
Chapter 86

The gates into the castle is opened for them and Alex nearly cheers. It's good to be back, and she's exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. These past... However many days have been exhausting. The walking, the fighting, the walking again.

Maggie squeezes Alex's hand and smiles encouragingly at her, despite the tiredness in her own eyes. Alex squeezes back and gives her an appreciative look.

"We made it." Alex says. Saying it, hearing it aloud makes it so much more real.

"Finally." Kara groans from beside her.

Alex nudges her sister and Kara has the decency to act like that had any kind of physical affect on her, stumbling slightly.

"You just want food," Alex teases.

"You don't?" Kara shoots back, maturely sticking out her tongue.

Alex rolls her eyes but doesn't answer. She's planning on grabbing food, kissing Maggie a bit, then passing out while cuddling with Maggie. They haven't gotten a lot of alone time together to do anything, let alone have make out sessions or anything more intense. But sadly, she's too tired to do anything more than kiss. She knows that Maggie is too.

The door into the castle opens and is held open by some guards. Everyone shuffles in, following J'onn. He takes them a different direction than Alex expected. She guesses that this may be one of those times where being able to read minds would come in handy, in being able to tell where they're supposed to be going. Though perhaps a guard just told him out loud.

Alex stifles a yawn and her urge to find the nearest horizontal surface and pass out. It's only when they turn down a hallway that she realizes where they're going. They're headed to the throne room. Which makes sense, her parents probably want to greet everyone personally. Gods, she must be really tired if it took her this long to figure out where they're going.

The Danvers sisters and their girlfriends stay in the back of the crowd in the throne room and let the people they've freed up swarm the Queen.

Queen Eliza raises a her hand from where she's standing on a small platform next to Jeremiah and the room falls deathly silent. Not even the prisoners dare make a peep. Eliza smiles warmly at the gathered group.

"Thank you. As you may or not know, I am Eliza, Queen of the Danvers Kingdom. Thanks to the DEO's efforts and the Luthor Kingdom's assistance, we have managed to free you all. Or capture you." She glances over at the prisoners spread thought the crowd. "Those of you who were freed, you have many options. You may all stay here as long as you wish as guests in this castle. We will have extra people on staff to assist you all in finding your family and how to get back to them if you were taken from them. There will be psychologists coming in everyday. I highly encourage you all to speak to one at least once. Again, you can stay here as long as you want or need to. There are other resources for those who want to move into the city or elsewhere and need help finding a job."

Jeremiah starts talking, taking over for Eliza. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone in the castle or the DEO. If they don't know the answer, they know someone who does. And I know you're all very tired, so guest rooms have been made up. There are some that can fit multiple people, if you would prefer that. Talk to a guard, they'll know where to take you. And on your way out, there is a table made up buffet-style with food. You can take it and eat here or take it back to your rooms. Thank you, and have a good night."

People clap and Alex can see that Kara is practically drooling over the idea of a buffet. J'onn begins leading the agents with prisoners to the DEO, where they'll be out in cells.

"Hold your horses, Kara." Alex grabs her arm gently with her free hand.

Kara pouts at her. "I've never understood that phrase, but right now, it's keeping me from food." She mumbles unhappily, staring longingly at the table. She gasps and Alex tightens her grip automatically. "Potstickers! Al, you can't keep me from potstickers!"

"I can and I will." Alex's voice softens. "Kara, listen to me. You know Mom is probably worried sick about us. We need to see her before you eat everything on that table."

Kara sighs, knowing her sister's right. "It'll be cold by then." She says, resigned.

"Kara, you have heat vision." Alex reminds her.

"Right." Kara blushes.

As the crowd of people moves towards the buffet table, the four women make their way towards the Queen. Eliza's eyes light up when she catches sight of them. They step up onto the slight platform and Alex and Kara are immediately engulfed in hugs by their parents.

"Oh, thank the Gods." Eliza breathes out, clutching them tighter. "We read J'onn's report on what happened, but we didn't see you in the crowd. There's a lot of people."

