
Chapter 31

Draco ran into the Hospital Wing and Madam Pomfrey came running up to him. 'Oh dear what happened?' She asked looking at the unconscious Hermione in Draco's arms. 'Pansy Parkinson used a spell on her and Hermione flew back against the table, she fell down and didn't wake up.' Draco said fast putting Hermione's unconscious body down on one of the beds in the room. Madam Pomfrey nodded and she started to look at Hermione. 'Can you wait there?' Madam Pomfrey asked looking around at Draco who was just standing there staring at Hermione. 'Why?' Draco asked. 'Because I say so, come on boy.' Madam Pomfrey said and she closed the curtains around the bed. Draco looked surprised at the curtains and started to get heated up. Why couldn't he just stay by Hermione's side? What if she woke up and needed him right away? Was that woman nuts? 'How is she?' Ginny asked breathless from the running when she arrived a half hour later. 'I don't know Madam Pomfrey is busy with her.' Draco said. 'How long?' Ginny asked. 'Around thirty minutes.' Draco said looking at the curtains again. He had done that the past thirty minutes, he was all alone, waiting, but there came no sign. 'Where is Parkinson?' Draco asked. 'She's in McGonagall's office.' Ginny said looking at the curtains as well and then at Draco. 'Don't worry she'll be okay.' Ginny said. Draco looked at Ginny and nodded. 'She has too.' Draco said. Then the doors of the Hospital Wing opened again and Harry and Ron ran in. 'And?' They asked in unison. 'We don't know, Madam Pomfrey is taking care of her.' Ginny said. 'That's not a good thing.' Ron said. 'Can you please keep the things that go through your head in there?' Ginny asked frustrated. 'I am sorry your majesty.' Ron said sarcastically. 'Oh shut up.' Ginny said. 'Stop it!' Harry said. Then Madam Pomfrey came out and looked at the three of them. 'And?' Draco asked taking a few steps towards Madam Pomfrey. 'She won't wake up.' Madam Pomfrey said. 'Will she wake up?' Draco asked. 'I can't promise anything.' Madam Pomfrey said. 'Don't you have a potion or something to wake her up?' Draco asked. 'Draco.' Ginny said softly. 'I'm sorry Mister Malfoy.' Madam Pomfrey said. 'Can we go to her?' Harry asked. 'Yes, I'll tell McGonagall, I'll be right back.' Madam Pomfrey said and she walked away. Harry nodded and walked towards the bed followed by the others. Hermione laid there on the bed, she looked peaceful when you thought the wounds on her head and the blood away. 'Hermione?' Draco said. Everyone looked at Hermione, but there came no reaction from her. 'I didn't know she had wounds on her head.' Ron said. 'That's because she hit the table pretty hard with her head and then she fell forwards on the ground.' Draco said softly. 'Why did Parkinson do this?' Ginny asked. 'Because she's...' Draco started, but Harry gave him a warning look. 'Parkinson has a crush on Malfoy and now Hermione is the victim.' Ron said. Draco turned to Ron and with a deadly glare. 'Are you blaming me for this?' Draco asked. 'Well it IS your jealous fan who did this.' Ron said. 'Ronald!' Ginny said. 'This isn't Draco's fault!' Ginny said. 'Yes it is! If he just made it to Parkinson clear that he didn't want anything to do with her this wouldn't have happened, and if he didn't change this wouldn't have happened either, it IS all his fault!' Ron raised his voice and his face became red while saying this. 'NO IT ISN'T AND IF YOU DON'T BLOODY SHUT THE HELL UP I'M GOING TO HEX YOU!' Ginny said now she had really lost her temper. 'I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!' Ron shouted. 'Guys.... can you both please shut up.' Harry said calmly. 'Who's right then?' Ginny asked turning to her boyfriend. Harry sighed and he looked at Ron. 'She's right Ron, this isn't his fault.' Harry said. 'YES IT IS!' Ron said. 'You can blame everyone if you want to, so just shut up or go away.' Harry said. 'No one can deal with this right now.' Harry added before he turned back to Hermione who still was laying in the same position.

