

(AN: i just want to ask, do you think the story is progressing slowly? And Do i need to speed things up?)

3 days later

Aizen was sitting on a chair in front of a table in the fuinjutsu tent making explosive tags, beside him were already about 200 finished pieces.

In the past three days, he had been making them non-stop that his hands started hurting and he had to constantly reinforce them with chakra to keep going.

But it wasn't without benefits, the good thing is that first he didn't have to participate in the war for three days even though he didn't have anything against it but he was still a child currently, and second is that due to the repetitive inscription of tags he had become so fast that he could finish one explosive tag per minute unlike before.

'I could never afford all these resources to practice my fuinjutsu at home, this was a godsent opportunity.' he thought as he finished all the papers on the table that were assigned to him, turning them all into explosive tags and storing them in a storage scroll he personally made earlier, 'guess I am done for the day. "

Looking around he noticed that some like him had also just finished while others were still at it so he and the others that were done went ahead to help them too.

This was a rule set by the old lady that those who finish first will help the ones still working or else all of them would rather call it a day and head back to get some rest.

It took about 30 minutes to help them finish, standing up, he walked towards the entrance of the tent with the others, old lady chinaba was sitting there on a chair with her eyes closed, but as they approached her she opened them and stared at them.

One thing that he noticed about her was that old lady chinaba was a woman of few words.

One by one they handed her the storage scrolls before heading out, as it was Aizen's turn he handed it to her like all the others but as he was going out the old woman spoke, "you, aizen was it? go back inside I want to have a talk with you."

Hearing her all eyes turned to him with curiosity but he just nodded at her and went to sit at a nearby table.

The others also didn't care that much so they continued handing their work over, one thing to note is that the instant a scroll comes in contact with the old lady's hand it disappears.

Aizen was surprised by that during his first day here but he later figured out that she actually Engraved a storage matrix on the top of her palm that acts just like a storage scroll, which gave him the idea to do the same.

It wasn't that easy though because unlike a normal dead sealing paper his palm has chakra running through it all the time which will disturb the sealing matrix and interfere with its functions.

So for now he just settled with tieing a sealing paper around his wrist, in it is stored Kunais, shurikens and a lot of other ninja necessities, this was an idea he got from Sasuke in the show and it worked perfectly, at least until he is proficient enough to figure out how to engrave the sealing runes directly into his body.


Before long the last person handed in his work and exited the tent.

Old lady chinaba finally finished storing the tags, got up and went to sit facing Aizen, she kept staring at him for a while before saying, "I just recently spoke to the commander of this front about you."

"about me!?, why?." asked aizen, acting surprised but he mostly knows where this is heading.

"Hmm, as you know we usually can't give special treatment to anyone, you should know that best because even with your relationship with the clan head you're still treated the same as everyone else…mostly" she said whispering the last part.

Although Aizen heard her due to his increased perception he still pretended not to hear anything and kept listening.

"But, there are some special cases and exceptions to that role." she said looking at him closely before continuing, "for example an extremely talented individual that the clan can't afford to lose." she stayed silent for a while after saying that giving him the chance to process it, "and one such talented individual is you."

"me!?" asked Aizen, feigning surprise.

"Yes you, for someone your age to reach the level in fuinjutsu as you had can only be regarded as a miracle, it's even surprising that you comprehended it in the first place let alone be able to use it." she said still with the same cold old tone of voice but she was clearly impressed.

'Well, considering that I am 45 years old in my previous life it isn't that surprising that i comprehend it really, but she doesn't need to know that.' he thought.

"That brings us back to the reason I met with the commander, I spoke to him about you and your talent in fuinjutsu and he agreed to not deploy you in this war." she said, eyeing his expression.

"In fact, I'm pretty sure that with your talent the clan head and elders would agree to exempt you from all coming wars as you are much more valuable outside the battlefield and your value will only keep on increasing as you age and learn more." she said before continuing" I know this may sound as if we're treating you as a tool but it also works in your favour as you'll almost surely survive as long as the clan does, others will jump at this opportunity so think carefully."

"Of course, this is all your choice in the end, I am only here to present you with this opportunity, but you need to make your decision now, the reinforcements we asked for the fuinjutsu department have arrived today, which means that tomorrow you'll be deployed" she said that one last sentence and just closed her eyes and leaned on her chair waiting for his reply.

'For anybody else, this will be a god-sent opportunity as it represents an almost 100% survival rate, as long as the clan don't fall they will be safe.'

'But for me, it's the exact opposite, with my knowledge of the future and of the threats of this world, how could I be comfortable and relax, I need to get as strong as I can as soon as possible, and just sitting in a safe haven making sealing tags will be detrimental for me.'

'If I want to get stronger and sharpen myself the only way is through battle, outside of it I'll get rusty and regress.'

'Of course, that's not the only reason there is, I would never be able to live with myself and waste my potential knowing the heights I can reach in this world, and above all else, I am a warrior, I've been one most of my past life and I'll be one in the current life, I don't even know how to live normally anymore. ' he thought remembering the time in his past life when he could have lived a simple life but he chose the opposite and accepted the offer made to him then. (by the general)

'And, although She worded it nicely and she might have been able to fool a normal kid, but if I accept I'll be in their control if….no, WHEN old man yamamoto dies my freedom would be restricted.' he thought correcting himself mid-thought.

'So I get unlimited supplies to practice fuinjutsu plus some measure of "safety" in exchange I have to give my time, freedom, effort and stunt my growth potential, like hell I will accept this.' he thought, weighing the pros and cons in his head.

Although it might have seemed like he thought for a long time, due to his increased perception only two seconds have passed in reality.

"I have to apologize for lady chinaba, you went through all the trouble of getting me this opportunity but I have to decline." he said giving a small bow.

hearing him she opened her eyes and scrutinized him for a bit before nodding and getting up, "As I said before, it's your choice, in the end so no one can force you, I've done what I could." She said not interested in the reason behind his decision.

"But I'll hate to see a young talent such as you die on the battlefield so take this, treat it as a bonus for your excellent work for the past three days.'' She said stretching her hand out, a scroll appeared on it and she threw it towards Aizen who caught it, before she turned around going out of the tent, leaving him alone in there

Looking at her disappearing back aizen couldn't help but think, 'hmm, although she acts cold, and doesn't speak much she isn't a bad person, it's just that war made her that way, forcing her to act cold and close everybody out because for all she knows they might be dead by the next day.' he analyzing her as she finally disappeared from his line of sight.

Turning his attention back to the scroll in his hand he casually opened it to take a look, but the moment he laid his eyes on it they went wide from shock.


AN: if you like my story you can support me on pa-tre-on, it'll give me the motivation to keep delivering more content and you'll also get early access of up to 20 chapters.

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