
Gibb's Team x Friend!EMT!Reader

You sat in the passenger seat of your ambulance, your partner driving as fast as they could to get to the scene of your callout. Pulling out your ID cards and subsequently arguing with the cop who was guarding the crime scene for a few moments you were both let through, you entered on foot while your partner drove the ambulance through. Arriving you recognised the four agents standing around. You shook your head with a soft smile and headed over to the group, you were familiar with. You joined you partner as she parked, the pair of you heading over to the four agents.

When you arrived, you headed straight to Tony who appeared to be worse off. While your partner headed to help McGee. Tony attempted to wave you off, but as you were being to sass him back you all heard a shriek of "Gibbs!" The four agents turned, hands flying subconsciously to their weapons, McGee was promptly being told off by your partner for moving while she tended to his head wound. You barely had time to move out the way as a black and red coloured streak collided with Gibbs. "Abby." She disentangled herself from Gibbs to hug the other members, before she turned to Tony, "Let Y/N treat you." Tony conceded to the amusement of the team.

Ducky meanwhile had arrived and was with Palmer starting to inspect the bodies. They both waved at you when they spotted you helping tend to the team. Gibbs after being looked over by you went to help, McGee followed soon after being given the all clear by your partner.

You began to help Tony while your partner looked after Ziva. "I'm fine." Tony told you. You scoffed, "Well I'd hate to your ego write a check your body can't cash, tough guy." Tony looked put out that you were using a movie quote against him, Abby laughed and Ziva snorted. You made sure that Tony was cleared to work before sanitising your hands while your partner did the same beside you, Ziva and Tony both got back to work bickering all the while. Abby turned to face you, she pulled you into a tight bone crushing hug before releasing you and doing the same with your partner. She thanked you and headed back to her car before going back to the Naval Base.

That night, you were about to order a pizza when there was a series of fast paced knocks that sounded impatient. Placing your phone down you headed over to the door. Looking out of your peephole, you saw Abby grinning widely with McGee, and Ziva. All were holding various items. Ziva was holding what appeared to be a boxed cake. McGee a few bottles of what appeared to be some kind of lemonade, hopefully Abby's homemade version. While Tony was looking a little put out while holding a stack of pizzas, Abby on the other hand wasn't holding anything. You opened the door and Abby bounced inside. "We bought dinner and dessert." Tony rolled his eyes, "I bought dinner." He followed the happy Goth to your dining table, McGee followed with a side hug and a grin. "And I bought dessert." Ziva explained with a lovingly annoyed tone to her voice.

You all sat around the table eating the pizza's and cake, while enjoying Abby's homemade lemonade. You turned to Ziva, "Thanks for letting me be a part of this family." She raised her eyebrows with a soft smile. "You sure you want to be a part of this family?" As if on que McGee, Abby and Tony promptly began fighting over the last piece of pizza and cake. "Give it back." Someone whined, "It's my cake." Was the whining reply. "Yes, I'm sure." Ziva leaned forwards and managed to swipe unnoticed both the cake and the final piece of pizza. She offered you one and began to eat the other while watching the other three squabbles of the now eaten food. 

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