
V5 Chapter 83 Village Holden

"Don't you want to shake its lovely hands?

Don't you want to dance with Death?

Such sweet words, such charming actions, lull and pulls into fantasies of wonderful dreams...

Each dance it draws, each dance it dawns

Each day the sun, unable to turn from the moon's beautiful glow, the moon's stunning whispering promises of a joined lovers future. Wanting nothing more than to pull his lover close in his arms. Sway to the music of the heart, each second she takes, his light, his time, his life.

Fading light, fading fast, clawed its path from the sun. The last bit of fury, red burst out from the final light of day. Finally opening his eyes to realize that he has been betrayed again.

Fighting one of its many battles against the dark blue of night and the pale rising moon. Many hues from gold to black to slightly dark blue, yet purple was nowhere in sight. An alliance was nowhere in sight. Reflecting the moon that wavers and wanes, hidden behind the shadow, always whispering always tempting.

Only the sun has replenishing light, the moon's only hope in life. Not wanting to wane and disappear away, nothing wanting to be an eternal dream. Calls out so sweetly, pulling him close with a tender smile. Breathe life into her with his kiss, if it means being with you then take my light, take my life. As much as you need just stay with me."

Philomel begged the sunset for more time as she struggled to push herself toward the village. Her body barely hanging on from such exhaustion, yet her fear and worry for Amon made her feet drag their way through, no matter how painful. Blaming herself for what has happened to him. This had happened under her leadership, the guilt was too overwhelming. Wishing that she could be like the sun and give Amon half her soul just to save him. Wishing that it was her instead of him, having this dance with death.

Little One stared at the beautiful sunset and started squealing, happy at such a sight. Completely oblivious to Philomel's perspective of it but then again even if he knew, would he be able to understand it?

Philomel's heavy struggling breathing was uneven as she wipe the sweat from her chin just to notice that the clay was running. Realizing that both she and Amon had been splashed by water earlier and both of them didn't have their disguises on. Philomel quickly dove into the nearest bush, fearing that someone would see her.

" Ai?"

Little One was confused, one moment he saw a lovely sight, and now he was in seeing leaves. His little hands reach out, pulling on twigs and leaves. Suddenly the blue ring on Philomel started glowing and changing colors. The dark bush lit up in a glowing bright green light emitting from Philomel's finger that had slowly started turning yellow.

" *small laugh* Looks like the enchantment does work ... just that there's a 5 minutes delay. "

Philomel touches the ring, taking it as a sign that Darzirak has successfully teleported to the village.

" Baby, you sit down here for a while."

Philomel ordered as she picked up Little One and place him on the ground in front of her. She kept a close eye on him, watching him break the twig and squealing in happiness at the snap sound it makes. She quickly takes out the clay, using her hand to wipe off her sweat before quickly applying the clay over her dark elf features.

" We must find Darzirak, fast before someone sees that Amon is a dark elf. I just hope that demon knows what he's doing."

Philomel told Little One, however, Little One was more interested in the twig.

" How happy you must be, riding me and not having to walk at all. Whenever you wanna switch places let me know, privileged fatty."

Philomel joked as she poked Little One's chubby cheeks.

" Ei?"

Little One tilted his head as he pokes back at Philomel's hand, before he could poke her, she grab his finger.

" Still I guess it's good to see that you're alright. Hopefully, we can find you another home. "

Philomel picked up Little One, cradling him in her arms as she stood up from the bushes and continued down the path toward the village. It took them some time but soon in the distance, Philomel could see the village.

The sight of the village was shocking, everywhere the homes of people were old and broken. Beggars in rags filled the streets, homeowners couldn't be told apart from the beggar themselves. The only place that stood out was a huge mansion towards the east. There wasn't even a signboard that held the name of the village. It was just painted on the wall of an old shed facing the entrance of the village. " Welcome to village Holden."

Everyone in the whole village looked hopeless, starved, and depressed. Philomel wanted to avoid people as much as she could since she was carrying a baby and two satchels. Since she herself is a thief, I mean scavenger... She knew that she would be a very good target, especially with a brightly glowing ring. Philomel quickly shoved her hand into her pocket, hiding the glow of the ring.

Using her sneaking experience and skills, she kept to the cover of night and toward the shadows. Even though night had already fallen, not many candles were lit, and from the looks of it. Not many could afford candles, which made it easier for Philomel. Philomel could have used the ring to locate Amon but with that 5 minutes delay, it would more likely attract more trouble than be of help.

With ease she slips past through the streets, looking around for a decent place other than the huge luxurious mansion. That's where Philomel guessed Darzirak would go. Across to the west, there was a slightly bigger building that was shabby and looked like it hasn't been maintained in decades but from the flicking candlelight that glowed from the window. Philomel guessed that Darzirak would have taken Amon here. As she approached closer the shadows suddenly leaped out in front of her, jump scaring her and Little One for a moment.

" Hello, Mel. We have a situation."

Darzirak greeted her with a bow before informing her. Little One squealed as soon as he saw Darzirak, waving his little hands up and down in excitement. Finding Darzirak's appearance trick extremely amusing.

" Is Amon still breathing?? Can I see him??"

Philomel worryingly asked.

" Come in and I'll fill you in."

Darzirak gestures for Philomel to follow him as he leads her towards the main entrance, squeezing himself under the gap of the door. Philomel reached out to the doorknob turning it just to find it locked, as soon as she moved her hand away from the knob, the door swung open. Darzirak nodded toward her, before leading her to the old grand staircase.

The rooms Philomel pass by on her left and right were quite bare having only a few old wooden chairs, and bookshelves that has been cracked from age. There were only 3 old torn-up books and not a table in sight. The staircase creek and moan at each step and there were many broken steps, forcing Philomel to leap over them.

" Who is this that you have brought, little shadow?"

A slender tall old man questioned from the top of the stairs, in one hand, holding a walking cane. A cane that he held extremely close to his right leg as he stood, his short white hair was combed back and his mouth was hidden behind a white mustache.

" This is my other friend Philomel and her baby, they haven't settled on a good name. Philomel, this human here is Percy, he's the head of the village and used to be one of the Grand Knights that served under King Serin. I knew his great-grandfather since they shared the same name and I mistook him for his great-grandfather. His daughter-in-law, Felicia is tending to Amon, his son was dragged off to become a Grand Knight and has a granddaughter, Moxie is running around here somewhere."

Darzirak introduce with great details as Philomel smiled and shook the old man's hand with a nod. Darzirak continue to explain as he lead them down the hallway toward the room where Amon lay. Philomel could help but feel a little frustrated at Darzirak for telling her every last detail she didn't care to know. All she wanted was to know Amon's condition, which made her glare at Darzirak. Darzirak immediately felt it shivering in delight and giving Philomel a wink.

Philomel immediately knew that Darzirak was doing it on purpose which made her more mad but turn away from Darzirak, so he couldn't receive more pleasure in it. Little One gazed at Percy staring at Percy's old tatted suit that had a black ribbon instead of a tie, tempting Little One to pull it.

As soon as Philomel entered the room and saw Amon laying there, still unconscious with a pale expression, she rushed to his side, completely ignoring the middle age lady, wiping away Amon's sweat on the sidelines.

" How is he?!"

Philomel demanded.


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