
part 30

The week had gone by really fast. Hermione was panicking trying to do both weeks' work. Ron and Lavender were loved up, which shocked Hermione a bit but she didn't say anything, she was just glad that Ron was getting his act together.

They were presently waiting for the carriages to arrive to take them to the Hogwarts Express. The carriages arrived and they all got on silently. The rain had been pouring down in bucket loads so no one was happy. They were also sleepy considering it was 6 a.m. in the morning as Professor Snape suggested the group leave before the students woke. Ron had mumbled some extremely colourful words but Snape had just smirked at the red head. The wedding was on Sunday so students who wanted to attend could.

"Hermione," Draco said as they entered the Hogwarts Express, fifteen minutes later.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Why are you bringing the cat with you?"

"Her name is Shadow and I wanted to," Hermione replied.

The cat 'meow'ed.

Hermione leaned against Draco trying to get some sleep before they arrived back in London. It would take hours she knew, and that was why she wanted to sleep. She didn't want to return to the Manor looking like a panda. Draco watched her sleep for a while, he knew how he felt about her, he also knew how she felt so why did he have a bad feeling? He tried to shake it off and fell asleep.

Harry and Ginny were wide awake after a few hours of sleeping. The train ride was taking longer then ever.

"So that's what happened? A letter?" Harry whispered.

"Harry we're in our own compartment, no one can hear us!" Ginny sighed.


"Yes that's what happened."

"Who wrote it?"

Ginny shrugged, "I think Draco's going to use a handwriting potion on it."

Harry looked at her.

"Harry, it's a N.E. potion!" Ginny sighed. "You'll be tested on it!"

"Yea...it's the one where you dip the letter in the potion and then..."

"The name appears in the potion, takes a week or two to find the name," Ginny finished.

"I knew that!"

"Sure you did. It's a good thing you're good looking."

Harry stared at her, "Are you calling me dumb?"

"No, I'm calling you a bimbo," Ginny giggled.

"You'll pay for that one!" Harry laughed as he leaned forward and kissed her.


Luna and Blaise had also moved to their own compartment, the two were asleep and didn't notice the black cat enter through the door and smirk at the two before she moved on and did the same with Ron and Lavender. Bellatrix leered; it was going to be a pleasurable wedding.


Different cars had arrived to take everyone back to their own houses. Everyone agreed to meet at The Burrow tomorrow, as they were all exhausted.

On arriving at the Manor, Draco and Hermione were greeted by Narcissa.

"Lunch time," Narcissa smiled at them. "Trust Draco to arrive then!"

Hermione laughed while Draco scowled.

"How are you Narcissa?" Hermione asked.

"Very well dear, and yourself?" she asked.

"I'm fine thank you."

"No one cares how I am?" Draco asked.

"No," Hermione laughed.

"Very funny," Draco sighed.

"Why? You two should freshen up and join me for lunch," Narcissa smiled. "Andromeda was supposed to come over today but...what's that?"

Narcissa pointed to the black cat that was entering her house.

"That's a stray, her name's Shadow," Hermione smiled.

Narcissa smiled, "Pretty little thing."

The cat meowed. So both my sisters are friendly again...stupid blood traitors. Shame on them!

"Hand her here, I'll get her settled," Narcissa smiled.

Hermione handed the cat over and she and Draco retreated to their bedroom to change.

"Home sweet home," Draco smiled.

Hermione nodded, "Come on hurry up, I want to get back down."

"I'd rather we stay up here for a few minutes," Draco smirked sucking her on neck.

"Draco..." Hermione tried to push him off her.

Draco kissed her gently and Hermione knew she couldn't - wouldn't push him off this time.


Meanwhile, Narcissa had placed the cat on a little pillow and had already ordered a house elf to feed her while she helped set the table for lunch (okay she told the house elves where to put everything on the table!).

She even had a copy of the Daily Prophet brought in. She waited for Hermione and Draco who arrived shortly.

"Mum all this looks great," Draco smiled eyeing the food.

Hermione sat down opposite him and on the right of Narcissa as they began to eat.

"Pass the newspaper," Draco asked.

Hermione handed him the paper.

"Oh wow!" Draco said after reading the first article.

"What is it dear?" Narcissa asked.

He handed the newspaper to her, and Narcissa and Hermione read it.


At the end of last year, the Marriage Law was passed and today the No Contraception Law has been passed. The Contraception Law means that no contraception spells will work, from today, if performed by an adult (over 17) or anyone under the age of 45. Why you ask this has been done? Well the same reason as the Marriage Law, BABIES! To refill the wizarding population!

For a full interview with an official who was for this Law, turn to page 3. Your thoughts on Page 4 - 5. Turn to Page 6 to find out why this is not a smart move.

"Oh," Narcissa said.

Hermione returned to her fruit salad.


"What did you want us to say?" Hermione asked with a smirk. At this point Narcissa exited as an owl was hovering outside the kitchen windows.

"We can't...you know...unless we want kids!" Draco argued. "And we're not ready for that yet so..."

"Relax Draco," Hermione smiled.

"But Hermione no...you know!"

"Draco, we can use muggle contraception, they can't magically stop that," Hermione blushed realising Narcissa had returned.

Next chapter