well? What's it going to be?"

Philomel prompted. Darzirak huffed.

" Fine, I'll tell you. Amon has invoked curfew, back in the mines. Even though I broke out of my apartment, I can't leave 15 feet from Amon without breaking another seal and with Amon's condition, he probably die if I did. Now normally I would need Amon's permission for the curfew to be lifted but since his life is in danger, the condition can be lifted if Amon's spouse gives me permission, and from the look of that slightly glowing blue ring on your finger. You are the next best thing. "

Darzirak informed as he pointed at Amon's mother's ring on Philomel's finger.

" Next... next best thing?! I'm not married to Amon!"

Philomel's eyes widen, completely flabbergasted.

" The Demon tenancy agreement doesn't know that. All it knows is that that ring around your finger was given to you by Amon. The concept of marriage or bond, there's no way a demon contact at this level would be able to tell if such a thing has occurred to you two in the past. All it can see is the present and right now, it can see that ring. A ring on the correct finger, placed there by Amon."

Darzirak explains as he uses his back leg to scratch behind his ear like a dog. Philomel fell silent as she stared at the ring on her finger, contemplating whether to free Darzirak or not. Darzirak could easily break the seal but that could kill Amon. Leaving Darzirak here would be the best choice but now knowing about the seals, Darzirak might get anxious watching Amon slowly slip away. So anxious that it might push him to do something dumb like carrying Amon along to find her. It wasn't a medical law but it was common sense not to move the body of a dying person.

" From the looks of Darzirak, he definitely isn't someone who would have such a thing. In fact, he probably doesn't even know what common sense is... "

Philomel deducted with a frown. The more she thought about it, the more she could Darzirak dragging Amon through the streets of this god-forsaken village, looking for her.

" To buy Amon more time and keep Darzirak out of trouble. I have no choice but to bring him along."

Philomel mentally sighs in her head.

" Fine... you can come..."

" Hooray!!"

Darzirak cheered as a black collar unlocks around his neck and falls onto the ground with a heavy metal sound. As soon as the sound rang out the collar sank into the ground, turning back into shadows and returning back to Amon.

" But do, try to stay out of my way. If you hinder me in any way. I'll invoke the same agreement on you."

Philomel continued to warn ignoring Darzirak's collar coming off.

" Don't worry. I'll be good! I promise!"

Darzirak declared as he crossed his non-existent heart. Philomel narrowed her eyes at Darzirak but eventually continues her way down the hallway.

" Hey where you're going? The exit is this way."

Darzirak questioned as he rushed to her side and pointed behind them.

" Someone has to take care of Little One and it can't be Amon."

Philomel reminded as she knocked on a door.

Felicia" Come in. "

Philomel opens the door, revealing the master bedroom that only had one old king-size mattress on the floor and a wooden chair near the window. In the fireplace, a distance away burns pieces of wood that resemble a broken bed frame. The old man Percy was laying on the bed while Felicia was sitting on the nearby chair. Both of them raised their head and gaze toward the door as Philomel and Darzirak entered.

" Hello, Little shadow's friend, Little shadow. Come to say your farewells before leaving on your quest?"

Felicia asked with a smile.

" Yes that and I was hoping to ask another favor. Could you please help care for this baby while we're gone? I fear for his safety if we bring him along. "

Philomel asked sweetly as she held up Little One to Felicia. Little One whined softly feeling uncomfortable being at arm's length away from Philomel and being faced toward Felicia.

" Of course. "

Felicia nodded as she reached out for Little One. As soon as she did that Little One finally realized what was happening and started screaming.

" Oh, no what's wrong?"

Felicia gently asked Little One as she took him into her arms.

" Don't worry, he'll stop after a while. He just isn't used to you."

Philomel reassured.

" A while? *scoffs* more like days."

Darzirak scoffed beside Philomel.

" Days? What do you mean days?"

" That thing screamed his voice out for the first 2 hours followed by 3 hours of crying, a little power nap, and then repeat. He did that for 1 week after you guys left him. The second week he just lay there depressed. It was extremely hard to get him to eat anything. "

Darzirak casually informed as he made himself comfortable on the mattress next to Percy's legs, snuggling against it before curling up like a dog.

" That was for 2 weeks. This time it's just less than 3 hours."

Philomel pointed out trying to reason.

" True but that baby doesn't know that."

Darzirak reminded.


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