
V5 Chapter 45 Desperation 1/2

Shayna dashed out of her home with Little One wailing in her arms. She could feel it, his little hands reaching out towards his mother but grabbing air as she turns away from him.

"Something he couldn't understand why but then it didn't matter. It didn't matter that he felt lonely sometimes in the night for he had someone else to dote on him, to love him, and that made him forget that he was abandoned in the first place.

It's happening all over again, him reaching and grabbing air. Please, please let me give him a chance. A chance to grab something, a moment of doubt, just another thought on this. A thought that would change the whole future of this village. "

Shayna begged in her heart as her tears dries against the wind blowing against her, while she rushes through the streets of the villages, searching for Little One's current caretakers. Little One finally feeling like he was getting somewhere, stops screaming as he rubs his water-filled eyes.

" Shayna?!"

Someone calls out as she passes them. She stops for a moment turning towards the light elf.

" What are you doing running about with a baby? "

The village questioned as she approached Shayna with open arms ready to receive the baby.

" Please! Please tell me where the travelers are! It's an emergency!"

Shayna begged as she informed. The villager seeing her desperation, let her hands fall to her sides.

" You should try the Chief's hut. That's where the travelers are currently taking shelter. Maybe they are there."

The villager suggested and immediately Shayna bowed showing her thanks. She then sprints towards the Chief's hut silently praying that they would be there and hoping that her prayers would reach her god without the hand gestures. She knocked on the door just for the door to swing open by itself.

" Hello??? Is anyone here?"

She called out as she enters the hut.

" Nehhhhhh"

Little One started squirming in her arms as he climbs over her shoulder wanting to go somewhere.

" This way?"

She questions as she walks toward a room on the right. With little hesitation, since she was trespassing, she pushes the door open revealing the empty guest bedroom.

" Uhhhh.... "

He whined as the feeling of crying again welled up within him.

" No, no. Don't cry. This is good. Their stuff is still here which means they are still in the village. If we stay here, we might catch them before they leave."

She gently explains as she rubs Little One's back and sits down on the bed. Little One however kept fussing wanting to go somewhere else to search. Shayna then felt again the strong anxiety and desperation to stop something.

" Danger?"

She questioned as she felt it from Little One. Her half-beast senses kicked in, as she did her best to speak the language of her people which were emotions. Which wasn't very clear and not reliable since everything was left up to interpretation. That was the main reason why they chose to learn the common language of humans since it was universal. Shayna stood up to her feet feeling extremely uneasy thanks to Little One.

"Something, something dangerous, stop."

Shayna closed her eyes trying to immerse herself in his swirling emotions. The walls of the room shake and creek. The sound of scratches upon wood as dark creatures outside their window banged against the window and claw their way through the walls. The cries of the dark creatures growled and shrieked. Each and every creature outside hummed growled and bellowed the same thing. Creating an incoherent mumbling symphony of one desire, one suggestion, one outcome of fate. Shayna felt suffocated from such a heavy atmosphere.

Her eyes snapped open as she gasp for breath for air, under the sudden heavy presence of evil. Slowly the darkness lifted from her sight and mind as she took in deep breaths. The afternoon sunlight finally reached her as she slowly calms down reminding herself it was afternoon and that she was safe.

" Dark creatures are targeting them... we must find them fast before they go anywhere too dark. "

She voices out with much urgency as she stood up from the bed, leaving the hut quickly after closing the door behind her. She rushed from hut to hut, asking them of Amon's or Philomel's whereabouts. Each place she visited kept directing her to a different hut, telling her they were there a while ago and moved on.

The evening sun was already peeking through the clouds by the time they reached their most promising lead.

" Yeah, she was here. Just 10 minutes ago, asked about Mountmend and watched her go down that pathway to check the place out."

The blacksmith explained as he worked on his porch, sharping blades.

" Maybe you shouldn't follow after her. You're holding a light elf baby, that attracts all kinds of things in the shadows."

He suggested as he lifted his blade to eye level checking on his work with a smile when he sees that it was almost to his standard.

" But isn't she a light elf too?"

Shayna questioned feeling extremely uneasy that Little One's caretaker would go there even though it was so dangerous

" I warned her as well but she said she would manage fine as long as she stayed under the sunlight. Still, extremely risky though, if you ask me. If a cloud or something like that passes by, those creatures might have a chance to attack. "

He informs her as he continues sharpening his blade. Shayna gazes up, noticing there wasn't a single cloud in the sky.

" I'll be quick and go get there."

She announced as she started her way down that path before the blacksmith could stop her.

" Hey! I wouldn't go there if I were you!!"

He yelled after her but Shayna paid no heed.

" You think that people would listen to the entrance guard of Mountmend but nope. Not even kids listen to me. *Snort*"

He snorted as he continues to sharpen his blade instead of going after Shayna and Little One.


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