
V5 Chapter 53 Caught up 1/2

" Speaking of which, let's eat before the food turns cold."

Light elf Chief suggests before gesturing towards the food.

" Let's! This looks so delicious!"

Philomel chimed with a nodding head, leaning on Amon's shoulder, catching his attention.

" Follow my lead."

She whispered to him, which made him slightly confused but gives a little nod anyway. Light elf Chief and Hector said grace, blessing the food in their own ways. The whole time Amon follows Philomel's actions with slight difficulties since Little One decided that the wooden spoon was a fun item to hit Amon with.

" No, Little One. No hitting, it hurts."

Amon restrained from whining as he takes the spoon from Little One and rub the pain out of his left eye.

" You alright? He didn't hit your eye directly, right?"

Philomel asks as she peers at him.

" He got it alright. I can see colors when I close my eye. "

Amon informs as he blinks, his painful eye before deciding to keep it closed.

" Let me see."

She cups Amon's cheek, turning his face to face her. Amon struggles to open his left eye and look at her. As he does so, a tear leaks out from his irritated eye. Philomel pulled down his lower eyelid, gently blowing his eye and making him blink even more from the feeling.

" Is it bad? I can feel it is, but how bad is it?"

Amon curiously asks.

" He got you good. Your whole eye is red and I mean that literally since you have red eyes."

Philomel informs as her thumb lets go of his eyelid, allowing him to close his left eye.

" Keep it closed for a while it'll get better, I think."

Hector assumed.

" If it still hurts after a while, let me know. I'll give you some medicine for it."

Light elf Chief informs as she starts eating.

" Thanks."

Amon nodded towards the chief as Philomel removes her hand from his cheek. It was at that moment did the Light Elf Chief notice that she wasn't wearing a ring.

" Child, what happened to your wedding ring?"

She questioned as she pointed at Philomel's right hand.

" Huh?"

Philomel looks down at her hand, realizing what she meant, and instantly regrets saying that they were on their honeymoon. As well as, changing into a nightgown, since her scavenger gloves were no longer covering most of her hands.

" It's around Amon's neck."

Hector answered as he pointed at Amon's neck with his spoon. This part was quite a mystery to even Amon, but both eyes widened as he turns to gasp at Hector with a shocked expression. Starting at Hector with one red eye and one extremely red eye.

" What? I noticed it back at the clothing merchant while you were changing into your new shirt."

Hector, nonchalantly informs as he continues eating his dinner.

" A good thing too, it took Philomel and me quite some time to get that pink stain off when we were doing the laundry."

The Chief chimed proud with their achievement of making the shirt white again. Philomel leans against Amon's shoulder again catching his attention.

" What ring is he talking about?"

She whispered to him through a fake smile, hiding the fact she was talking to him.

" It's my parent's wedding rings. I always kept them with me after my father passed away. It always brought me comfort knowing they are with me in some way."

Amon softly replies with a grim expression. Remembering how heartbreaking and tear-wrenching it was to take his father's ring from his crushed hand to have it repaired. Just so he could place it in the same box where his mother's ring was kept. He found much comfort to know they were together in heaven and the rings were the proof of it. Amon believed as long as the rings were kept together, his partners were together and as long as he kept the rings with him, they would be with him. No matter where he goes or whatever happens. He also believed that if he dies with those rings, he would be reunited with him again and his childhood dream would finally be achieved. They would be a family again.

Philomel hearing the words parent's rings, immediately knew what it meant to him and immediately wanted to find a different way out of the situation without touching his only precious items in life.

" Well, you see our wedding rings were stolen by thieves during our journey through the woods. Luckily for us, they never spotted my darling hubby's precious family heirlooms. An item that belongs in a vault rather than on a finger to tempt more thieves."

Philomel informs with an awkward laugh between mouthfuls of her dinner, buying time in between to formulate a good reason.

" Well, I'm sure it be alright, just to try them on for tonight. A reminder of your bond would bring much comfort throughout the night."

She informs insinuating Amon and Philomel might crack under stress and be sleep deprived as they try to tire out Little One tonight. And by crack, she assumed a screaming match. Philomel immediately picked up on it, silently wondering how their fake relationship seemed in her eyes. Was it so terrible? Philomel felt that she's been a pretty good fake wife so far.

When in reality, she wasn't and neither was Amon, well, fake husband in Amon's case. Amon kept worrying about Little One and suggesting checking up on him, not even sparing a thought for Philomel. Which Hector found extremely strange since they claimed to be having their honeymoon. Not to mention on more than one occasion, Hector asked about Philomel's preferences and how they fell in love to which Amon just shrugs and replies, she likes what she likes / Rhane's arrow has struck her.

Philomel was more and less the same in those areas but on many occasions, she fails to accommodate Amon's needs as he suffered from separation anxiety from Little One. In fact, she even belittle him and kept rejecting his suggestion to check on Little One, even though, they were passing by the Daycare and it wouldn't have taken more than a minute.


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