
Chapter 161

With the large alien dealt with, Kara speeds over to where three guards are trying to fight a gray alien. Its tall, slender, and has bony spikes raising like hackles from its shoulders. It lets out a hiss, exposing sharp white fangs. Its yellow eyes darting from one person to the next as it's cornered by them.

Kara can hear as it inhales deeply, a sound that seems almost wet and her eyes widen as it clicks in her mind. Using her superspeed, she moves the guards out of the way, gritting her teeth as the acid it spews hits her cape. She turns back around, using the movement to glance quickly at her cape, which luckily isn't burned.

The alien glances around again, panic in its eyes as it inhales again. Before Kara can do anything, there's a whistling noise and an arrow pierces its shoulder. It lets out a pained cry that grates in Kara's sensitive ears, one clawed hand reaching up to grasp at the wound.

"Give up," Kara says as the guards she saved from acid gather their bearings and point their swords at the alien.

It eyes them and then glances up at the rooftops where the arrow came from, its eyes flitting around, apparently not seeing anything. It hisses and then relaxes its posture, allowing Kara to step forward and handcuff its arms behind its back.

"Don't do anything that could hurt the guards or your stay at the DEO will be unpleasant." Kara says.

The alien nods in acknowledgment, looking more defeated than anything. Two guards begin to escort it up towards the DEO, meeting up with a couple more guards bringing people up there and heading up in a large group.

Kara goes from group to group that's still fighting and between the DEO agents' skills and her and J'onn, it doesn't take long before everyone is rounded up. While J'onn barks out orders, staying in his green Martian form for a bit longer, Kara flies up to where the archers have been set up. Most are already making their way down the buildings, and Kara helps them down.

It isn't long before she reaches Lena. She carries her down, being even more careful than she was with others. Lena presses a kiss to her cheek when they land.

"Come to me after you've helped everyone down. I'll be here."

Kara nods and smiles warmly at Lena before darting off to help the rest of the archers. It doesn't take long, both because most of the rest of the archers have already made it down and, of course, because of Kara's superspeed.

Even with that, by the time Kara makes her way back to Lena, she's alone in the alley. Kara lands softly, a small billow of dust and dirt blowing outward from her feet. A smile spreads across her face automatically at the sight of her fiancée, and her heart beats faster when Lena immediately responds with a smile of her own.

Kara pulls her into a hug and holds her tightly for a moment, reveling in her presence and inhaling the familiar comforting scent of Lena. She pulls back. "Hey."

"Hey. I didn't expect it to go that fast."

"Fighting usually does, but this seemed almost too easy." Kara admits.

"We'll figure it out." Lena says, reaching down to squeeze Kara's hand. "And hey, where's my after-battle kiss from my hero?"

Kara's worried look fades and she grins at Lena. "I don't know. Where's mine?"

The teasing glint in Lena's eyes softens as she realizes that Kara just called her her hero. Lena tugs gently at Kara's waist and pulls her closer. Their lips brush for a moment before Kara gets impatient and leans in. It's a slow kiss that they're both using to reassure themselves that they're okay, that everything's fine.

It's Lena that pulls back this time and she smiles softly when Kara lets out an unhappy noise. "We should head to the DEO, darling. Make sure everything's okay."

"Okay, yeah. Superspeed?"

Lena shakes her head. "No. I want to walk with you. And we can see how much damage was done to the merchants' carts."

Kara nods, the thought sobering her up quickly. "I'm sure I can convince mom or the DEO to help financially."

"I'm sure they'll be happy to help. And if nothing else, I can help as well." Lena says as they step out of the alley.

They head to the main square hand in hand, passing a few merchant carts that look like they've been jostled. They can't tell if it was by aliens or by people running. As they get closer to the square, the battle is more evident. There are arrows, some with blood on them and left on the ground while others are stuck into carts. Merchant have made their way back into the square and are picking through the carnage, some looking determined while others look devastated at the smashed remains of their wares.

"We'll be coming back to help them after this, right?" Lena says, frowning when she sees a man openly weep at the sight of his destroyed cart.

"Of course, of course. They probably won't need us at the DEO for a bit during questioning. But we should check in, if nothing else." Kara says.

The merchants barely register as Kara and Lena move past, too busy picked over their carts and trying to find wares that weren't destroyed. They make their way up to the Danvers Castle and then to DEO, which is busier than Lena has seen it aside from the last they went after Cadmus. Amidst the chaos, she spots Maggie, Alex, and Winn standing together in the center of the room, talking. She makes a beeline for them, still holding onto Kara's hand tightly.

"Lena, Kara!" Winn waves, seeing them as they approach. "We wondered where you were."

"We wanted to see how the merchants were faring," Lena explains.

Next chapter, more of this! Hopefully the battle bit was good? I know it wasn't a huge one... And I'll make more Sanvers scenes when I can, especially since the Supercorp wedding is soon! Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!

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