
Chapter 10

Sitting on the back of the car I started reforming my previous body and had to make a choice, I didn't have enough biomass to keep the same level of protection on my original body and make it the same size.

A brief moment later I took my human form, without enough biomass I was left far more fragile than usual weighting only around 50 kilos but my shape was the same.

"Why the hell did we just get attacked by four supers?" I asked Ha-Jin with genuine curiosity "is there even a gang with four supers in the city?"

I mean I knew it was because of my harsh action with Obata but, for fuck's sake how did they manage to get four super villains working together, they hate working together.

"There's no gang with four medium tier villains in the city" he answered making me even more confused, that means they had hired mercenaries or were working together "If I had to guess they're scared young master"

"Of what? Before today I only killed normals"

"It's been my experience that new vigilantes are very… inconvenient" he briefly glanced at the rear mirror and slowed down to avoid drawing attention "with both heroes and villains they know where to stand, heroes care about public image and obeying the law so they don't kill or even hurt others.

Villains, despite what movies want you to believe; don't want to take over the world or cause massacres, most of them are in it for power and money so they too can be predictable, they're a known entity.

New vigilantes are unknown, you already showed willingness to kill and not care about the police but what's your bottom line, will you kill everyone involved? Will you go after every criminal in the city? With both a new murderous vigilante and the female disappearances in the city every gang is on edge and they probably thought eliminating you early was the best choice"

I took the lesson in and nodded, I suppose Ha-Jin would know how the criminal underworld would act.

Plus there was this Misogy to think about, a city in such volatile situation was ripe for a mastermind to make use of and that's what he sounded like.

Only a mastermind could have found me and organized an alliance in such short time, thinking about the ambush I quickly grabbed Ha-Jin's phone and called the clinic.

"Osen is everything alright over there?"

"Everything's fine my Lord, a single villain tried to enter the building but I easily dealt with him"

I released a sigh, so they had found Saki but she hadn't been a priority. Good.

"Call for reinforcement from some of my sponsored mercenaries" Osen was my best and most loyal employee but, since they already found the place there's no need for subterfuge anymore "I want you to look at a new villain, they called him Misogy and he's probably a mastermind who deals with drugs and slaves"

"As you wish my Lord"

Sending a copy of the information I had on Norio and the one who sold him the drug I gave the phone back and spent the rest of the morning checking on the 12 targets my investigative had found.

It seems like I had really gotten lucky with my first ones since all 12 were perfectly average people with no connection to any media from my previous life.

"Damn I could eat a whole cow" I complained while throwing myself inside the car "better yet, I'm GOING to eat an entire cow no, two cows! Ha-Jin get it arranged"

"Right away" he answered without even lifting an eyebrow.

It's so good to have competent employees

Just how much did a cow weight anyway?

I had thought that if I just stopped holding back on my biokinesis and using my resources it would be enough to deal with anyone I found but, since there was now some kind of villain alliance after me it was time to get some upgrades.

Finding two cows, getting them cooked and delivered home was surprisingly easy when you had the money I did, about three hours later I stood on my private gym and started testing my new body until I was properly satisfied.

With how my muscles worked, how fast I could move and my improved reaction speed I had already been an impressive fighter but, after consuming biomass until I was weighting two tons I was a completely different fighter.

I had always kept my body weighting around 220kg, it was nowhere near enough biomass for me to reach my peak performance but, if I made myself much heavier, I'd start facing inconveniences such as breaking chairs when I sit down or crushing someone if I tripped.

With the extra biomass I acquired I managed to improve my muscles even further almost doubling my speed and strength despite the increased weight.

The equation for force is mass times acceleration, weighting two tons and being almost twice as fast I now hit just about twenty times harder and could take far more punishment.

Fuck I doubt a grenade could even hurt me now much less send me flying.

Satisfied I let my body drop on the sofa and sank right through the stuffing, with a loud snap the wooden frame broke like a twig and I was left sprawling in the floor with a destroyed couch.

Making sure not to push against the sofa I went to my bedroom and turned on my PC, I almost sat down on the chair when I remembered I actually liked the thing and had to stay on my feet as I checked my documents for a solution.

Come on I had to be employing a mad scientist or magic user that could help me with this.