"Yeah. We were in the back." Alex explains.

Eliza and Jeremiah release them and look to the two girls standing nearby semi-awkwardly. Jeremiah gestures for them to come over.

"Get in here. It's a family reunion, and you two are family." He urges.

Maggie and Lena exchange a surprised look, neither having expected being accepted into the Danvers family so quickly, especially since they both have tough times with their own family accepting them.

They hesitantly walk over and Jeremiah cries out "Group hug!" He doesn't seem to mind that some of the people and aliens left in the room are giving them odd or surprised looks.

Maggie opens her eyes from the hug. "Hey, Winn! Get up here! Vasquez!"

They both look just as surprised as she felt but come up when Kara urges them over too. The group hug expands with the two added people until they pull apart.

"Thank you for coming here." Eliza says, looking a lot more relaxes than she was when they walked in. Alex feels bad about having worried her so much. "I know you're all probably exhausted, and I know at the very least Kara's hungry."

They all chuckle, which turns into full blown laughter when they look at Kara to see her once again staring longingly at the food.

"Darling," Lena says, her voice heavy with amusement.

"Potstickers? I mean, what?" Kara looks over at Lena.

They all chuckle again. Lena pecks Kara's cheek. "We just love your passion for food."

"Goodnight to you all. Have a good rest." Eliza says, kissing them all on the cheek, which Vasquez is surprised by.

"Goodnight, ma'am." They say respectfully.

Eliza waves them off. "Vasquez, we've known each other long enough. You can call me Eliza."

"Yes ma-Eliza." Vasquez corrects themself. "Thank you. Goodnight."


They all say their goodnights to Eliza and Jeremiah, then grab as much food as they can before the Kryptonian vacuum cleaner with a black hole for a stomach (Kara) eats everything. Kara practically inhales half the table before piling the rest on to bring back to her room so she can eat with Lena. Alex and Maggie say goodnight to the others and leave for their room.

"I know Kara's Kryptonian, but how is it possible to eat that much that fast?" Maggie wonders aloud.

"I think it's just one of her superpowers." Alex says. "I can't believe she managed to find a girlfriend, she just ate like twenty potstickers in twenty seconds."

Maggie hums. Alex adjusts her grip on her food in order to open the door and hold it open for Maggie as well. Maggie thanks her and walks into their room.

"When do you think they'll talk about it?" Maggie asks.

"Who talk about what? Your brain moved too fast for me to get it, babe." I say.

"Right. I mean, when do you think Lena and Kara will talk about what will happen now that it's over?"

"Ah. I would assume that would come up soon." Alex shrugs, frowning. "I really hope it works out, they're very good together."

Maggie hums. They sit back against the headboard, cuddled up with each other. They eat in silence and when they finish, Alex takes their plates and places them on the bedside table. They scoot further down on the bed.

"We should probably take off our clothes." Alex murmurs, trying not to fall asleep.

"Babe, we're both way too tired for that."

"I mean to sleep. Pants and sleeping is not comfortable." Alex says.

Maggie sleepily shuffles around and tosses her pants off the side of the bed. Alex does the same and they bowl crawl underneath the covers, cuddling up to each other.

"And here I thought we would have the energy to make out for a bit before we passed out." Alex yawns.

Maggie gives her a slow kiss that ends quickly, before it can deepen too much. "There's your kiss, Allie. Sleep now."

Alex chuckles and complies, closing her eyes and falling asleep easily in Maggie's embrace.

Guys, my college has an LGBT center and clubs specifically for LGBT people and I have joined three of them :D they're headed by awesome people and I'm going to have so much fun! And hopefully make more friends... I told one group that I write lesbian Fanfiction in my spare time and people started cheering, it was amazing. Anyway! Next chapter, more Supercorp and some Sanvers! We'll see how it goes... Thank you all for reading and for your lovely comments! Stay awesome!

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