I was on a flight to Paris when the engines of the plane malfunctioned. After a pathetic death, I woke up reincarnated in the world of Miraculous Ladybug, a show that I had scrolled through after It blew up on the internet. Watch me suffer in this show where everyone is blind. A Chat NoirxReader story *Is always under editing bc I don't proof read and my helpful readers have to point out everything to me. Thanks guys lol First Place in Different Categories: -miraculousladybug -adrien -reincarnated -chatoirxreader -catnoirxreader -adrienxreader -lovesquare -miraculously -miraculous -mlb
The plane was going down. We, were going down.
This is really happening. I'm going to die all alone while traveling aboard. Never again will I see my family and friends, or my beloved pet coco and never-
The screams of horrified people interrupted my train of thoughts and brought me back to reality. I didn't really mind, those thoughts were horrible. But then I realized that they were probably going to become true in a few minutes.
Even worse, this was happening while the plane was flying above a sea. I've read before that crashing on land was worse, so I decided to count my remaining lucky stars, but who knows if the internet has accurate information.
I looked around the cabin. Adults were screaming and ignoring the flight attendant's instructions. Children- also ignoring the poor flight attendants- were crying uncontrollably. I spotted a baby sleeping peacefully in his panicking mother's arms. Guess it's true what they say, ignorance is bliss. And thought that baby was about to die, at least it would die happy. Well, I think it looks happy.
A flight attendant approached the isle my seat was in and as calmly as she could, tried to comfort the passengers while helping them with the emergency air supplies thingies. I-unlike the people who weren't paying attention while we were being told about what to do in an emergency-already had mine on.
After a fortunately successful landing on the waves, the next step-according to the flight attendants- is getting everyone off the plane. Which has to happen quickly, in about 90 seconds or else the plane will sink and everyone will die. Cheery, I know.
As we were evacuating the aircraft, a little girl sent by Satan decided this was the best time whine about her oh so precious doll that she left in her seat. More than ten seconds had passed an she wouldn't stop her cries. I offered to grab it for her and asked the devil's mother for their seat number as I was at the back of the line.
But turns out, going there and coming back to the emergency exit takes more than 90 seconds. How do I know this? Well, death paid me a visit while I was looking for the doll.
So, how did ya like it? This is my very first story so please ignore anything that is unprofessional, thank you very much!
BTW, ur name in this is going o be Yin. Get it? Cause usually it's Y/n I turn the / into an I. Ik, I'm a genius. :)
Also, if u liked the chap, pls vote :D Ur one small action helps alot [3
Word count: 405 ( don't worry, future chapters or going to be MUCH longer!)
Edit: GUYS the nickname is silver idk y I keep typing it as sliver