
V5 Chapter 4 Council of the Elders

The soft glow of a campfire, basking the entire room with an orange glow. Cozy orange that clashes with the blue glow of the luminous limestone that lined the whole ceiling of the catacomb system. 5 different flags hung upon the wall of a circular cavern.

Each is newer than the last, each an updated version of the previous tribe symbol. Crimtroy's tribe symbol, what once used to be a pure white banner with a golden tree and a glowing silver silhouette of a goddess in the background, standing over the tree. Had changed to a blood-red banner. On the left, is the black silhouette of a goddess, turning her back on a black tree in the middle. Three small black silhouettes of elves stood in front of the black tree. On the right, is the black silhouette of a demon offering its clawed helping hand. The third banner was still blood red, but the stitches had changed into a black silhouette of a horned elf with clawed hands standing over the half-golden, half-black tree in a protective way.

The fourth, blood-red banner, showed the black silhouette of a horned elf, it smiled demonically as it showed off, all its sharp teeth. In the gap of the smile, right between its unhinged jaws was a golden tree. As if the demon elf was threatening to swallow the golden tree whole. Now, it was nothing more, than a blood-red banner with a clawed hand reaching upward, toward the golden tree that was out of reach. Around the golden tree was the silver silhouette of a goddess, embracing the golden tree, spreading her white light all around the tree in a protective way. Casting a sorrowful feeling for the clawed hand that could only reach, that could only dream but never be. The symbol of the 5th generation of Crimtroy.

A fit old man threw another log over the stone table and into the campfire that lay right the in the center of the round stone table.

Around the table seated in stone chairs, sat the 6 Elders of the village, and right in the middle sat their Chief, Chief Bloodfist. Their middle age, bulky Chief sat there with a grumpy expression on his face. Waiting for the Elders to come up with the solution, for their inconsistent and unreliable food supply. Since stealing supplies from other kingdoms and tribes can't be a permanent solution, no matter how hard, anyone convinces.

" We should just raid, pillage, and conquer new lands!"

The fit elder man suggested as he pounded his fist on the stone table to give his suggestion some impact. His blood was boiling, thirsting for action like the good old 4th generation. Back, when they brought about fear and mayhem to everyone who opposed them. Something, the Elder of War Strategies extremely missed as his blood simmers for the excitement of battle. Crimtroy's name, rose to be the most dangerous dark elf tribe in existence, during that generation and they were proud of it. Even though, they were the cause of a new law in every light elves committee. The law that all dark elves were to be purged on sight.

" Just like our forefathers did and where did that land us? We are cursed beings, no matter how far or where we go. Whatever paradise we land on, turns into a desert within 6 months. "

The middle age lady reminded as she drums her fingers upon the stone table. The Elder of Health and Family Welfare silently cursed the goddess who placed this curse upon all dark elves. The very same goddess that they were devoted to. Devoted to the point, that they would sell their soul to the devil in order to protect her people and lands during the God war. And this was how they were repaid, outcast, and cursed.

" 6 months is a pretty long time, I'm sure we would be able to find another solution for it."

The thin elder man interjected as he stroked his long beard and shifted in his hard stone chair. Even though it was uncomfortable for the Elder of Defence's frail old body, he made no mention of it. For this was the exact stone chair and table, his forefathers sat upon when they had nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Their forefathers had no choice but to leave their birthplace (the Grand Tree) and come to this patch of land, that was close to the sea. A patch of paradise, before part of the ocean dried up and everything else withered because of their curse. Everything they have now was through generations of hard work. Hard work that all elders and even the chief were constantly reminded of by their own meeting table. A table that their forefathers carved out with their bare hands as a reminder of their determination to survive.

" And if we don't find a solution? What are we to do then? Keep moving until the whole world becomes nothing more than a huge desert?"

The young adult questioned as he leaned back in his stone chair. The Elder of Law and Justice hid his annoyance caused by this discussion that had been going around in circles for the past 2 hours.

" Perhaps forging a bond with another god could be our salvation?"

Elder of innovation softly said in a tone that made her suggestion seem more like a question. The moment all turned to face her, the young adult meekly duck her head down, staring at the stone table, uncomfortable with so much attention.

" Perhaps."

Before the Elder of Inventory could even say anything, everyone around the table immediately interrupted him.

