
V5 Chapter 49 Silver Lining 1/2

Darkness above, little shimmers of light, none reached below, on this starry night. Moonlight should have glowed but the clouds came to say hi. The village below begging for light, for might against the dark creatures of the night.

A cold wind gushes through streets bare, empty as the scream of struggling farmers fight, for their hard earn rights. Plant after plant, they sow, they watered, they cared for. Yet no crop, no harvest came to the village at all. Always thwarted by the whispering, shifting shadows below.

Huddle in homes, hidden from sight, silent prayers for their family members tonight. Moon goddess above, hear thy people word's, shine down your light, and protect my loved one's life. Don't take them, away from me, tonight. Each prayer was muttered into closed hopeful hands. Yet out of everyone, the goddess light shines upon someone who has muttered her name in vain, one too many, times.


The thunderous sound claps throughout the village as the flash of lightning sparks, lighting up the night sky for a moment. Farmers cheered as the shadows fell back. Amon stood there, breathing in the cold crisp air.

" Come on, Little One. How long do you plan on hanging there?"

He questioned as he rubs Little One's back, trying to coax him into letting go.

" I haven't seen your face the whole time, you plan on hiding from me the whole night?"

He bounces Little One as he pats the infant's back.

" There is much to see on such a beautiful night."

Amon looks up just to see the clouds above blocking out the shimmers of moonlight. The stars in the distance sparkled but their beauty was too far to be admired as the clouds pushes their beauty past the peaks of Mountmend.

" Uhhh..."

He hummed to himself, realizing it wasn't as beautiful as he thought it would be. The soft pitter-patter of rain taps against the porch's roof, hash wind bellows through the streets, making Little One huddle closer to Amon for warmth. Not it wasn't beautiful, it was a gorgeous miracle.

" Heavens have really blessed us tonight. Don't you agree?"

Amon asked, not really caring for Little One's opinion but really waiting for him to show his face at least.

" Uhh..."

Little One muttered, knowing that Amon wanted some sort of acknowledgment, that he was heard. But still didn't show his face.

" Come on, Little One... Tonight is our last night together... are you really going to hide your face away the whole night? On such a wonderful night? Don't you want to see the blessing of water raining down?"

Amon coaxes as he sways his body, rocking Little One. Little One turned his face a little bit, and Amon could see the corner of Little One's blue eye looking at him, for a moment, before hiding in Amon's shoulder.

" If that's how you wanna play it."

Amon grins with determination, as he leaps from the porch of the daycare, onto the street, in the rain. The small drops of rain tickled and ran down Little One's back. Amon looks upwards relishing the feeling of drops of rain, taping his face. He grins at the sky as he spun around in glee.

" A beautiful night indeed with such a miracle in sight!"

Amon says with a laugh that Little One couldn't help but wanna join as Amon leap spun around.

" Aweeeeeee!"

Little One squeals in delight feeling for the first time, rain upon his cheeks.

" Like diamonds falling from the sky. What a blessing this truly is."

His voice cracks as tears of joy stun his eyes. For him it was also the first time, watching the sky cry. Water that was more precious than gold, fell upon his face. He could feel the clay slipping off but he didn't care. He laughed as he run, from puddle to puddle splashing about. Little One waves his little hand as he shouts.

" How can such a beautiful place like this, not be heaven? I still can't believe people actually live in such a miraculous place! Oh! We best tell Philomel! We can't have her missing a miracle like this!"

Amon chimed as he turns to Little One trying to catch the raindrops in his hands.

" Oh, no we can't. Oh, no we can't. We can't leave out, our troublesome friend."

Amon playfully says in a silly voice as he rubs his forehead against Little One. His strawberry red eyes stared right into light sky blue eyes, both filled with excitement and joy as Amon skipped, leaped, and spun towards the Chief's hut. All shadow creatures stay ten feet at all times away from the weirdo. Amon was so weirdly happy that it scares even the shadow creatures.

Amon leaps over the steps of the porch, up toward the door of the Chief's hut, about to knock on it. When it finally hits Amon, the clay from his face ran down his neck and eyes. There was no fooling anyone with that.

" Ailaboooooing!"

Little One babbles with his hands trying to reach out toward the rain and grab it again.

" Ah! You're right! There's the window!"

Amon chimed completely misunderstanding Little One as he leaps over the low fence of the porch and headed over to the window.

*Thun* * Thun Thun Thun* * Thun Thun *

Amon knocked upon the window following the rhythm of the rain as he tiptoe in one place filled with excitement. The windows swung open revealing Philomel... Amon froze at the sight of her as he slowly takes it all in.

Her stunning blue eyes shimmered against her clay white face, her lush pink lips were slightly wet, and her long black hair hung over her left shoulder, curving down the side of her bosom. A bosom that hide behind a pink loose plain nightgown that slipped off her right shoulder... exposing her beautiful caramel skin.

" Among, my eyes are up here. Don't make me punch you."

Philomel reminded as she glared at Amon.

" Huh? Oh... *gulps* Right... "

He quickly swallowed the lump in his throat as he lock eyes with her, constantly reminding himself not to look down.


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