
Lost in the mountains of doom and death.

At Za's palace in Qing dynasty, a hill top grand edifice stood, with battalions and troops guarding all four post of the palace. At a room feminine laughter was heard, Emperor Za was taking his bath, with nubile women and maidens when Commander Foon came in with Tang Wai;

"Greetings Emperor Za!" commander Foon echoed with Tang Wai.

Za Ming was still having fun with the women, while Foon Za and Tang Wai bowed their heads.

"You know – duty should never entangle pleasure? Right?"

"Yes, Emperor Za, but Tang said it was urgent." said Commander Foon.

"Ok! Go on!" Emperor Za said while still engrossed with one of the nubile maiden.

Tang Wai gave a brief account of his encounter with Wong Su soldiers and as he was about concluding his remarks; Za ming pulled out a dagger from the side of the pool and thrust it towards Tang, the dagger cut off the upper half of Tangs ears; with him writhing in pain.

"The next time, it would be your head; so you were attacked by Wong Su soldier's twin fortnight ago and you didn't send the message to the capital?" Za Ming inquired.

"I am sorry, Emperor Za!" replied Tang.

"Foon, give them hell tonight! And bring me the head of Fara Chin and Riro Shu Chin!"

"Yes Emperor Za, it is done!"


Night watch at the mouth of the wilderness of Gol, Wong Su soldiers was seen in trenches spread across its width. At the left wing of the trench an arrow was shot from the wilderness, it thrust a soldier's heart and Wong Su danger call resounded. At that instant rains of arrows was seen in the air descending into the trenches with Wong Su soldiers forming a shield of defense, as it stopped, from the wilderness was an in rushing Za Ming's invincible troops led by Foon Za Wai and they were met at the base of the wilderness of Gol. Battle ensued with both troops engaged.

Some troops stationed at Lang River redeployed to the wilderness of Gol to hold the fort, the battle continued for hours at deadlock, Foon gave a battle cry and other troops of Za's invincible led by Mai Lang Wai attacked from River Lang. This was too much for Wong Su troops as they fought with gallantry but was soon overcome by the overwhelming forces and they fell. Foon and Mai led troops was consuming Wong Su troops from both side like fire in a dry savannah.


Remnant of Wong Su troops were gathered before Commander Foon on their knees.

"So, where is Fara Chin and Riro Shu Chin?" inquired Foon.

No one answered.

"Ok!" Foon pulled two toddlers from the grips of their mother.

"I won't ask again! You want them dead, huh!" pulling the male toddlers head backwards with his blade stationed at the throat.

"Ok! Ok! Wait - - I am Fara Chin!" replied a voice from among the troops.

"Oh! A disguising king, huh!" he said as he pushed Fara to kneel beside Fo at the front of their troops.

"Now, where is Riro Shu Chin? Your son!"

"I don't know where he is," replied Fara.

He was struck on his face by Foon with blood spilling from his mouth. Foon stroked him continuously and then stopped.

"You are hard, huh!" he said as he walked past both men and pulled a soldier from among the troops and stabbed his right eye. The soldier screamed violently.

"Now tell me, where is Riro Shu Chin!" Foon shouted into his ears.

"He – He – He fled the city, a week ago!" the soldier responded.

"Oh! A disguising coward as a father and a fugitive as a son," He said as he clapped his hand with Fara fuming with disgust.

He turned swiftly towards Fara with the swing of his right hand; he chopped Fara's head off.

"You are in command, now." He laughed as he touched Fo's shoulder.

At his wink, Fo was struck and he lost consciousness.


At the west side of River Lau Chow, twenty feet's away from the river bank, Riro and the furious five paddled a floating raft made of bamboo tied together with ropes. Riro and Bomra sat at the foremost, while Koala and Egret – behind and Donnie and Lee at the hind. At some feets closer to the River bank, Riro suspected movement.

"You see that?" Riro said to Bomra while raising his left hand.

"See what? Don't tell me you're already developing cold feet." Bomra said as the others burst out laughing.

"Something is not just right!" Riro said while lowering his hand. At that instant ten barbarians emanated from the water carrying hand knife with curved blade and fight ensued. Also others rushed towards them from the shoreline.

"Row back – Row back!" Riro shouted while trying to ward-off some at his front. Koala and Egret made frantic effort to paddle swiftly away from the bank with barbarians trying to pull the raft back to shore. As Riro was confronting six barbarians, he saw Bomra struggling with five, the last of them was pulling the scroll away from Bomra's backpack, he thrust through the barbarians chest and the barbarian fell into the river with the scroll in his hand, turning he saw a blade swing past him, as he ducked, then another pierced his shoulders. At some distance away from the river bank, the barbarians withdrew.

"Is everyone Ok?" Riro asked.

"Yes we are good!" echoed by all.

"You are bleeding."

"I will be fine." At that instant Riro fell on the raft with his eyes closed.


Riro turned to his left and opened his eyes, he saw the furious five round the fire chattering spiritedly, as he looked up he saw the skies dark and filled with dreamy stars.

