
Chapter : 67 The silent cry


We went to the underground training room of the agency. It was big but not nearly enough to have a comfortable spar. It was like half the size of the UA platform.

No matter, I was determined to beat the living shit out of Mirko. I knew I could, I feel I could and I definitely would.


Man plans and God laughs


Fuck!! I didn`t win.

She had too much experience and way more skilled than I could possibly comprehend. I only watched MHA till the OFA vs AFO in my other life so I had no clue how strong she was.

I kid you not her kicks were harder than Deku`s OFA 100%. Which made no sense!!!

The training room was also too small for me to blow the living fuck out of her. I had to lower my destructive power a bit but still....

An L is an L.

I am not going to make excuses for my lost like saying I can`t go all out or something like those fighters who say "I may lose to him in a boxing match but I will fuck him up in MMA."

I took the lost well, I lose with the grace of an adult and not the grief of a child.

"You lost, you are my student now."

"Fuck you I didn`t lose. I just didn`t win!!" I shouted, I may accepted my defeat but she doesn`t need to know that. Especially not with that smug smirk on her pretty little face.

My back exploded and the rabbit jumped back. I finally stood up as her foot no longer pushed me down.

"What are you doing brat!! The fight ended, you lost!!" She screamed back at me. Her face was annoyed and she looks cheated.

"I don`t lose to someone under 5'5." I said as I dusted myself off.

She glared at me and with her angry red eyes, she quietly tip toed to appear taller. She also straightened her ears so they stood really tall.

"The ear doesn`t count." I declared.

"Says who!!!" She retort.

We were about to engage again before Ryukyu came forward and stopped us. "Enough we have to go for a patrol. You too Rumi."

"This is not the end you brat." Rumi said with a growl.

"I sure hope so bunny girl."

"That`s good fire crack."

"Goodbye Bugs bunny."

She paused, she pointed at me and her ear twitched as she thought of a name for me. Then she smiled as if she finally found the perfect name.

"Goodbye Angry bird." She said with a victorious smirk when she saw my face. Then she pushed her white flowing hair and turned. She left.

I stood still.




'Angry bird?'

Why did people always somehow call me a bird to to insult me? Do they know my unfiltered hatred towards birds?

I gritted my teeth. I pondered whether I should go after her or not.

"Bakugo." Ryukyu called. "Lets go.'

I reluctantly nodded as I followed her. We went up the building and when we were on the ground floor a voice came from behind us.

"Wait for me!!" It was a cute voice. It almost sounded like a child`s. It was a weird mixture between a woman and a child yet it doesn`t sound like a girl`s voice.

"Ahh Nejire you are late again." Ryukyu said to the girl running towards us.

A fair-skinned girl of average height with wide, curious eyes. Her upper eyelashes are long and thick, and her irises are royal blue. Her hair is periwinkle, and it reaches all the way down to her knees, twisting around itself at her waist and curving inwards around her legs. She has side-swept bangs, tucked behind her ears on the right and hanging just over her eyes on the left, and two short clumps of hair on either side of her face, curved towards her face on the right and behind it, under her ear, on the left

Her costume did a horrible job at hiding her sinful curves that was unbecoming of her cute face.

She wore an apologetic expression as she came near Ryukyu with both hands joined together as if begging.

"I am so sorry. I saw a snail crossing the road and I was so curious to see whether it manage to cross successfully or not so I stayed and watch." she said as Ryukyu sighed.

"Its fine. At least you make it."  Ryukyu said, "Oh, Bakugo she is my intern, introduce yourself."

The girl perked up and she looked at me. Her big curious eye opened wide like a child. She gave me the most innocent smile and approached me with a skip on her feet.

"Hii!! I am Nejire Hado. 3rd year of UA high Nice to meet you." She said with a very joyous tone.

I looked at her and noted that she was pretty. But she was more like Toru, the 'cute' kind of pretty rather than the 'sexy' kind like Momo.

I looked at her body and wonder how she pulled off the 'cute' kind of beauty with a body like hers.

She stood around 5`4 feet but her eyes were on the same level as mine as she floated infront of me. She was invading my personal space as naturally as a mosquito.

"Katsuki Bakugo. First year." I said and her eyes sparkled.

"Ohhh. You are the winner of the UA sports. Hey tell tell, how does it feel? I never won the UA sports." She asked and before I even answered her she floated around me and inspected my costume which I put on before my fight with Mirko.

"Why is your costume black? It looks like a villain`s." She did not wait for an answer.

"What`s this thing on your neck?"

I normally would be annoyed with this kind of personality but I didn`t mind her. I guess thats a perk to being a pretty girl.

She reminded me of a candy. I didn`t know why. Maybe because I wanted to eat her.

