
V5 Chapter 24 Genius explanation

" But didn't we technically sleep together in the stables, last night?"

Amon softly questioned.

" I was definitely sleeping but didn't you stand guard by the stable doors the whole time? How else could you have noticed the fake Lenny and Estrella about to leave the kingdom."

Philomel reminded. Amon silently wondered if he should admit that he accidentally doze off for half an hour. But then realized he would probably be beaten half to death by her, screaming that he made her pregnant. Amon mentally sighs, wishing that she didn't tell that they were on their honeymoon, gotten two separate rooms, and avoided this whole mess.

" And didn't your mother tell you... anything?"

Amon questioned, currently gasping at straws hoping that he didn't have to explain.

" Mummy told me that she would tell me when I'm older."

" You're 19, how much older must you be?"

" Guess she forgot to tell me and I forgot to ask."

Philomel shrugged. Amon lets out a long sigh, pressing his face into his hands before entwining his fingers together, pressing his lips against them as he decides, what the hell to do.

" Anubis... My father has always told me, stories of your great achievements and valor. I have always wondered how such a scary guy like you, handles childcare. Well, now I know... I really wish that I didn't. How the hell could you just?! Tell her this stuff and leave out all the actual details?? Heck! It's so vague that she seriously thinks sleeping with just a guy, laying in just the same room, a distance away, actually sleeping would get her pregnant!!... *Sighs* The deed is done, now what do I do to at least convince her it isn't really like that? Do I explain everything in detail?"

Amon wonders as his eyes watched Philomel from the corner of his eye. She was holding her cheek and shaking her head, lost in thought at obviously the same reason but definitely a different area.

" Even if I explained to her in detail, I doubt she would believe me. Daddy dearest must have also told her not to trust the words of a guy... Wait a minute...If Anubis told her vague crap about this, there must be other vague crap as well. "

Amon worried in his mind as his gaze shifted fully to Philomel, moving his hands away from his face and turning his body to face her. Fully determined to string together some form of logic with her father's words and be done with this.

" Did your father tell you anything else about guys?"

Amon questioned.

" Daddy also told me if any guy touches me for more than 40 seconds or tells me he loves/like me or if I like a guy that I should tell him."

Philomel answers as she lowers her hands from her face. Feeling more comfortable, now that they were talking about her father.

"Yes! I can use this! This is perfectly what I need. Now to string it all into a nice little package."

Amon's eyes shine a brilliant red. Philomel seeing this, slowly started inching further away from Amon, while he wasn't looking.

" Now why do you think, your father told you to tell him that?"

Amon questioned as his gaze shifted to Little One, watching the little infant wrestle the pillow.

" Because guys are dangerous."

She tilted her head as she answered, silently wondering where Amon is going with all these questions.

" Yes, very because if a guy says he loves you and if you tell the same guy you love him. Then something very magical happens when the two of you touch for more than 3 minutes to probably hours and when that's over there's a possibility that you might get pregnant. Questions?"

Amon asked feeling quite proud of himself that he was able to string together a decent explanation.

" What about the whole sleeping with a guy gets you pregnant then?"

She asks and Amon couldn't help but notice her voice seems further away but then again she could have been whispering.

" Touching a lot is sometimes called making love or sleeping together since it normally ends up with both people being exhausted and falling asleep in each other's arms. "

" If you say so."

This time Amon was definitely sure Philomel was moving away from him, since he could see her in the corner of his eye, closing the distance between herself and the door. Amon snaps his gaze between next to him, where she used to be just moments ago, and right next to the door where she was now.

"When the hell did she get from there to there without standing up??"

Amon silently wondered as he stared at her in surprise before shaking his head and waving her off.

" Now that, that's settled. I'm going to be sleeping on the ground over here, you can take the bed. Get as much rest as you can the baby will be fussy tonight."

Amon instructed as he grabs a pillow from the bed dumps it onto the floor and proceeds to lie down on the ground.

" No!!! Wait!! You can't sleep now!!"

Philomel suddenly exclaims as she closes the distance between them and shakes him.

" And why not?"

Amon groaned out, mentally and physically exhausted.

" Just in case how about we don't sleep at all?"

Philomel squeak out the suggestion knowing that Amon probably wouldn't like it.

" Oh, please help me, gods. I haven't slept in the last 38 hours and have been running about everywhere with you."

Amon tiredly explains as he drags his hands over his face in frustration, wreaking his dead brain for a solution.

" You didn't get pregnant at the stables, right? Then as long as one of us is awake then you'll be fine. We'll take shifts for sleep then. I call the first shift, you take care of Little One. "

Amon instructed as he gets back up, takes Little One, passes him to Philomel, picks up the pillow from the ground, toss it onto the bed, flopped onto the bed like a heavy diver, pull the blanket over himself, and got comfortable.

" Night."

He punctuated before Philomel could say anything and snuggle happily in the bed. A comfort that he didn't realize he has missed in all 3 and half years of entrance guard duty. He could instantly feel his muscles relax as he could feel the pull of the bed dragging him instantly to sleep. A paradise he had long forgotten, which was the softness of a bed.


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