
Chapter 137

"You still want to talk, don't you?" Kara asks after they've finished the food (it was mainly Kara, but she made certain that Lena got enough food).

Lena sighs softly and presses her forehead to the back of Kara's neck. "Yes, I do. I don't want to be distracted with wondering when we move on to more fun activities." She can feel Kara nod in response.

"Alright. So what is it that you want to talk about?" Kara asks.

"The bouquets. We both know what they mean, or what they're supposed to mean."

"Marriage," Kara says. "Is that what you want to talk about?" She moves in Lena's lap so that she can meet her eyes.

"Yes. I know we've talked about it as an eventuality, but not as something that could occur soon."

"You want to get married soon?" Kara asks, trying to keep both her surprise and happiness from her voice, not wanting to bias her girlfriend's answer. "Is this a proposal?"

"If it was a proposal, you would know darling. It would be much more romantic than after we stuffed our faces with leftovers. I'm not even down on one knee." Lena smiles softly.

"Okay. We know what will probably happen when we get married." Their smiles both grow a little bit bigger when Kara says when, not if. "I'll probably become Queen of the Danvers Kingdom, and you'll be Queen of the Luthor Kingdom. We would probably merge the kingdoms, if our people aren't opposed to it. But we haven't really discussed if we're ready for marriage, or when we think we will be."

"Oh. Yeah, we haven't. Um. I always doubted I would find someone on Earth that I would want to marry. As I've told you, on Krypton we had something that would determine who we were best suited for. I always figured the person best suited for me died when Krypton did. But then you came along, and made me question that. I knew right away you were the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on."

Lena blushes. "Kara..."

"It's true!" Kara insists, kissing Lena's cheek gently. "I ran into a tree! I don't do that for all the pretty girls!"

Lena chuckles. "That was pretty funny, in hindsight. But at the time I just thought you were rather odd."

Kara smiles and then continues what she was saying. "When we started dating, I knew I would spend the rest of my life loving you. You're it for me, Lee. I've been ready to marry you for a while, but I'm more than happy to wait as long as you need."

Lena blinks back the tears forming in her eyes and gives her girlfriend a wobbly smile. She takes Kara's hand and squeezes it gently. Kara gently reaches over with her free hand and catches a tear that Lena didn't even notice was falling.

"I'm almost ready, too. You're it for me as well, Kara. I just need a little more time." Lena says and hates how small her voice is, like she's begging Kara to stay.

"I'll wait as long as you need."

Kara wraps Lena in her arms and presses a kiss on her forehead, holding her close.


"You guys don't need to see us off, we'll be back in a week," Kara reminds them.

"We'll still miss you," Winn says. He tries to subtly wipe his eyes and everyone pretends that they don't notice how they glisten.

"We'll miss you too." Lena gently pats Winn's back and grunts when he hugs her tightly.

"You're used to cuddling a Kryptonian in bed and you grunt when Winn hugs you?" Lucy teases her.

"He surprised me," Lena says, patting Winn's back again.

He moves onto Kara and hugs her as tight as he can. She hugs him back, using just enough of her strength to make it tight, but not enough to make his ribs creak in protest.

They go around and hug their friends and family and Kara watches curiously as Lena blushes at something Eliza says in her ear. She's learned not to eavesdrop, since Eliza can always seem to tell (she won't tell Kara how she knows, she insists it's her 'Mom senses').

"I feel like I'll be seeing either rings or bracelets on both of you when you come back in a week," Eliza murmurs into Lena's week.

Lena's cheeks turn bright red and she clears her throat softly. "Are you alright with that?"

"Of course, sweetie. You're already my daughter, the law just hasn't caught up yet. And you and Kara are both aware that Jeremiah and I plan to hand her the reins to the Kingdom, right?"

"Yes, we do. We've talked about it, and what we plan to do."

Eliza nods and smiles at her future daughter-in-law. "Good. Now go have some fun."

"We'll mainly be working, to be honest," Lena admits.

"Trust me, I understand." Eliza chuckles. "But please, take time for yourselves too."

There's a twinkle in her eye that Lena has come to recognize as excitement, and that calms her more than anything. She's excited about having Lena marry her daughter, excited to hear about the proposal.

"Lee? It's close to the time you said you wanted to leave," Kara calls.

"Thanks, darling." Lena says in a normal voice, knowing that Kara can hear her. "Do you have everything?"

Kara nods and Lena hugs Eliza once more, thanking her profusely until she waves her off. Lena heads over to her girlfriend and hears Lucy snicker when Kara scoops her into her arms, carrying her bridal style.

Lena wraps her arms around Kara's neck and looks over at Lucy. "You're jealous that James doesn't do this for you."

"How do you know I don't do that for James?" Lucy retorts, raising an eyebrow at them.

Lena chuckles at the mental image. With Kara having what they need in a large backpack, they're ready. Kara bends her knees and shoots off into the sky, more slowly than she would if she weren't carrying Lena.

Next chapter, more Supercorp fluff! Maybe some Sanvers will sneak in there too, I'm not sure yet. And guys!! I'm getting my hair cut short tomorrow and I'm super excited! Actually, when I post this it'll be today! Thank you all for reading and your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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