It seems I didn't employ any such person but I had the next best thing, a cultivator.

Cultivators hadn't been around in the world for all that long since our planet had barely any Qi but they had opened a portal a few decades before the demonic invasion and started pouring in once a year or so.

It seems the annoying, arrogant assholes had thought this was a mystic real or something and promptly sent waves of teenager to plunder everything around the portal despite how lacking in Qi it was.

Like a cloud of locust they sacked nearby cities twice before the local government got fed up with things, they had made the mistake of opening the portal at the same time and location every year so, when it opened for the third time, the government had evacuated the area and bombed the hell out of it killing every invader.

Like the brainded idiots they are the cultivators escalated.

Next time they came they sent six so called core formation elders to clear the way and it was a bloodbath, the military still managed to kill two of the elders but they were all slaughtered and a wave of far stronger cultivators were released to attack a far larger area.

Until they pissed off a super villain who called himself Grana and the man bombarded them all with some kind of bean of sunlight. The government also had enough and used the chance to send nuclear weapons through the breach.

It seems that getting hit with nuclear weapons in their own realm was enough to teach them some manners because, next time the rift opened, they chose to negotiate and, since them, some cultivators come over to experience the world or take vocations.

When I first stepped into the car the entire car released a dangerous noise and I sank into the seat until I could feel the metal bellow it.

This would get annoying very fast.

With a sigh I noticed the car had started to tilt to my side and had to adjust my place until I was sitting in the middle of the seats, thank god father bought such good cars because I don't think an average vehicle could carry me now that I weighted so much.

The cultivator's shop and house was an odd building, there were half a dozen lightning rods sticking out of the roof and an electric generator half the size of the house on the yard.

A dense stream of noxious black smoke poured from the huge chimney constantly forming a huge cloud above the house and there were dozens of pipes running through the walls.

In short it looked like the unholy union of a mad scientist's lair and the demon king's castle.

"Remind me to get the smoke filters replaced more often" I said as I got out of the car, it seems like he had gotten better at using average ingredients to cause calamities after so long in our world.

I knocked at the door but there was no response so I just entered, the front of the house had been turned into a small shop with cultivation pills resting inside hundreds of glass bottles, there were some strange artifacts ranging from a golden hairpin to dozens of wooden swords and even some giant woks.

I was just about to call out when every light in the house flashed and I winced as a bolt of lightning hit the house rattling the windows, Ha-Jin grabbed for his weapon but I shook my head

"Muahahaha" came a loud male laugh from deep inside the house "With a snap of my fingers I, Bai Xiaochun, have reduced tribulation lightning to a mere energy source!"

With a smile on my face I rang the bell on the table a few times until I heard Xiaochun stumbling inside the house.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" he shouted in a hurried voice and made a lot of noise as he hurried around "Dear customer just a moment, I'm coming!"

With a shake of my head I started looking at his goods while waiting for the man to arrive, he still took almost twenty minutes to finally appear behind the counter.

Bai Xiaochun wore a giant powerarmor so dense the armor must have been at least 10 centimeters thick, there were five swords at his waist and three handguns magnetically held at each of his legs, four belts filled with pill bottles hang from his chest and there were at least seven different riffles at his back including a giant plasma gun and a gunblade.

He looked like the world's most hardcore mall ninja.

"Sorry for the delay, what can I do for you" finally finding his place behind the counter he lifted his helmet and saw me "oh, it's you"

"Did you have to get into full gear just to answer the door?" I asked in annoyance.

"Hey, what if it was an enemy? This world is a Qi wasteland how am I supposed to rebuild my reserves if I had to fight?" he shivered inside the armor and sighed "I don't want to risk my life, now what did I do this time?"

"Don't worry, I'm actually here as a customer" I said, I had to warn him away from some of his wilder ideas once or twice so he didn't look forward to my visits "say do you have anything capable of lowering my weight?"

"Well I do have weight reduction pills but I didn't think you needed them?"

I released a sigh, I really should have expected that answer.

It took me a few minutes to explain my situation and Bai Xiaochun kept asking questions, I didn't want to reveal too much but, when I told him someone had blown up my head and it was only a minor inconvenience he almost jumped me.

