
V5 Chapter 32 Do you dream? 2/2

" *GASP*"

Amon shot up, heaving, trying to breathe as he bends over, cradling his head in his hands.

" Among?! Are you alright?!"

Philomel exclaimed as she spun around to look at Amon. Amon's eyes glowed red as his fangs stuck out from his mouth, and the small curve of horns appear upon his head. Amon's shadow moved against the flicking candlelight. Philomel froze at the sight of Amon's shadow pulling itself from the wall and forming a black creature with jagged teeth. It circles around Amon, grinning at Philomel before leaping onto Amon's shoulders.

" Do you sleep? Do you dream? Dream of the promised lands?"

His shadow whispered into Amon's ear.

" We can go there now. It's just right there, within our reach."

It kept whispering into Amon's ear as it walks up and down his shoulders, constantly circling. Amon, shook his head as he took in slow deep breaths.

" It's the girl. Is she truly that important to you? She is the one holding you back. Holding you back from your dream. Your destiny."

The shadow exclaimed as it grew bigger.

" Leave her alone."

Amon ordered but his voice was soft and trembling, holding no authority, losing all its effect.

" Among, what the ..."

Philomel trails off unable to form the words, forgetting how to speak.

" Kill her and there will be nothing holding us back. Kill her and we'll be free. Kill her and the Messiah will reward us with the keys to the promised lands."

Amon's shadow urges as the walls of the room shake and creek. The sound of scratches upon wood as dark creatures outside their window banged against the window and claw their way through the walls. They could feel weakness, feel desperation as their need to break through grew stronger. The cries of the dark creatures growled and shrieked.

" Kill her..."

Each and every creature outside hummed, growled, and bellowed the same words. Creating an incoherent mumbling symphony of one desire, one suggestion, one outcome of fate. Little One fussed and squirm under the sudden heavy presence of evil, feeling suffocated from such a heavy atmosphere, he burst into tears.

" Amon..."

Philomel finally remembering how to talk whispered out his name but was instantly overwhelmed by the voice screaming "Kill her".



Hector yelled from behind the door as his heavy knocks echoed throughout the room. Philomel finally snaps out of her dazed state, remembering where they were. She glanced down at herself in panic, instantly regretting wiping off the clay. She grabs the chair, rushed to the door, and gently shoved it right under the doorknob as she locks the door.

" I'm fine! Just give me a minute! I'm not decent!"

She replies through the door, her eyes darting from the chair to the doorknob. Silently knowing it would take Hector at least 3 minutes to break through. She rushed up to Amon, grabbing the demon by the leg and tossing it across the room.

" *YELP*"

The shadows yelped. Philomel grabbed Amon's shoulders shaking him.

" What do you need? I can't help you if you don't ask me. Look at me, tell me, talk to me."

She demanded desperately as she sat down on the bed next to him. Amon glance up at her and stared at her with a gaping mouth. His eyes travel down the curves of her neck that did its best to hide behind the high collar. He observed a lump going down her throat as she swallow. He noticed the first two buttons on her lapel were unfastened, revealing her beautiful caramel skin that lead him to the slit between her bell-shaped breast. Amon's head slightly tilts to the left, trying to see more of her chest.

Philomel noticed his tilted head and his sharp gaze upon her chest.

" Pervert!"

She said as one hand quickly moved to hold her lapel over her exposed upper chest and the other hand karate chopped Amon's head.

" Ow! What was that for!"

He exclaimed as he held his head.

" Must you ask?! Don't you see the madness happening around here?!"

Philomel yelled. Hector behind the door heard the sharp Yelp of Amon's demon and started to worry. He scrambled to get the keys to the door, panicking that something had happened to Philomel. Hector could hear a muffled version of Philomel's angry words and immediately thought Philomel was in trouble.

" Mel?! Are you okay??"

Hector questioned as he immediately unlocks the door, and turns the doorknob, just to realize the door was stuck.

" I'm fine! It just seems the door is stuck!"

Philomel awkwardly answered, unsure what else to do or say. Hector jingled the doorknob a couple of times to confirm it and confirm something was wrong. For he maintained everything part of the hut including the door and knew it was working fine just yesterday.

" Mel! Stand back! I'm coming in!"

He yelled through the door, causing Philomel to panic even more as Amon finally snaps back to reality.


The walls shook upon impact as Hector rammed his shoulders against the door.

" Do something!"

She softly exclaimed to him, fearing that Hector might overhear.

" No, problem. I'll just open the door since you don't have clay on and explain to him, nothing is wrong."

Amon causally suggests with a shrug.


" No! Anything but that! I wipe the clay off you."

" What?! Why would you go do that?!"


" You looked super uncomfortable sleeping like that."

" Oh, well thanks a lot. I feel extremely refreshed now that I have waked up to a crying baby, a satanic ritual shrieking for a sacrifice by my window, and an overgrown wolf bagging at my door."

Amon sarcastically mocked as he gestured toward each problem.


" We wouldn't be in this situation if you had woken up like a normal person."

Philomel pointed out, Amon immediately frown at her words. Wanting to explain and prove how all this was her fault but he knew now wasn't the right time.


The chair lets out a creak as it scrapes the floor.


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