
Chapter 50 - Movie

"Alright, come on out," I whispered, after making sure the coast was clear. 

"I was afraid that you were going to leave me in there, after all," She let out a sigh of relief, as she popped out of my Pocket Dimension and took the seat beside me. 

"Hey, there's literally dozens of empty seats around, go sit somewhere else," I grumbled, as I munched on some popcorn.

"That's okay, I'm fine right here."

"That's not what I-...ugh, forget it, whatever." 

It's about two minutes before the movie is scheduled to start, and I'd picked the seat at the back left corner of the room. There were only about ten or so other people here, and since I'm way at the back, I can keep an eye on all of them. 

No one's looking back here, so it should be safe. The room's pretty dark, so the portal to my Pocket Dimension is practically invisible. 

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