
V5 Chapter 34 Parent Wish List 2/2

With a quick release of her hidden blade, she taps the blade on the magic stone, sending sparks of magic into the air due to the stone's reaction to alloy. Within seconds she lit the candle next to the bedside.

" Just for your information, you look damn creepy with that hidden blade when the candlelight is lighting up your face from below. "

Amon points out as he closes the distance between them and lights the second candle. Philomel huffed, flicking her blade back and crossing her arms.

" That's the worst thank you I have ever heard."

Philomel grumbled under her breath which Amon easily overheard since he was standing right next to her.

" Ah, right. Thank you, oh great fire starter, bringer of magical light with your belly stone."

Amon smirked as he takes the magic stone from the nightstand and slips it back into the slot in her armor.

" So, how did taking care of Little One go?"

Amon casually asked as he picks up his food tray from the nightstand and walks around the bed to Little One.

" It wasn't so bad. He was bored and wanted to play with you but then settled for pulling Hector's fur."

Philomel shrugs as she takes the nightstand candle, places it on the table, and started removing her small plates of armor.

Amon chokes back a laugh as he lit the 3rd candle, place the food tray on the second nightstand, and sits down on the ground.

" And what was Hector's reaction to it?"

" Extremely happy about it. Seems that no other light elf lets him hold a baby."

" Huh, guess even other races have their issues."

Amon stated as he picks up Little One and shakes the milk bottle before starting to feed him.

" Feels like dark elves have the most issues thou. What was that earlier with your inner demon? That was just scary."

Philomel winches at the memory of it as she takes off her gloves and lets down her hair.

" Just the same old Darzirak, trying to take control of my body. All inner demons have different motives, for forming a bond with a dark elf. As long as you know what it wants and be careful about it. Then you'll mostly be alright."

Amon informs as he pulls the bottle away from Little One when he noticed, Little One spilling milk.

" Got a rag?"

He asked looking up at Philomel as he places the milk bottle down. Philomel toss him the rag she used earlier when feeding Little One and Amon caught it with ease.

" Then what did your demon hope to accomplish by having you kill me? I mean killing me won't let him take control of your body."

Philomel curiously asked as she pulls out a comb from her satchel and started smoothing out her hair with it.

" Just trying to make me feel more guilty or depressed. A weak-minded person is easier to overwhelm than a strong-minded one."

Amon replied as he continues to feed Little One, only then did he notice how cold his chest felt.

" Why is my shirt so wet? I don't recall drooling so much. Did you let Little One drool all over me when I was asleep?"

Amon grimaced at the wet spot on his shirt, purely grossed out thinking it was Little One's drool.

" I didn't. I was trying to get rid of that pink stain. Little One really did a number on it when he puked."

" Ah... Thank you. I'm glad that your effort wasn't in vain. It's just slightly pink now."

Amon said beaming at the sight of the wet spot on his shirt.

" A good thing too. I got help from the Chief. She gave me some tips on getting it out when she came to pass the second bottle of baby milk. She even gave me a comb. Wasn't that extremely thoughtful of her?"

Philomel merrily exclaimed.

" Definitely. We better do our best tomorrow and cheer up the village as much as we can."

Amon determinedly announced. Little One stops drinking halfway once again and looks away from the milk bottle.

" Hey? Little buddy, what's wrong? Full?"

Amon peers at the baby.

" You gotta burp him, then only he drinks, finish the bottle. Drape the rag over your shoulder, he pukes a little when he burps."

Philomel advised as she points at Amon's shoulder.

" Up-daisy, can't believe we're treating puking like it's a normal thing right now."

Amon sighs as he holds Little One to his chest.

" Just goes to show that we aren't cut out for this. Have you thought about what kind of family, we're going to leave him to?"

Philomel posed as she gets up and moves back to the bed, candle in hand.

" Haven't really thought about it but definitely the mother must be capable of producing milk. Oh! And a father capable of explaining the birds and the bees, clearly. Not just a vague statement, that leaves everything to assumptions. "

Amon declared as Little One puked on him.

" Those are extremely unnecessary, shouldn't you put your priority on finding a family that knows how to burp him, change his nappy, entertain him, and sing him sweetly to sleep."

Philomel argued as she sets the candle on the nightstand and made herself comfortable in bed.

" All of that can be learned, I mean look at us. We only had him for a day and we're doing pretty good."

Amon rebutted as he continued to feed the baby.

" Panicking when he's hungry and when he puked while burping isn't even close to good. We have zero experience and knowledge."

Philomel pointed out as she turns over in bed, resting her head in her hand as she watched Amon wipes the spilled milk.

" All that takes time to learn and time is something they'll have more than enough. Little One would be staying a baby for... how long does it take a baby to grow into a toddler again?"

Amon asked as he bounce the baby in his arms. Philomel loudly hummed the words "I don't know" as she shrugs.

" Maybe more or less than 17 weeks? Hector told that's how long a half-beast takes to stop drinking milk or something like that."

Philomel adds as she lies down.

" Hmm... then it should be roughly around that timing then. "

Amon agreed as he tucks Little One back into bed.

" Remember to find a family with a beautiful mother."

Philomel said adding to Amon's search list.

" Beautiful? Why is that important?"

Amon exclaimed with a confused expression.

" Because... All mothers should be beautiful. It's the law of nature. Ok?!"

Philomel snaps, wanting to add it to the list but failing to think of a good reason why.

" Fine, fine, a beautiful mother. But I'm sure whoever we pick, Little One would find her the most beautiful woman in the world since he would grow to love her."

Amon accepted, not really wanting to argue with Philomel on it.

" Yeah. Well, good night. Tomorrow is a big day, especially for Little One since it's his last day with you."

Philomel reminded as she turns away from Amon.

" Good night."

Amon wished as he looks back down at Little One. Little One yawns as his little hands stretched out over his little head.

" Last day... Let's make it count."

Amon softly whispered to Little One as he places a finger into Little One's small hand. Little One immediately holds Amon's finger as he slowly drifts back to sleep.

"If only we had a little more time."

Amon silently mused as he kissed Little One's forehead.


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