"TEACHE ME MASTER!" he grabbed my hands and bowed at the waist in deep respect.

"Bai Xiaochun it's a superpower not a cultivation method" I sighed and took a step back "You know I can't actually teach anyone how to do it"

"Tsk… alright, what do you want from me?" he said returning to his normal position but I could just feel the annoyance and envy oozing out of him "I'm an apothecary not an artifact forger there's not much I can do for you"

"A pity, and just when I was about to offer you the chance to study a vampire?" I tempted, turning around as if to leave the shop "they don't age, ever, plus I heard the stronger ones have an even better regeneration than me, able to re-grow their entire bodies from a single drop of blood."

"Hey now, I didn't say I don't have a solution!" he almost shouted and then coughed behind his helmet "Ehem, I mean I may have an artifact that could help you"

"I'm listening"

"Alright you said you can modify your body as you wish?" I nodded and he looked aside thinking for a few seconds "and you can change where your brain is without trouble? Can you also generate electricity?"

"Moving my brain isn't a problem" I said and thought about it, copying and even improving the ability from an electric eel or something wouldn't be that hard, in fact why hadn't I done it already? "And I can probably generate enough electricity to power a house with some work"

"Good, I'm going to have to talk with my sect uncle but I can modify something for you but it'll take a week or two" he said eagerly and already started going back.

"You do know there are inventors and magicians around right? You aren't my only option" I tried, Bai Xiaochun was really the only one I'd trust to make me something but I didn't want to wait too long for a solution.

"Right, right" he said to try and buy some time before he remembered something "don't worry I have something you can use until the artifact is ready"

Grabbing at his back he pulled out his bag holding and a spirit stone using it to channel a little Qi and open the bag pulling an ornate golden feather and three bags.

"This is a failed temporary flight item I lot… I mean acquired from a fellow disciple" he said and pushed it forwards "It can't let you fly but, if you press a spirit stone against it the item will lower your weight so you can be pushed around by a strong wind… I don't know how much it'll work on you but it should help"

I looked at the feather and the bags of spirit stones, it wasn't ideal but I decided I could probably trust Bai Xiaochun's thirst for immortality "Alright but I'll only get you the vampire if I'm satisfied with your solution"

"Oh don't worry, you will be" He pushed out his chest forwards and I could just feel the smug smile behind his helmet.

Grabbing the feather I picked a spirit stone and touched it feeling my body getting much lighter, I didn't have a way to measure my weight but I was probably 25 times lighter.

It wouldn't let me float in the wind but it was a good solution outside of a fight.

Looking at the artifact I saw the Qi leaving the spirit stone in a steady stream to the point it would only last ten to twenty minutes, looking at Bai Xiaochun I lifted an eyebrow.

He grumbled a little but pulled out another three bags of spirit stones and pushed them my way.

Satisfied with the temporary solution I pressed both the feather and one of the bags of spirit stones against my exposed skin and absorbed them inside putting them beside the teleport button.

"Ah, before I forget, you do have a few poison pills for sale right" I asked looking around the shop.

"I do know a few things about poison yes" he said with some pride his eyes shining even behind his helmet "Tell me what you need"

Putting a few dozen pills away I smiled and stepped into the car. I saw it start to sink from my weight and touched the spirit stone to the feather, immediately feeling the car return to normal.

Yes, this would do for now and, if Bai Xiaochun failed to produce a solution it would still give me time to find someone else.

Glancing back at the house I remembered Xiaochun's exited voice and felt a shiver crawl up my spine "Ha-Jin get some of the men to evacuate the nearby houses even further and put a few on mad scientist watch, I don't want another clothes destroying rain or horned snake attack in my hands also, find out where I can capture a vampire, one of the evil ones that is"

Entering the car Ha-Jin pulled out his phone and spoke with someone for a few seconds before turning to me.

"Young master it seems one of our watches saw The Beast entering your school"


"A very minor gang leader with increased strength, he's a barely E rank super who deals mostly with protection racket and drugs"

"Where the fuck were all those villains coming from I thought they'd still be hiding" I complained, did this Misogy already found out my true identity and started targeting me? "How many men do I have watching the school?"

"A few, should I order them to deal with him?"