Everyone else in the room" You were timed out."

They all reminded him, making the slender middle age man, frown as he crossed his arms.

" We are in this mess because we left you in charge be grateful that it's only a time out and nothing more."

The Chief shakes his fist at the Elder of Inventory, frustrated with the Elder.

" Sir."

A voice calls out from the entrance of the meeting room. A young face peeks through the curtains, which served as a door since the Chief blew apart the last one, during one of his outbursts.

" Yes?"

The Chief looked up, not bothering to stop shaking his fist at the Elder of Inventory.

" One of the scavengers wishes to report something to you."

The lad informs as Philomel's head peeks out from behind the lad.

" Send them in. It's not like this meeting is heading anywhere."

He grumbled as he waves the young maiden in. Philomel enters the meeting room, kneeling on the ground and bowing to all Elders as a sign of respect.

" Approach."

The Chief ordered as he stopped shaking his fist and waved Philomel to come closer. Philomel made her way to the Chief with her head bowed, when she reached his side she whispered into his ear.

" The light elf savior prophecy has come true"

Chief's grim expression quickly changes as his eyes widen, and glances at the young maiden. As calmly as he can, he waves her off and Philomel disappears out of the room as quickly as she came.

" Wise Elders, I have come across terrible news. The prophecy of the young Messiah has come to pass. The child was born and you all know the horror we will face if the baby comes to age and brings about peace."

The Chief calmly stated as turmoil and panic spread throughout every Elder in the room. Instantly knowing, the exact type of doom that would be brought about, if this Messiah delivers all light elves to the holy lands.

" We'll not only lose our, only reliable support in supplies from Luxtorious! We could be sealed within our doomed area! We'll be stuck here in the middle of nowhere! In these sand storms! Forever! Where we will soon run out of food. Our future looks extremely grim, knowing that we will turn against each other as we all eventually starve to death. We must take action now! Take over that forest that is rightfully ours! And put a stop to the girl!... or boy... or whatever gender that Messiah is."

Elder of War shot up from his seat as he panicked before trailing off toward the end and waving off the fact.

" Are you mad? We haven't the weapons nor the manpower to strike against a whole city! Did you forget we're a small diminishing tribe?? Doing so now, we'll only be fighting a losing battle and lose whatever supplies we have left along with it!"

Elder of Health reminded him with a shrilled voice as she slapped the palm of her hand on the stone table.

" Then what you suppose we do?! Wait, around this table until the... boy or girl comes to age and puts a stop to all that we fought so hard for?!"

Elder of Defence questioned as he leaned forward and sat up, straight.

" Or we could."

The Elder of Inventory was about to suggest but was instantly interrupted, yet again.

" Not you!"

All Elders yelled as they all glared at the frowning man.

" You been time out, so less with the yapping and more with the zip it."

Elder of War reminded with a glare as he swiped a flattened hand past his neck, gesturing cut off before gesturing blah blah blah with his hand and moving on, to gesture a striking snake, toward Elder of Inventory from across the table.

" But."

The Elder of Inventory protested.

" Ah!"

Elder of War's gesturing snake returned to its striking pose as he stared threateningly at the Elder of Inventory. The Elder of Inventory pouted, feeling extremely underappreciated.

" We could strike slightly before the... boy or girl... Why didn't anyone ask Philomel if it is a girl or boy?! This is really throwing us off!"

Elder of Law started and instantly got distracted.

" I say it's a girl. So let's talk under the assumption it's a she."

Elder of War chimed as his gestured snake turns into a raised hand.

" Why a girl? Does the gender of the child really matter?? What are we going to do? Make sure the sword the child is going to use, has the right color handle depending on the gender?! We aren't bringing the child a birthday present! ... Aren't we?"

Elder of Health wondered out loud as she glanced at each Elder for an answer.

" Well, of course not! Who would give a present to the enemy celebrating her birth? But if we are going to get slaughtered I rather be gazing at a beautiful sexy light elf in my final moments."

Elder of War crossed his arms as his eyes closed and started to imagine the situation with many approving nods.

" How do you know she'll be sexy?"

The Elder of Inventory blurted out before anyone could cut him off and since it was small talk, they allow it to slide.

" Any woman with the skill of wielding a weapon is sexy by my account."

Elder of War grinned as he thumbed up.

