
V5 Chapter 39 Friends ? 1/2 (FTC)

Silky thin white curtains were caught by the breeze of the wind flowing over a figure in the distance. The figure was slim and the curves of her body were well defined along with her flowing wavy long hair. Soft murmuring hummed of a lullaby drifts through the room as the figure sways to the rhythm of her tune, gently rocking a young baby. The wind stops blowing and the curtain falls back to the side revealing a young woman with beautiful raven hair and shimmering blue eyes that sparks like sapphires.

" Circles, in circles the world goes round

calling the sun to seize its smile

Morning, evening, star bright night

we all depend on his sweet light

Birds, bugs, beasts, trees, grass flowers

Blossom flowers, become sweetened fruit and then die.

born, grow up, and die.

Still, the wind blows, still, the rain falls

still the world goes round

Lifetime comes and goes in turns. "

The young elf sang as she rocks the baby in her arms coxing him to sleep.

*Thud thud thud*

In the distance heavy footsteps could be heard and she suddenly stops singing. She rushes to place the baby back into his crib next to his bright green eyes friend.

" I'm sorry."

She whispers to the baby as tears stream from her face. Her trembling lips leave one last kiss on the infant's forehead before backing away from the crib. Her eyes never left the child until the last moment. Until the moment she blinked and dashed out of the room. Droopy eyes slowly start closing, seeing a Holy Knight peering into the room before his little eyes closed.

" Ugh Ammmm ma."

Little One babbled as he reaches out, opening his eyes just to see sunlight glowing behind white. Sunlight glowed behind a figure smiling down at him. He could vaguely see red and white immediately recognizing it as Amon.

" Murrrmammmh..."

He struggled as the wave of dizziness hits him from all this light.

" Oh! Looks who's awake!"

An unfamiliar voice chimed next to him, as a shadow finally blocks the sunlight, and an unfamiliar extremely soft pair of hands pick him up, cradling him next to her chest.

" Everyone! Come meet our new friend! This is Little One and he'll be joining us all for today!"

Emma said in a gentle soft soothing tone as she places Little One in the playpen.

" Now since he is an elf, you'll have to be extremely gentle with him. Shayna, my little darling girl, won't you help mummy care of Little One while mummy makes breakfast for everyone?"

She called out asking her only child who was pinned down giggling under her friend.

" Yes, mummy. Move it Rich."

Shayna orders as she flips them over and pins him down with the pure strength of her legs before dashing to her mother's side. Little One lay down on the carpet, still blinking the sleep from his eyes.

" Good girl."

Emma praises as she kissed her daughter's forehead and gets up. All the half-beast children slowly crowd around Little One as Shayna sat down on the carpet and places him in her lap, letting him lean against her to stay seated upright.

" What is it? A human or an elf?"

The little brown bear, Rehaa asked as she sat down in front of Shayna.

" Looks like a human."

The lion cub, Richard pointed out as he sits down leaning against Shayna's shoulder, pretending to have a better look at Little One.

" Well, you're mistaken. He's an elf."

Shayna corrected him, turning to look at him just to notice how close he was to her. Without giving it a second thought she shoulders bump him to the side and out of her personal space. One of the black wolf pups runs up to Little One, sniffing him from head to toe. Little One sneezed at the wolf pup, making him jolt backward in shock.

" Doesn't smell like an elf."

Blaze commented as he sat down in front of the baby.

" What does he smell like then?"

The young fox, Rufus asked as she leaps onto Shayna's shoulders, laying draped over her shoulders and looking down at Little One from there.

" Milk."

Blaze answered as he scratched himself with his back leg. His brother suddenly pounced on him from behind, shoving him to the ground to get a look at Little One.

" Wow, he's as big as me."

The little wolf, Blain said in awe.

" Don't you mean as small as you!?"

Blaze grunted as he gets up and shakes his brother off his back. The last wolf pup finally gathers his courage and dashed right to Little One, stopping an inch away from the baby. His eyes immediately widen when he realized how close he was to Little One and started leaning back to avoid him.

Little One" Adaoinnn Hmmmer!"

Little One squealed in delight as he hugs the wolf pup. The wolf pup's tail immediately started wagging furiously as he nuzzles against the baby and licks him.

" I like him."

Blake announced as he moves closer to Little One.

" Hey! No fair! You weren't supposed to touch him!"

Blaze yelled at his brother, pushing him away from Little One.

" Now, now! Mummy said to be gentle with him. Touching is okay as long as we're careful."

Shayna reminds and stops Blaze from getting aggressive. Richard's paws suddenly came from next to her, brushing up against her arm as he picks up Little One from her lap.

" Rich! No! You'll drop him!"

She immediately stood up with outstretched arms ready to catch Little One.

" No, I won't! "

Richard reply in an annoyed tone as he cradle Little One to his chest and started walking toward the young kangaroo hiding behind a pillow in the corner. Seeing the lion cub approaching him with that scary thing he pressed himself deeper behind the pillow. Believing if he couldn't see it, it couldn't harm him.

" Kairu, there's nothing to be afraid of, he's just like you."

He explains as he puts down Little One on the pillow he was hiding behind.


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