
part 11

Sunday was the day Hermione would meet Narcissa Malfoy. It was an evening event, so everyone slept in. Hermione was up first, she looked at the bed beside her, Draco was still asleep. Hermione's head was killing her, she had drank a bit too much yesterday. Ginny had given her a few hangover potions last night, Hermione had put them in her handbag. She grabbed one and drank it. Her headache was gone in a few seconds.

She hopped into the shower and put on a green t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Her hair was still wet when she came out of the shower. She turned to Draco's bed. He was still asleep. She smiled as she remembered the way he kissed her, the way it made her feel. She sighed as she looked out of the window, towel drying her hair.

"Fuck," she heard Draco's voice moan. His hand was on his head as he sat up.

"Hangover?" Hermione smirked.

"How the fuck are you standing?" he asked angrily. "You drank as much as I did!"

Hermione grinned.

"Stop grinning!"

Hermione continued to grin as she opened her handbag again. She pulled out a potion and threw it at Draco, "Hangover potion."

Draco drank it quickly, "Much better. Thanks."

"Your welcome," Hermione smiled.

She had turned back to look out the window, she was combing her hair and Draco watched her. He was taking in every detail about her. All he wanted was to kiss her again.

"I like you in green," he said. Hermione turned around, he was already walking into the bathroom, he didn't see Hermione blush.

Hermione dried her hair and tied it up. She walked into the common room, no one was awake. She was hungry, she waited for Draco to emerge from his room. He was wearing dark loose jeans and a black t-shirt.

"I'm hungry!" Hermione moaned.

"You wanna go for breakfast or wait for the others?" Draco asked.

"They won't be up for hours," Hermione said standing up. "Lets go."

Draco smiled as they walked down to breakfast in the morning. The tables were still round, the house tables were not put back yet in the hall. Hermione and Draco now sat at what had become their usual table. Hermione had to admit she felt a bit awkward around him, he was hot and she wanted him but she resisted.

"So tonight we're all going to the Three Broomsticks again?" Hermione asked.

"Yea and Freckles was talking about dressing formal," Draco sighed. "Dress robes again."

"So I'm going to have to be in a dress again!" Hermione sighed. "Uncomfortable stupid clothes."

Draco laughed.

"Its not funny, their uncomfortable and too tight half the time!"

"But you look good."

"I don''t feel good!"

Draco smirked, "So what dress are you going to wear tonight?"

"Purple dress or a blue dress," Hermione visualised her wardrobe.

"Wear green," Draco suggested. "My mother likes green."

Hermione nodded, "Sure."

"Anything the Weasley's would like me to wear?"

"No, they won't mind anything," Hermione smiled.

"Ok," Draco nodded. "Pass the sugar Granger."

Hermione handed him the sugar, "You know you won't be able to call me Granger for long."

Draco smiled, "Hermione."

Hermione smiled, the way he said her name made her shiver.

"Cold?" Draco asked.

"No just a shiver," Hermione replied.

After breakfast they spent the rest of the day in the common room with the others, trying to prepare for tonight. The fact that it was a huge group made the whole evening less frightening. A few hours before they had to leave, Hermione put on her blue dress. It was a halter neck, and stopped just below her knees. She used her wand to turn the dress dark green. She put on black shoes and a black shawl, her hair was left in soft bouncy curls, half pulled back.

Blaise and Luna had left earlier, their parents were meeting at lunch time. Ron, Draco and Harry were in the common room waiting. Hermione joined them.

"You look nice," Draco smiled.

"Thanks," Hermione mumbled trying to keep her dress straight.

"Hermione stop fidgeting," Draco said. "Don't be nervous, it'll be fine."

Hermione nodded, she looked at Harry, "Dursley's aren't going to come are they?"

Harry shook his head, "Not bothered, Sirius was to come but Remus became unwell so he has to look after him." Hermione and Draco understood 'unwell'.

"Lavender's shaking, she's scared her parents won't like mine or mine won't like hers," Ron sighed.

Ginny came down the stairs, she had opted for a red dress, a lot like Hermione's one from the day before. Lavender had worn a cream dress.

"We all ready then?" Harry asked. "Let's go then."

They all walked in their couples. Harry and Ginny were the only ones talking as they had nothing to be nervous about. Lavender kept trying to flatten her hair and every five seconds she'd pull out her mirror. Hermione kept trying to keep her dress straight and after seeing Lavender with the mirror, she pulled out her own. Ron was also nervous, the tips of his ears were red, he kept clenching and unclenching his fists. Draco on the other hand didn't show his nerves but he was nervous, he felt he needed to impress the Weasley's for Hermione's sake.

When they were outside the gates, the carriages were waiting for them. They got into one which led them to Hogsmeade. Outside the Three Broomsticks, they all looked at each other nervously.

"Your mums going to hate me," Hermione muttered.

"She won't," Draco promised. "The Weasley's will hate me."

"They won't," Hermione sighed.

Draco grabbed hold of her hand as they walked into the Three Broomsticks behind the others.

There on the biggest table sat Mr and Mrs Weasley, laughing and drinking. They noticed their children walk in and waved them over. Harry shook Arthur's hand and hugged Molly before sitting down. Ginny did the same.

Then it was Ron's turn, "This is Lavender."

"Nice to meet you Lavender," Molly smiled.

"Um, nice to meet you to Mr and Mrs Weasley," Lavender blushed.

"Please Arthur and Molly," Molly smiled. "Sit down love."

The two sat down.

"Hermione!" Molly hugged her tightly.

"I think you know Draco," Hermione said softly.

"Yes we do," Arthur said firmly. "Nice to see you again."

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