
Dark Dreams

Kelvin opened his eyes slowly as a bright white light pierced through them. Ignoring the pain Kelvin fully opened his eyes, at first he was confused. 'wasn't I supposed to be on my way home, or something so why the hell am I at…., wait where am I'. He thought as he tried to stand up from the bed

"please stay still Mr. Peterson, you are still quite hurt".

He turned to see a doctor, that's when he figured out he was in the hospital.

"How did I get here?" Kelvin asked the doctor.

"It's all thanks to one of your neighbors who saw you unconscious on the street, but don't worry we called your parents they should be here soon"

'well that answered my question', he thought. Kelvin felt a very painful, splitting headache that discouraged him from try to think further about this whole situation. He was about to try and catch so sleep when he heard his parent's voice. They walked in and immediately came to his bed side, "how is he doctor?" Kelvin's father asked.

"he will be fine luckily the lighting blast didn't, get a correct hit, he just has a few cuts and bruises he will be discharged soon."

"Thank you doctor", his father Alan Peterson said.

"You will be alright okay", his mom, Nathalie Peterson tried to assure him.

"thanks mom."

Not long after that and Kelvin was discharged from the hospital, the drive home was quite nice and chatty but he kept quiet most of the time. He kept on thinking of what he saw earlier in the day. 'Had I imagined all those things', he thought.

Later at home,

"Am sorry I wasn't able to prepare dinner because of the whole hospital situation, let me quickly order some takeout", Kelvin's mom said.

"That won't be necessary mom am not hungry", Kelvin said as he walked to his room upstairs and headed straight for the bed. With the fatigue bearing down on him, he closed his heavy eyelids and quickly slept of.


'I opened my eyes to see darkness, an empty void of thick shadows surrounding me. I was falling into nothingness I felt the darkness slowly envelop me as I descended, I was turning into an empty shell of myself. I looked down and saw a red dot in the distance coming towards me. I heard an ear piercing laughter as the red dot drew closer. The red dot gradually morphed into a huge giant sized head, with a face I knew too well, my face. It looked like my face but changed, with razor sharp teeth, blood red eyes and a sinister smile too dark to be humans .It's laughter turned from being ear piercing to a deep dark one, opening a mouth to reveal a multiple set of sharp teeth. Moving with fast speed the huge head of what is supposed to be me came at me swallowing me whole.


Kelvin woke up with a startle, sweating buckets, and his heart pounding hard against his chest. Looking out to his room window, it was raining cats and dogs outside. He took a minute to let his heart settle down,

"what kind of dream was that" Kelvin asked himself.

After regaining himself, he decided to wash his face to clear his sweat. He walked up to his bathroom, opened the door and went for the wash hand basin and mirror stationed on the wall. He washed his face and looked at his reflection on the mirror.

"It was just a nightmare"

he tried to reassure himself, but what he saw next changed that thought. Kelvin looked at the mirror only to see a horrible scar across his left eye, he moved closer to the mirror to further inspect the scar but his reflection morphed and was replaced with the exact image of the thing he saw in his dream, only that It wasn't just a head this time, but with a body, and it was wearing the same clothes he was wearing, smiling back at him. Kelvin's face went white with fear, he quickly moved backwards but stumbled, and fell on the bathroom floor. He was expecting the unimaginable to happen next but to his surprise nothing happened. He slowly stood up to look at the mirror. Whatever that was, it was gone. Kelvin was relived but also confused 'what the hell was that, was I imagining things. He had a lot of questions and there was no means getting answers soon. Walking back to his bed, he tried to sleep but he just couldn't. The fear of having the same nightmare twice kept him awake throughout the night.

The next day, after having next to no sleep at all, Kelvin woke up to the sound of the alarm clock stationed at the left side of his bed. The morning weather was cool, a very different outcome from yesterdays thunderous weather. Slowly getting up from bed, Kelvin made his way to the bathroom to prepare for the day. Entering the bathroom, he looked at the mirror and images of last night's incidents flashed through his memory, 'what the hell was that?' he thought 'and what's this scar, I don't remember how this happened'. After 5 minutes of looking at the mirror, he decided to take a shower.

"Do you really think he should be going to school today?"

Nathalie, Kelvin's mum asked, as she served the morning breakfast.

"There is no need to worry the doctor said he only sustained minor injuries, it's going to be okay".

Alan said trying to reassure his wife.

"Good morning mum, good morning dad."

Both parents turned to see their son, Kelvin as he entered the family dinning while covering his left eye and huge eye bags under his right eye.

"Hey, what happened you don't look like you had any sleep"

his mum asked as she tried to approach him.

"No, nothing happened am totally fine."

Kelvin said slowly backing away 'I can't let her come closer or she'll see the scar.

"Mum you know what. I almost forgot but I have to go, am running late to school"

Kelvin said as he rushed out.

"But won't you have breakfast?"

his mum called behind him.

"Don't worry I will grab a quick bite before I go to school."

"Wait what about your lunch?"

His mum asked but he had already left.

Kelvin walked down the street as quickly as he could. He didn't want to go late to school, but first he needed to attend to his hunger. He stopped in front of a hotdog stand owned by Roberto, an old man who had been selling hot dogs for a really long time.

"I'll have two hotdogs please".

"That's a nasty scar you have their".

Roberto said as he prepared the hotdogs.

"Yeah I think I got it from yesterday's accident". Kelvin said.

"Sorry about that kid. Here your hotdogs".

After paying, Kelvin was off on his way to school.

Kelvin arrived quite early to school, and headed straight to his classroom, class 2A. They weren't many students in his class yet. After a quick chat with one of his classmate, Kelvin went over to his desk. Not long after that more students started to show up including Carl his best friend. On seeing his best friend, Kelvin waved at him. Carl raised his hand to wave back but stopped, as if he saw something shocking. He was staring intensely at Kelvin. After a minute of staring, he quietly moved to his seat next to Kelvin.

"Hey what's wrong, why were you staring at me like that. Is it because of the scar?".

"How did you get the scar?"

Carl asked with a blank look on his face.

"To be honest I don't really know. I just hope it didn't ruin my face that much".

Their homeroom teacher entered the class and their classes started for the day.

'Classes are usually boring but not this boring, I guess it's because Carl is given off weird vibes towards me today'.

Kelvin thought. Carl didn't talk to Kelvin till the break bell was heard and all he said was,

"hey Kelvin can we take our lunch to the roof, I would love to eat there."

Seeing nothing wrong with the request Kelvin said ok. Carl took the stairs that led to the roof with Kelvin following behind him. They reached the roof and walked towards the edge. Carl set down his bag to bring something out, 'probably his lunch', Kelvin thought but to his surprise it wasn't food or any snack but an object with a metallic surface. Kelvin looked closely and noticed two pairs of daggers.

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