
Chapter 360 - Demons vs Dragon Kings(Part 3)

Point-of-View: Izzozon


"Ahh, that was so much fun," I sighed contentedly, as I munched on a meat skewer.

"Slow down, you're getting sauce all around your mouth," Frowned Lucy, as she leaned over and wiped a tissue over my mouth.

"How delightfully delectable...this sticky liquid substance coating the meat on this stick is divine," Remarked Aereeze as she took a bite and savored it, her eyes closed.

"Even though we technically don't need any sustenance to survive, I could see myself getting addicted to this," Nodded Terrastra in agreement, before adding, "And that place, the arcade, was it? I quite enjoyed myself in there, I don't think I've ever experienced such enjoyment before."

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