
Chapter 94

After a truly lengthy hug from Winn, Alex and Maggie plan to head to their next destination: to Kara, wherever she is. According to Winn, she's probably still in her room with Lena. Lyra had told Winn that Kara came out to get a surprisingly large amount of food, even for her, before disappearing in the direction of her room again. Maggie raises an eyebrow at that and gives Alex a knowing look. Alex gives Maggie a confused one back.

"Remember that night Lyra was surprised by how much food we grabbed?" Maggie asks.

"Yeah, that was a good night." Alex sighs. "We ma-" She stops herself and blanches. "Are you implying that that's what my little sister is doing?" Maggie just raises an eyebrow. "Ew, I don't want to think about that!"

Maggie shrugs. "I just think we should knock on her door too."

"Why?" Winn asks and then his eyes widen. "Oh. That's why she... Okay. Ew. Wait, is that why you knocked on my door, Alex? You never do that, you always burst right in."

"Maggie insisted." Alex explains. "Now that you have a girlfriend."

Winn raises up his hands. "Okay, I'm going to let you guys go now, it's gotten weird enough for me. Love you, don't let Eliza kill you!"

"Love you too. Do you think Mom will kill me?" Alex asks nervously, her hand on the doorknob but she doesn't turn it yet.

Winn softens. "Not like that, Al. I mean, she'll probably kill you for the same reason as Kara. You didn't tell them first."

Alex's mouth opens and she lets out a quiet oh. Winn gives them one last hug, promising to help them make all of the plans before practically shoving them out the door.

Maggie and Alex exchange an amused but loving glance and begin walking towards Kara's room. They pause once or twice to kiss gently, which while it may startle the passing guards (they're still not used to seeing Alex so happy, or kissing anyone in public), it does manage to make Alex feel less stressed.

Alex knocks on Kara's door and hears Kara getting up and yawning, walking over to the door. The footsteps pause as Lena calls "clothes, darling." Alex gives Maggie a disgusted look and there's more shuffling before the door opens, revealing Kara, who actually looks tired.

She smiles sleepily at Alex and Maggie. "Hey. Morning."

"Good morning. You look exhausted, Kara." Alex taps Kara's nose. "You alive in there?"

Kara's smile widens the way it usually does when Alex taps her nose. "Barely." She slumps against the doorframe and waves them into her room. "Lena and I were practically up all night."

Maggie snickers at the horror in her fiancée's eyes as they walk in. Kara's room is messy, with mostly packed boxes stacked all over, all labeled with what's inside and if she'll need it in the Luthor Kingdom. Lena's still in bed, leaning back against the headboard, her eyes half closed. She's in an expensive looking red nightdress and sits up further when she sees Alex and Maggie come in.

Kara sits back on the bed, covering a yawn with her hand. Maggie looks around the room as Kara waits for them to say something.

"So, uh. Little Danvers. Didn't know it was possible for you to look tired." Maggie notes.

"Yeah, apparently it is. Lena and I have been staying up really late the past couple of nights." Kara yawns again.

"Oh? Why?" Maggie prompts.

"We're leaving soon and I need to go through my things. We've been packing and determining what I should bring." Kara gestures to the many boxes. "I still have a lot of work to do."

"Oh," Alex murmurs then speaks louder. "Then why did Lena say 'clothes?'"

"She set a box of clothes in front of the door last night. She said it was to make sure that I didn't walk through the door this morning. Which apparently was a good thing, because I nearly opened the door without moving it and I could have smashed the box." Kara blushes. "I guess I'm clumsy when I'm tired."

"Clumsier." Lena teases and Kara sticks her tongue out at her. "But darling, she heard what was said and thought you were coming to the door naked."

Kara's eyes widen and she blushes. "Nope, just a box."

"She's blushing because that has happened before." Lena explains. "The DEO agent almost got quite the shock before I reminded her."

"Rao." Kara groans, dropping her head into her hands. "Lee!" Lena laughs and rubs Kara's back. Kara perks up again after a minute and looks back up at Maggie and Alex. "Wait, you guys are here for a reason."

"Yeah." Alex says automatically, and clears her throat. At least she's less nervous than she was when she came out. But only by a little. "Uh. I-er, we have something to tell you."

Alex's heart thunders in her chest. She lets out a shaky breath, giving Maggie a thankful smile when she takes her hand.

"What's wrong?" Kara asks worriedly.

"Nothing's wrong." Alex hurries to assure her. "It's not a bad thing."

Kara nods and waits patiently for Alex to be ready. Alex runs her free hand through her hair, unintentionally drawing Kara's attention to her hand.

"Ooh Alex, you have a new ring!" Kara notes and Alex's breath catches. "Wait. Oh my Rao, you have a ring! Did you guys get engaged?"

Alex smiles softly. "Yeah, Maggie proposed last night."

Kara lets out a high pitched squeal that Alex is kind of surprised is audible to humans. There's a whooshing noise and Kara rushes forward, literally sweeping Maggie and Alex off their feet into a big hug. She sets them back down and beams at them.

"Oh Rao! How did you propose? Did you make Alex cry? What does the ring look like?" Kara fires the questions rapidly, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"One at a time, darling." Lena says, coming up beside Kara and wrapping an arm around her waist.

Next chapter, more of this! What did you think of the twist with Kara and Lena packing? I thought it was funny. But then again, I didn't get a ton of sleep last night so it could just be that... Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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