
V5 Chapter 64 Lost way (MTC)

Philomel turns to Amon as he was still trying to catch his breath. He leaned against the tunnel wall, hunched over his knees with a hand over his chest and spear in one hand.

" Hey, where's the short sword I gave you?"

Philomel asked as she held the torch up to him and carefully examined him as she looked for the sword on his personal. Amon at that moment, sharply inhaled as he stares at his left empty hand. Closing it and opening it, gripping the air for a few moments as he tries to remember what had happened to it. He awkwardly looks up at Philomel with a blank expression.

" Don't look at me, I can't have it. I gave it to you, remember?"

She reminded him as a mother would to a child. Amon averted his eyes and scratches his neck as he did his best to recall up to the point where he lost it. Honestly, Amon could barely remember what attacks he did during the heat of battle since it was all quick decisions as his fighter instinct took over.

" Aw *sighs* That sword was a really good steal, I can't believe you lost it. You barely even used it."

Philomel huffed, more disappointed than angry with Amon.

" I'm sorry, it just all happened so fast."

Amon apologized with a hanging head.

" Here, don't lose this one! Okay?"

Philomel ordered with a mischievous grin. Amon nodded as he takes the dagger from Philomel just to realize it was the stinky dagger.

" But this... "

He trails off not sure how to admit that he didn't want to even be near it without hurting her feelings.

" Remember to always keep it on you! Or I won't trust you with any other of my weapons."

Philomel warned in a teasing tone as the huge grin on her face grew and did its best to hold back a laugh. Even Philomel herself didn't wanna be near that dagger after knowing what it smell like but even so, leaving a perfectly sharp weapon like that behind just because of its smell, didn't seem right.

" B-But ...I... "

Amon stammered as he gaze up at her in shock but Philomel immediately turn her back to him, hiding her trembling smile. Her wobbling clenched lips threaten to burst with roaring laughter with each tickle at the back of her throat.

" Come on now... it's best we get a move on... we're losing daylight..."

She wheezes out with each controlled breath, taking a pause whenever she felt like a laugh might break through as she did her best to walk down the tunnel normally. Amon seeing no way out of the situation wipes the blade with a clean nappy and grimaces as if in pain as he slips the dagger between his flag belt and the back of his pants. When the deed was done, he let out a gasping breath as he toss the used nappy onto the ground and chased after a slowly walking Philomel. Joining her side as if he wasn't internally screaming at the knowledge the smelly dagger was on his personal.

Perception roll

Amon- 15

Philomel- 9

As they walked side by side exploring the tunnel that Amon blindingly drag Philomel into, somewhere in front of them, they noticed a light. Both of them smile at each other before running up to it thinking it was a way out. But as they came closer they slowly began to notice that the light was orange and equally dim as the torch Philomel was holding. It didn't take long for them to be greeted by the millions of white crystals that reflected the torchlight, lighting up the entire pathway in a dim orange glow.

They noticed that the tunnel walls had more crystal than rock and dirt. Indicating that this was probably one of the many hotspots for mining back in the day. However, Amon found it strange that the tunnel was dug wide open, and yet all the minerals were still laced along the walls.

"Wouldn't the miners mine out the minerals while craving a pathway through here? Why are the walls still shoved full of these valuable crystals?"

Amon silently thought to himself as he did his best to find an area on the wall that wasn't covered in crystal but for some reason, there isn't any. In fact, the only place that wasn't covered in crystals was the very ground they were walking on. The whole pathway ground was all dirt and rock. Amon immediately grabbed Philomel's arms, stopping her from walking further.

" Something isn't right. Did the villagers tell you anything about this area?"

Amon questioned as his eyes stared at one slightly bigger crystal sticking out.

" They only told me what type of creatures or monsters to expect. Not really anything about areas. "

" Do any creatures eat crystal?"

Amon asked as he turned to her. Philomel shook her head.

" This place still doesn't feel right, I think we should head back."

Amon suggested as he turned around.

" But here is the only place we can be safe from Bulette. They won't be able to come through the walls and the ground is mostly rocks, we can predict where they would leap out from if we are attacked."

" Don't you find it strange that the crystal covers all around the tunnel but not the ground? Maybe there's something more dangerous here. Crystal does have much value. What if there's something lurking down this path, killing all that comes near its crystal?"

Amon points out as he starts pulling her back the way they came.

" Hmm... you do have a point. Let's head back and take another path then. "

Philomel nodded as she allowed herself to be escorted by Amon back down the crossroad of tunnels.

The moment they were in the clear, a muffled shirking sound came from the pathway they just left. The cries sounded much like a screaming woman in the distance, her wails echoing throughout the tunnel. Striking fear in both Amon and Philomel.

" What was that?"

Amon whisper to Philomel as he backed further away from the path, pulling Philomel along.

" So-sound... like ... like ... a ... Banshee."

Philomel's voice trembled as she answered.

" Did it sense us?"

" Probably did, that's why it's screaming. It's frustrating that she hasn't found us."

" Wanna take this middle path and put as much distance as we can between us and whatever that is?"

" Or you stay here and welcome it while I run. Ciao."

Philomel suggested as she darted down the path Amon was pointing at. Amon didn't even waste a second rushing after her. He didn't even bother to exclaim or make any sound that was considered to be loud, fearing that the Banshee might overhead him and give chase.


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