Fuck was this another trap, were there more villains waiting around to strike?

"No, tell them to protect Kinomi and the rest of my friends and just watch him from I distance" I ordered, I didn't want to risk leaving anyone I cared about open for an attack and my men weren't hired to deal with supers anyway.

Twenty minutes later I entered the school on foot and nodded to the guard at the gate, classes had already ended but there were still a lot of students inside participating in club activities "Where is he?"

"He was last seen entering the Karate Club with Sakamoto from third year and a few of his friends"

Was he trying to recruit them to his gang or something, well I never interacted all that much with Sakamoto but he did have the fame of being an arrogant asshole.

Well, hopefully this wasn't about me after all.

Hurrying through the campus I deactivated the Artifact and felt my feet sink a few millimeters into the ground with every step as I took a shortcut away from the paved path.

Increasing my senses I made myself ready to change into a fighting form as fast as I could and approached the Karate clubroom finally managing to hear what they were talking inside.

"And I thought you told me she isn't weak" said an adult male from inside

"You're just too strong Tetsu"

"It kind feels like I'm bullying a weakling"

When I started to hear a female quietly sobbing I increased my speed, starting to run in a straight line towards the room.

For fuck's sake what the hell is wrong with this city that I keep meeting rapists and slavers everywhere I look, using all my senses I saw their heat from behind the walls.

I released a sigh of relief when I saw that, although hurt and exposed the girl hadn't been raped yet but it would be a close thing, the biggest guy was already taking off his pants.

"I'm gonna warn you before… what the hell?" he screamed as I burst through the doors and took in the situation.

The girl laid on the floor in a sprawling mess, her hair was all out of place and her clothes were ripped leaving her pussy and breasts exposed, her mouth was hanging open and she was quietly crying but, when I arrived, she turned my way with a mixture of fear and hope in her cloudy eyes.

There were three male students including Sakamoto standing around her and The Beast, or Tetsu I guess, had pulled out his erect cock, he stood over two meters tall and filled with muscles, his body mostly naked but for wrestling mask and boots.

"Who the hell are you?" the minor super frowned my way but I just ignored him.

Starting to take of my shirt I walked straight towards the girl, she was very short but had a very fit body with lean muscles which were already starting to bruise from the fight, her face was cute but she was still acting dazed.

Tetsu continued to talk but my rage had started building up and I no longer heard him, when I finally approached the girl he screamed and punched me in the head.

The man already had a tall and strong body, coupled with his minor super strength he actually hit pretty hard, enough to kill a man in a single hit.

My head didn't even move.

I finished taking off my shirt and looked around the room to see if I couldn't sense anyone else in hiding.

Spending a second to glare his way I decided I was done with this idiot, here I was getting ready for a major attack and it was probably just an arrogant horny idiot trying to rape an underage girl.

Striking fast I grabbed his face with my hand and squeezed, with a scream of pain he tried to break my arm, when that didn't work he put my arm in a lock and tried to throw himself to the ground using his entire weight as leverage, with my new mass I barely felt it.

Now dragging the man by his head I approached the girl and put my shirt around her shoulders before helping her get into her feet. Her legs were a little shaky but she grabbed my arm and pressed herself against it before finally starting to cry.

"Why did this happen" she cried in a quiet voice "I don't want this"

"Don't worry you're safe now" I told her and squeezed Tetsu's face even harder, one of my fingers piercing through his cheek while and feeling his bones starting to crack under my strength

"I admitted defeat…" she whispered as if she still couldn't understand what was happening "I apologized…"

"Shhhh, everything is fine now"

Glancing away from her desperate dark eyes I saw Ha-Jin kicking one of the guys back inside the room pointed him out to her.

"See that man over there? He'll take you to the schools showers so you can wash everything away" she nodded to me and I released her, watching her stumble towards my bodyguard "Did you find anyone else?"

"No, it seems this was really a coincidence" he told me and helped the girl before leaving the room, slamming the door as they left.

"Now what do I do with you?"

I wanted to finish them all as painfully as I could but remembered what Ha-Jin had told me earlier and decided to make use of at least one, vigilantes are scary when you don't know their bottom line so I just had to tell them my limits.

