

Hearing what they said and seeing their expressions Gojo was dumbfounded for a second before sighting reluctantly, 'One can't really blame them, that's what everyone with a good brain on his head would think.' thought Gojo.

"Yeah sorry about that but I am not here to defect and betray my clan, the opposite actually, am actually here to kill all of you hahaha." he said with an innocent tone of voice laughing from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing what he said and seeing his innocent expression and laugh that was the opposite of his words they couldn't help but get a chill down their spine.

"Humph, the commander gave you a chance but you chose not to take it, don't regret it later." said the middle-aged man to the right of the old commander.

Looking at the commander he saw him frown and nod at him, that was all that he needed as he smiled a sinister smile and disappeared from his position with a speed so fast that it seemed like he had teleported.

The army behind him didn't even see him move, the only ones who could follow his movement were the other middle-aged man and the commander, and of course, Gojo although they didn't know that.

As he got closer to Gojo he seemed to see his lips rising in a smile but he ignored it as just his imagination, holding a Kunai tightly in his hand he slashed it at Gojo's throat.

Until now Gojo still hasn't moved, making the three who could keep up with what is happening smile mockingly.

'Humph arrogant bastard you got what you deserved.' thought the middle-aged man who was still by the commander's side as he saw the Kunai in his friend's hand slash through the smiling Gojo's neck and his friend coming to a stop right behind him.

'He's dead!?, just like that?, but why was he acting so confident? I feel like I missed something.' Thought the old commander, 'but that can wait for later, first we need to complete our mission.'

"ALRIGHT, LET'S KEEP MOVING WE ALREADY WASTED ENOUGH TIME HERE WE NEED TO SPEED UP." Said the old commander as he started moving forward, not even waiting for Gojo's corpse to fall.

But after just moving three steps he stopped, the middle-aged man who had just "killed" gojo slowly turned towards them with stiff movements, they could immediately tell that something was wrong but they couldn't tell what and it put them on high alert.

As he completely turned and faced them he slowly opened his mouth to say something but he couldn't make any sound, only his lips moved, seemingly muttering something.

But, being the experienced shinobi they were, they could easily read his lips perfectly and understand what he was trying to say.





Just as he finished muttering the last letter a perfect red line appeared on his neck as his head flew out of his body due to the blood pressure and falling to the ground, a fountain of blood shot up from his now decapitated neck into the air falling around his body like bloody rain.

Everyone stared with their mouths wide open. They didn't even see what happened, not even the commander and the middle-aged man did.

Slowly turning their eyes towards Gojo they could see him still smiling as he looked at them scaring them senseless, he slowly lifted his hand towards them as if to show them something.

Looking closely, the army behind the commander, the middle-aged man, and the commander himself couldn't help but draw in a sharp breath. They had seen their fair share of gore and violence but this was something totally different, looking at his hand they could see a still beating heart with blood still coming out of its veins every time it beat.

'I didn't even see him move, how the hell did he manage to decapitate him and remove his heart at the same time.' Thought the commander still in shock

"co… commander…"

Looking to his left at his last remaining trustworthy subordinates his pupils shrunk to a needle size.

He finally understood the enemy's words from earlier: "Yeah sorry about that but am not here to defect and betray my clan, the opposite actually, am actually here to kill all of you hahaha".

He thought he was just being arrogant before but now he knew that he meant every word he said.

No wonder he was so relaxed, no wonder he was so arrogant, he had the right to be.

'Monster.' Was his only thought as his last subordinate fell into the ground, his eyes lifeless, a gaping hole in his chest, the place his heart should have been was now empty, only blood was coming out of there.



He heard the men behind him shouting but it was just background noises to him the only thing on his mind right now was the smiling man before him.

For the first time in 60 years he felt an emotion he thought he would never feel again, an emotion he thought he forgot, he felt fear, true genuine fear.

The fear he felt for the first time in his life when he was just a hopeless kid, facing an army of highly trained and merciless killers charging at him and only surviving thanks to his luck.

That's how he felt right now, except this time there was no adult member of his clan who was coming to save him, he was the adult this time and he knew that this was his last fight.

So he just closed his eyes and exhaled, surrendering to his fate as he knew there was no way he will survive today so why make jt worse?, and strangely enough, for the first time in 60 years since he was 4 years old, he felt truly liberated, truly free, without any worry or care in the world, at that moment where he knew he was going to die he smiled a true genuine happy smile, he felt all of the burdens and weights on his shoulder disappear.

The last sound he heard was of that blue-eyed monster saying something and his men screaming in fear behind him before he lost consciousness and drifted into the afterlife not even knowing how he died.

If someone looked at the area this confrontation was taking place they wouldn't see or hear anything, even the animals were just going about their day like they always did, it all seemed so normal, although strangely no life form seemed to go near that place animal or otherwise.

(alright people this is the first day of the week when webnovel updates so boost my novel up, of course we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way it ur choice, but am taking them power stones nonetheless 😒😒😒)


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