
Finding A Ring

"Are you sure it is alright?" James was sitting next to Ara's bed, holding a bucket. She had been sick for a few days and was slightly disappointed that she couldn't go to Hogsmeade with everyone, but she insisted that James still go. 

"Yes, James. It is alright. Margret and Milly are going to come to hang out with me since they are not feeling that great either." 

"Okay, I'll come to see you when I get back, alright?"

"James, go have fun okay," Ara smiled at her boyfriend, and he kissed her head gently. He was happy he didn't have to lie to her about going to Hogsmeade without her, but he didn't want her to be sick either. 

James would buy her an engagement ring today, and Mary and his sister were coming along to help him pick something out. 

"So," Hyperion and Scorpius were standing by Lily and Mary, who had frowns on their faces. 

"Were you going to tell us about this?" Scorpius finished his brother's question. 

"No, since last time I told you I was punched in the face." 

Scorpius and Hyperion sighed. "Mate, come on. Please let us come with you," Hyperion was smiling now. He didn't want to fight with James. Plus, if he was buying his sister an engagement ring, he and Scorp could really help out. 

"Fine, but you cannot tell anyone. No one knows except the four of you now."

"Promise. We won't tell a soul."

"How are you two going to help anyway?"

"Our grandmother showed us how to look for the best cut of diamonds when we were younger. She only liked the best jewelry." Hyperion said with a small smile. He still missed his grandmother every day. Mary squeezed his hand, and he thanked her with his eyes. 

"Hey, Scorp?" Lily caught him by surprise. "What happened with you and Lila? I saw her snogging some other guy a couple of days ago."

"No idea. The day after the Halloween party, she screamed at me in the common room and said that I said something she really didn't like while we were there. I have no idea what I said, though, and I feel really guilty about it. She wouldn't even tell me what I said." 

"It doesn't matter, mate," James slapped Scoprius's shoulder, and they kept walking. 

"I agree if she's snogging someone already then, she isn't worth it," Mary said after a while. Scorpius nodded in agreement, but he missed Lila's company. She was smart and funny, and they got along really well. He just hoped that he hadn't really hurt her. He had been really drunk and barely remembered any of the night. 

"Here we are," James said after awhile. The five of them went into the store and started looking around. James really didn't know what he wanted to get but figured he would know it when he saw it. 

"Hello, may I help you?" An older man came out from the back of the store and looked at the young group with curious eyes.

"I am looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend, sir," James said, stepping forward. The man nodded and explained different things to James for a while before going back to the back of the store. 

"What about this, James?" Lily was pointing at an oval-shaped diamond that had two smaller round diamonds next to it. James liked it but wasn't sure. 

"That one is pretty James," Mary liked Lily's choice but didn't think that Ara would care for it. 

"I like it, Lily, but I don't think that's it," James smiled at his little sister but kept looking around. There were so many rings in this store; he was bound to find something perfect. 

"This!" Mary was pointing at a new ring, and James went over to see it. It was an intricate design and had small diamonds all over the rose gold band with a round diamond in the middle. 

"No," Scorpius looked at it and shook his head. 

"Why not?" Mary frowned at Ara's brother.

"James, she is going to want something that has a platinum band. Not rose gold. Trust me on this." Scorpius said, walking back over to where his brother was.

"I think Ara would really like this one," Mary countered, talking to James. 

"I think so, too, just not for herself." James thanked Mary, and they both kept looking.

"Here she would love this," Hyperion pointed to a new ring, and James went to see. James knew right away that was too much. It was beautiful, but it was a lot. 

"That looks like a lot, don't you think?" James was getting more confused by the second.

"It's classic and beautiful," Scorpius said. 

"I'm with James," Mary said, looking at the ring."

James looked around the store for a little while longer, ignoring suggestion after suggestion. He wanted to be the one that found the ring for Ara and regretted bringing anyone at all. He looked into a case he swore he had looked in before and saw a beautiful oval stone. It had smaller diamonds all around, and the band had diamonds as well. It was perfect. He loved it the second he saw it. 

"Guys," He knew it was it. 

Scorpius and Hyperion looked at the ring and smiled. It was good quality and cut. Really well made. It looked perfect.

"I love it," Lily said. The boys nodded in agreement, and Mary was the last to come over. 

"She is going to love it, James," 

"Do you really think so?" 

"Yes," Hyperion, Mary, Scorpius, and Lily all said together. 

The man came back out from wherever he was, and James paid for the ring. 

"Please don't tell anyone we were in here. We are the only ones that know about this. 

"Of course sir," The man smiled at the group, and they all walked back to the castle. James clutched the bag tightly. This was too important to misplace. 

"I cannot wait until you get married!" Lily jumped up and down on the way back to Hogwarts. 

"Me too, Lily." James smiled at his little sister and was happy that he had the support of his closest friends. He would keep his promise to Ara, though he didn't plan on getting married in secret. He was going to make sure that she had the wedding of her dreams. 

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