I didn't want to spend the rest of my life dealing with petty crime in the city or having every criminal trying to kill me, more than that I didn't actually care all that much about most crime.

I'd never be able to eliminate all of it anyway, there'd always be some form of prostitution and drug traffic so I'd just try to eliminate things I really hated and, if there was gonna be crime, why not control it?

As I felt Tetsu finally giving up and start crying under my grip I smiled, yes they would fight a vigilante but what if I become just another crime lord, the crime lord in the city?

"Alright listen well because I'm only gonna say this once" I said and lifted the man by his head straining his neck, shifting my hand I increased its size and grew giant claws made of bone "I don't tolerate rape or slavery, almost everything else I can tolerate but if you rape or enslave people I'm gonna come after you, spread the world"

Then I ripped off one of Tetsu's arms spraying blood all over the three guys, before he could die from blood loss I grabbed his cock and ripped it off as well before dropping him to the ground, breaking his jaw and shoving his own dick down his throat until he could no longer breath.

Just to make sure, as he started choke at his own member I created a few stings and filled his body with executioner wasp venom causing all his muscles to lock up in pain.

Releasing the dying man I turned my eyes back to the three idiots who were now crying and screaming while trying to keep away from me, a second later one of them tried to climb through one of the small windows and I struck.

My claws ripped his back open with so much strength I cut right through his bones severing his spine and almost bisected his body entirely.

The other two tried to make a run for it but I kicked the legs from under the second guy and grabbed Sakamoto's head smashing it into the ground with as much power as I could manage.

Instead of bursting like a watermelon his skull broke through the wooden floor filling his face bleeding and filled with huge splinters so I lifted him by the hair and punched a hole right through his chest crushing his rigs and ripping out his hearth.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god" the surviving guy pissed himself, falling on his ass he started crawling away from me until his hands slipped on a pool of blood and his shirt was soaked in the red liquid.

"Oh shut up you're the lucky one who gets to survive" I scolded grabbing him by the leg and pulling his body closer "One of you has to deliver my message after all"

"Oh fuck, please don't kill me!" He screamed and continued to panic until I slapped his face leaving deep gashes but making sure he didn't die.

"Shut up" using my power I shifted my face and voice into that of a bearded man of about 35 years and sighed in relief "Ah, much better, had to change in order to enter the school without drawing attention you know"

He just nodded in desperation swallowing hard and wiping away a tear with his blood soaked shirt.

"Now, as for my message" I got up and walked towards Tetsu to see if he was already dead "I'm taking the territory around Obata's pub, it's mine now, his business is mind, his hookers are mine, everything is mine and people have a week to get the fuck away from it before I make them

I'll also be coming after anyone practicing slavery or rape in this city, I don't mind other crimes but I won't allow rapist and slavers to live anywhere if I can reach them, don't do that and we won't have problems you understand? Repeat it to me"

"Oba-Obata's territory is yo-yours, no ra…ra…rape or slavery" he stuttered and I smiled patting his shoulder and making him whimper.

"Good boy" seeing as the super had finally died I crouched over him and ripped his head off dropping it on the boy's lap "here, a gift for your boss"

Reaching the door I paused long enough to change into Sakamoto's shape, then happily waved at the only survivor and spoke with his friend's voice "See you later man!"

I didn't know if the subterfuge would work but I doubt the guy had even recognized my true face anyway… plus I was seriously out of fucks to give, father was powerful enough to make anyone think five to six times before coming for him and, unless they sent a nuke or a few A classes, I could probably deal with things.

Finding Ha-Jin at the school's shower rooms I changed back to my body and made sure he'd keep the girl safe, make sure she went home and all that before deciding I'd find Kinomi, I was done for the day and it would be nice to walk home with her.

Hey it's a new chapter,

My notebook is kind of fucked so I'm writting from my phone most of the time, as a resut updates may come even slower but I won't be dropping this novel anytime soon.

ha, it's fun to find characters to fill every role in my chapters, could I have used an OC as one of the MC's employees capable of helping with his weight? Sure, but half the fun of writting this is finding cameos from works I have read that could function for the role.

I was originally going to find someone from a fantasy setting but I decided that Xianxia could work as well.

CaptaoCavcreators' thoughts
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