Some girl I met just have this vibe around them, Toru being like a forest fairy, Ochako the girl next door, Momo being the elegant noble lady and Mirko being my mother-I mean Lola bunny.

Anyways I was getting side tracked.

"Don`t annoy him too much. You don`t want Bakugo to hate you already do you." Ryukyu reprimand.

"Oh no no no no. I will stop." Nijire covered her mouth with both hands as if she did something bad and she curled in the air and floated away from me.

'I feel like patting her. She would make a really good pet.' intrusive thoughts came and I entertained the thought.

Her in a dog outfit. All airheaded and curious as she smiled brightlty at the smallest praise.

"Lets go then." Ryukyu`s word snapped me out of my thoughts and we all went out to patrol the city. She told me she was accompanying me this time only and I would have to patrol with Nejire or other hero from tomorrow.

"Hey hey lets go Bakugo!!!" Nejire said as she rolled around playfully in the air. Honestly she was like a mix between Toru and Ochako.


We patrolled the city and I came to realize the the two woman I accompanied were extremely powerful.

Especially Neijire. Her quirk was really interesting, she also used some type of energy around her body to use her quirk much like Toru and I came to realize later on that this energy was her vitality.

But that was not what impressed me, rather it was her control over her quirk. The way she fluidly controlled the shockwave she produced even after it left her body was something which inspired me to do the same with my explosions.

What was scarier than an explosion is not just a bigger explosion but a controlled one.

I cannot improve instantly but it was something I made sure to work on later. Controlling the intensity of my explosions or maybe even letting it skip a target.

But all these thought had to scatter away due to the sight infront of me.


Ryukyu was in her dragon form. She was gigantic with scales covering her limbs and fangs protruding from her mouth.

She was stepping on a truck that was stolen by a villain to make sure the truck could not move. Watching this sight I realized that I did not make the wrong choice.

It was glorious.


[3rd POV]

In a dark room hidden from the eyes of good, a small light lit up the metal chair on which a small and frail girl laid. She was strapped, unable to move, unable to run as the two people who stood besides her did unimaginable things to her juvenile body.

Fueled by greed and a twisted sense of purpose, the person with a lab code was cutting up the small girl's arm. The girl trembled, the girl struggled yet the man did not stop whatever he was doing to her body.

Another man with a bird mask - like a plague doctor - watched with cold eyes what was happening. His eyes were hollow as if it sees nothing but a single colour.

The two men were uncaring to the feelings of the girl. They did whatever they thought was right to her even though the girl had to suffer.

The girl was so young, she was only the age of 6 yet her body was so small like that of a 4 years old, she was malnourished and the big bags under her eyes indicate that she has not had a peaceful sleep in a long time.

The saddest thing about the whole situation was the fact that the small girl believed that she deserved what was happening to her.

Her mother despised her and she was the one who made her father disappear. She was cursed, that was what she had always been told. Everything she touched would perish and suffer because of her.

So she believed she deserved what was happening to her.

"Hurry up will you." The man wearing the bird mask said to the other man coldly. "And Eri stop moving."

The man nodded in return and cut the girl - who`s name is revealed to be Eri - arm.

The cold blade tore her little arm and Eri held back a scream. It was cold, the metal chair she was strapped on was cold, the edge of the blade was cold.

She was cold.

So when her blood flowed out of her arm it brought a rather pleasant sensation.

It was warm.

She cried.

"Its noisy Eri." The man with the bird mask said.

She stopped.

But her body wanted to cry.

She choked

A hand grabbed her mouth. The hand was cold and uncaring. She couldn`t make a sound, so she cried in her mind.

Time passed and Eri was getting colder and colder. They were collecting her blood, she saw it with her hazy eyes.

She grows weaker and weaker and she also stopped crying. She couldn`t move anymore.

She was exhausted.

The hand was removed from her mouth but she did not make a sound - she couldn`t.

She was weak but she loved the state she was in.

She was numb.

No cold, no pain. It felt very good to her.

But her respite was short lived.

"Thats enough." The man who cut her said.

"Sure?" The man with the bird mask asked.

He nodded.

Then fear gripped Eri`s heart. She felt her heart sinking into her body in fear.

The hand of the man with the bird mask came to came closer to her. Her hearts beat faster and her eyes shook as it got closer.

She knows she deserved what was happening to her, but she wanted it to stop.

She was selfish because she wanted to be saved even though she deserved this. She hated herself for being selfish.

'No...No...Please...Someone...make it stop....' She sobbed. In her mind. Unheard by the world as she couldn`t make a sound.

The hand touched her and her body froze.







No one came.


Because she deserve this.


Author : My tense got messed up again. I write in present sometimes and past sometimes. Sorry if anyone had trouble reading.