
V5 Chapter 79 Freed but still trapped

" I know I told you to act fast but ... what now?"

Amon asked as he watched the Little Dragon do a little happy dance.

" Go down that tunnel and find another exit?"

Philomel suggested as she squeezes the water out of the hem of her dress. Being unable to see anything, Philomel had no choice but to rely on sound to locate where everything was.

" But we know that there are only two exits, the one where we came in from and the one that has been blocked up by the Death Knight. "

Amon reminded as he pointed back at the collapsed entrance. From the edges of the entrance, Amon noticed the Behir's legs sticking in and clawing their way through the earth, digging a way in, and from the looks of it, just a little bit more and that thing would be able to slither its way through.

* scratching* * rock crushing sounds*

Another sound caught the attention of the two of them. Amon turned just to see the baby dragon clawing the side of the tunnel and eating up whatever dry rocks it could find.

" Didn't you say that the Behir killed a baby dragon? Could it be that thing?"

Amon asked with a bleeding finger pointed at the baby dragon. Amon immediately shook the blood off when he noticed another finger was bleeding. Darzirak had broken two seals now.

" But it's still alive... doesn't that mean this place isn't cursed?"

Philomel gasp at the realization as she wondered what the heck was going on with this mine?! How could it be so creepy and filled with dangerous creatures when it isn't even cursed?! It also made her wonder what a real cursed place would look like.

" Cursed or not! We need to find a way out of here and fast."

Amon reminded as he kicked away the runes that were demonically being drawn on by his dripping blood.

" And how do you propose we do that? We are standing in the dark, we just used our final trump card on the dragon. The Behir currently digging its way for which we are definitely no match even if the baby dragon joins the battle. On top of that, we wouldn't even have a way to unblock our only way out of these mines! "

Philomel growled as she tries to take a step closer to Amon but stepped on a rock and became unsteady on her feet. Like a newborn, she waddles her way through trying her best not to trip on anything.

*half pant* * half pant* * half cough*

Suddenly the whole area was lit up in a bright orange glow emitting from the baby dragon's belly.

" Is it? "

Philomel was about to question when Amon interrupted her.

" Fire in the hole!"

Amon warned as he quickly grabs Philomel by her arm and quickly pulled her out of the way. The fire dragon spat out a fireball that hits the Behir right in the face as it was about to squeeze its way in from the hole it had dug up. The dragon charged and squeezed itself through the hole, going after the Behir and launching a full-blown attack.

Behir was completely taken by surprise, but since the baby dragon haven't completely recovered, and was extremely starved, Behir was willing to take the dragon head-on.

During this battle, Amon picked up his spear and lead Philomel through the hole, and back out to the tunnel. Doing his best to lead them away from the battle and back to the sealed exit. As they track their way back, in the distance they could hear the rattle of heavy armor and the chattering of teeth.

Amon didn't need to look that the Death Knight was charging his way here, furious that there were heathens within his area. Amon quickly dived into a side tunnel to avoid the Death Knight. The Death Knight knew Amon and Philomel were there but because the Behir and the dragon were a more significant threat, he decided to settle them first and then kill the god-shunning dark elves.

The Death Knight appears like the wind at the dragon's side, luckily for the dragon, the Behir shot lighting that ricochet off its scales and at the Death Knight. The lighting stunned the Death Knight momentarily, giving enough time for the baby dragon to run away. The Behir chased after the dragon but it was much slower now that it only had 7 legs and bleeding badly. The Death Knight recovered and caught up to the Behir with ease.

Meanwhile, back at the exit, Amon, and Philomel, we're doing their best to dig a way out in the dark. Amon since his right hand was bleeding, switched hands so that he could help dig with his left. But it still wasn't as fast as Philomel and they were down to 2 seals left until Darzirak came bursting out from Amon's hand and gave them hell for stopping him from killing that dragon.

Little One the whole time couldn't tell what was going on, to him it was another theme park ride in the pitch-black darkness. Which was entertaining but not as good as the see-through crocodile.

Amon seeing that the sand was coming from the top, immediately grabbed Philomel, pulling her away from the exit before more sand and rocks came crashing down. Philomel even though could only see Amon's marron glowing eye, knew from the sound of falling rocks knew exactly what was happening. As soon as the tunnel became silent once more, she immediately rushed back up to the exit just to feel that it was completely covered again and all her hard digging was in vain.

" Damn it!"

Philomel cursed as she kicked a rock. Amon approach her wanting to say something encouraging but the spear that was strapped on his back, scraped against the tunnel's ceiling causing Amon to fall on his bum. Causing Amon to no longer be able to ignore the fact that he was just as discouraged and hopeless at the current situation as Philomel. As all the fake hope leaves Amon's mind, he couldn't help but wonder how did they get into such a mess in the first place?


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