It was since a few days that Hermione was in the hospital wing. She hadn't woken up since the incident with Pansy and Draco was terrified Hermione would never wake up again. He could only hope she would wake up. It was a relieve though that she could stay in the Hospital Wing and didn't had to go to St Mungo's, but if she didn't woke up soon she would be send to St Mungo's. Pansy Parkinson had been expelled from school and Hermione's parents had gotten a letter from McGonagall about Hermione's status at the moment. They had visited and had just left again, because they had their work where they had to go to, even though they wanted to stay really badly McGonagall ensured them that she would let them know if there was any change in Hermione's status. Draco had been sitting beside Hermione's bed every day and every single minute he could. Ginny told Draco all the time that Hermione would wake up, that she was a strong young lady and she  could do it. "She is a fighter" Ginny had said to Draco one day they walked together to the Hospital Wing. Blaise and Goyle had tried to cheer Draco up with everything they could, but it didn't help the only person that could Draco cheer up was Hermione. Draco didn't know he could love someone so much as he loved Hermione and he needed her to be with him. He couldn't lose her, he loved her too much, he couldn't live without her. Draco laid coldly alone in bed, he missed Hermione next to him, he missed her warm body against his. He missed the pressure of her head that was laying on his chest. He missed it to hear her breathing when he woke up in the middle of the night. He missed it to get kisses from her whenever he walked by. He missed it that the first thing he saw in the morning was Hermione, now it was just an empty spot next to him. He missed her beautiful brown eyes. 'Mione it's not fun around here without you.' Draco said one night when he was sitting next to Hermione's bed. 'Please wake up Mione.' Draco said softly kissing Hermione's hand that he was holding. 'I need you.' Draco sighed. 'I'm begging you, please wake up Hermione, I can't lose you.' Draco said. 'Draco?' Luna asked out of the sudden behind him. Draco turned around and then back to Hermione when he saw it was Luna. 'Hi Luna.' Draco said. 'Why are you still here so late?' Luna asked. 'I can ask you the same thing.' Draco said. 'I couldn't sleep.' Luna said. 'No wandering around the castle at nights.' Draco said. Luna smiled and sat down in the other chair next to Hermione's bed. 'She looks peaceful, doesn't she?' Luna said with her dreamy voice looking at Hermione. Draco nodded. 'I like her more when she's awake.' Draco said. Luna looked up at him. 'So what are you doing here?' Luna asked. 'I couldn't sleep either.' Draco said. 'Are you doing this every night?' Luna asked. 'What?' Draco asked. 'Coming here when you can't sleep?' Luna asked. 'Yes, most of the times I do.' Draco said. 'Why?' Luna asked. 'Because I've got nightmares the last nights, horrible nightmares where something happened to Hermione and then I have to make sure she's all right, that she's still laying here.' Draco explained. Luna nodded understanding. Luna stayed there for thirty minutes and then she stood up. 'I'm going back to bed.' Luna said. 'Okay good night.' Draco said. 'Don't worry she'll wake up, I know it for sure.' Luna said with a smile. Draco nodded. 'You only have to believe it.' Luna said. 'And I can tell you don't really believe it, don't lose faith Draco, it will be all right.' Luna said patting him on the back and then she left Draco alone with Hermione. 'Draco?' Draco heard from a distant. 'Draco, wake up mate, MALFOY!' Someone said and Draco shot up with his head. Draco looked behind him and saw there Blaise standing. 'I figured you were here, after you didn't show up with breakfast and the first two classes.' Blaise said. 'What are you talking about?' Draco asked rubbing with his hand in his eyes. 'You've fallen asleep.' Blaise said. 'Thank you captain obvious.' Draco said now stretching. Blaise rolled his eyes and looked back at his friend. 'Mate you look horrible.' Blaise said. 'Thanks.' Draco said. 'I'm serious, why don't you just go to bed? Have some sleep, I'll tell everyone you're sick.' Blaise said. Draco looked up. 'I can't leave her alone.' Draco said. 'Of course you can.' Blaise said. 'When I'm asleep I've got nightmares.' Draco said. 'Maybe only at night?' Blaise offered. Draco rolled his eyes. 'What if she wakes up?' Draco said. 'Then I'll make sure you're one of the first people who knows.' Blaise said. Draco sighed and stood up. He gave Hermione a kiss on her forehead, like he did every time he came and went away. 'Okay, thanks.' Draco said. 'No problem.' Blaise said. Draco walked up to the seventh floor and stopped in front of the portrait. 'How is she?' Snape asked. 'Same, Time Turner.' Draco said. Snape nodded and the portrait swung open. Draco walked into the common room and he walked further to his own room. He let himself fall on his bed and pulled the covers up. He closed his eyes and fell in a deep sleep.

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