"Look who is up, my hero!" Bomra exclaimed.

Riro tries to sit up with difficulty as he saw his left shoulder wrapped firmly. Bomra walked towards Riro and squatted in front of him.

"How long have I been out?"

"Up until now," Bomra said while flashing a quick look at the sky.

"Where are we?"

"Very close to the mountain." With the others standing round both of them;

"We have some good and bad news for you," Bomra said while winking at Riro.


"The bad news is that we lost the map and the good news is – we are safe now. So get some sleep." She said as she stood up.

"It's good to have you back bro." Lee Wong said as he touched Riro on the shoulder.


Located on the left wing on the mountain was a dispersed settlement of huts and thatched roofs. And at the foremost part of the settlement stood a gigantic mud hut with skulls hanging on columns at its entrance and dried meat spread across its entire perimeter.

Tang Wai was sitting on an arm chair with a maiden rubbing his back with oily balms with his eyes closed. He heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Commander Tang – Greetings!" a soldier said with his head bowed.

"The returning scouts are here – Commander Tang."

"Send them in."

"Commander Tang – Greetings!"

Tang Wai lean backwards and beckoned on the scout.

"Commander Tang – we ran into Riro and his furious five at the bank of River Lau Chow and found this." presenting the scroll containing the map to Tang Wai.

"And Riro?"

"He fled wounded – Commander." Tang Wai pulled his hand knife from his waist belt and the soldier fell to the floor headless.

"Take him out!"

"So Riro fled Wong Su?" he spoke to himself as he licked the blood from his hand knife while opening the scroll.

"Oh-oo! A map leading to the mountain, he must have a lot of guts to think he can make it through." Tang Wai sat back on his chair as the maiden continued.


Riro and the furious five are walking on a field, close to deep vegetation with a foot trail.

"We have been going round in circles for days!" Donnie remarked while yawning.

"Yes, I am so tired – my feet's hurts!" Bomra said while sitting on a rock. She is joined closely by Egret.

"It seems we are lost." Lee said.

"Lost in the woods!" Koala said in a sing-song manner as Donnie joined with his banjo.

"Always a nuisance." Remarked Egret as he looked away in disgust.

"I am so famished. If not for your smelly behind I would have eaten you long ago." Koala jeered.

"So says the aging dwarf!" retorted Egret.

"So anyone have an idea of what we should do next?" Riro inquired. Donnie shot his hands up.

"Return back home!" All started laughing.

"You know Wong Su would have been invaded," Riro said as his countenance dropped.

"And we couldn't help them,"

"You know it's not our fault, beside this journey is for the greater good of Wong Su." Bomra replied.

"I wish I could see Wong Su again."

"We would – if … You hear that!" Bomra said while placing her ears to the ground.

The sound of boots marching closer and closer was heard. Barbarians were seen marching towards them. Riro and the furious five quickly hid themselves.

Barbarians got close to the vegetation and took the foot trail through it. At some feet's away from the entrance, Riro and the furious five descended from the trees and attacked the barbarians. Barbarians retaliated. With clasping swords and bizarre attacks; they fought.


Riro and the furious five stood in front of a barbarian tied to a stake. Riro sprinkled water on his face and he jilted.

"Um – Uhm!" Riro gestured with his fore finger.

The barbarian started ranting;

"Tang Wai would cut off your tongue, have your head chopped off and stalked on a column!" he said as he wriggled.

"I told you he was no good, you should have killed him along with the others." Bomra remarked in disgust.

"You see! Tell me why I shouldn't listen to them?" Riro said as he playfully pierced his knife down the cheek of the barbarian with blood flowing.

"Please! Please!! Don't kill me!" the barbarian blurted as he darted his eyes round with each of the furious five pulling out their sword.

"Ok! I won't, only if you would be our guide to the mountain of doom and death." Riro winked as he smiled mischievously.

"Ok! Ok!! I would – I would!"

Riro looked at the furious five and smiled.


Troops from the capital marched through the Barbarian's camp towards Tang Wai's hut.

"Emperor Za sends you a gift." The leader of the troops opened a chest containing Fara Chin's head.

"He wants the chest to be complete with the head of Riro Shu Chin and sent to the capital. Remember no mistakes!"

"Tell Emperor Za this time, I won't miss."

"Also the Emperor's token is ready." Tang Wai said while bowing his head.

"See you at the capital soon!" the leader of the troops said and left.

As he was leaving barbarians carried behind the troops cart of gifts with beautiful maidens chained together in line.


Riro and the furious five were spying the barbarians from an elevated land and Riro was accessing the camp.

"Where is our Barbarian?" Donnie exclaimed.

"Oh! No." Riro exclaimed.

Bomra quickly pulled her bow and shot the barbarian down but he has already alarmed the camp. So arrows were shot at the direction of Riro and the furious five as troops from the capital and Barbarians ran towards the elevated land. On getting there, they found rope and foot prints.

Next chapter