" *Sighs* Graktor... "

Elder of Defence sighed out the Elder of War's name with much annoyance.

" What?"

Graktor questioned with a tilted head as he turned to the Elder of Defence.

" Never mind. Let's just get back to the topic at hand."

Elder of Defence waved Graktor off before he gestured toward the Elder of Law and Justice to finish his thought."

" Right! We could strike slightly before she comes of age by then we surely would be ready to strike.

The Elder of Law and Justice nodded before finishing his sentence.

" And how can you be sure of that? What if the demons come back to collect the rest of their ridiculous cost for our dark magic or our inner demon turns against us? Or some other crisis that needed all of our knights, what then?"

Elder of Innovation softly muttered as she rubs her hands together, nervously.

" Silence"

The Chief said with a gentle tone, but immediately all the Elders stopped bickering as the room filled with a heavy atmosphere.

" There's nothing to fear, as long as we're together. No one can take us down. Not even this so-called Messiah. They say in the future the child will live on in tales and become immortal but what if we cut her lifeline short... Before she has a tale? Someone that breeze past like a shadow hidden behind the cover of night. Let's be generous and welcome this new Messiah with the birthday present called death."

The chief declared, calmly with a grin, giving a moment for his idea to sink it. With the snap of the chief's fingers, the Elder of Defence immediately stood up and slowly made his way out of the room. The elder man shuffled toward the bustling main cabin.

Slowly but steadily,

the man did rise,

his nobby legs shivered and strained

as he climbed.

Up the steps toward a trunk

that was once a tree

but now nothing more, than a stub.

Its only use served as a stand.

Located upon an elevated part,

within the nook of the vast craven.

The prune-faced man

gazes down upon his people.

Zooming about their normal routine,

the man regretted for breaking

such a peaceful scene.

With his lips pursed,

he lets out a low whistle.

Within such a craven,

its tune causes quite a heckle.

The tune echoed

throughout the entire catacombs,

catching everyone's attention

in such a subtle way.

Instantly the entire place quiets down,

stopping in their tracks.

They didn't hear the whistle of a man

but rather a summon

from the old man's inner demon.

" All manner of beast hear my call, forefather's blood all flow as one. Descendants of the great but now our power flickers and wane. No more does our skin blossom and bloom as our forefathers. We have lost the dark impenetrable blue of our demon skins. We have lost much and now we are all that's left. Even so, the grim reaper knocks upon our door, calling for the demonic blood that flickers in our veins. The price of our ancestors' deal with the devil.

But are we to stand here and allowed ourselves to be purged?"

Elder of Defence rasped out, yet no one turn away nor doubt him.


They all cried, still carrying on their forefathers' determination to survive.

" Then we must take a stand against this grim reaper! Light elves' hearts joined as one brought about the legendary miracle of a Messiah. The child's light will find us, and so will their knights to purge everyone in sight."

As soon as the words left his lips, everyone's face twisted in grimace. The echoes of wailing from a couple of men and women vibrate throughout the catacombs. The elder clears his throat once more and the whole place fell into silence again. Everyone straining their elf ears to hear, hanging on every word. The words that will determine their faiths.

" One that's slick, that no shadow can be traced, sneak to the babe's place and bring the end to her tale, before dawn breaks. Fail and return, then your fate is sealed. Another will follow upon news of the prior's death. Decide amongst yourselves who is willing to take up the quest. But do keep in mind, the consequences that shall befall you if you were to fail."

With a solemn warning, the elder step away from the tree trunk and shuffle his way back to the darkest part of the catacombs, from whence he came.

Instantly the entire catacombs started buzzing with fear and anxiety. Pushing each other to take on the task, knowing what would happen if they don't decide before dusk.

No man nor woman wanted to go, knowing that they would be walking to their deaths, if they take this quest. One person against the whole city of light elves. Trying to kill their Messiah. It's close to impossible, not to be caught, especially since with their dark skin they stuck out like a sore thumb.

And yet if no one goes, the Chief ..... Fear shook them to the bone. As their knees wobble like jelly just recalling what he did to the last person...

A burn mark in the shape of a person on the wall of the main cavern reminded them of the terrors of their Chief. Or rather the fearsome power of his inner demon. An inner demon he would lose control of if he was enraged.

Someone must go, but who?


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