
Kelly Severide x Little Sister!Reader

Both trucks and the ambulance pulled into garage, the teams tumbled out. Exhausted each member tumbled out. "Food." Mumbled Sylvie, Mouch dropped onto his spot on the couch, sighing as he got of his feet. Kelly grabbed his gear from the couch as the trucks were finishing being equipped ready for the next call out. Kelly sighed his hand hovering over the door to the gear room, he leaned against the heavy door and it swung inwards. He hung up his coat, his tired eyes sweeping over the room checking nothing was out of place. As his hand reached for the handle, and as he was about to open the door, a gym bag was kicked to the floor. Kelly paused, moving over softly to where the bag had fallen. He knelt down, "Hey, Y/N. What's going on? Why are you hiding here?" You shook your head. Kelly took your hand carefully and then the power flickered out. "Who turned out the lights?" Kelly asked. "Storm." Kelly answered. You flinched and jumped into Kelly's arms, his arms tightened around you. Kelly lead the way out of the pitch-black room waving his hands in front of him, so he didn't walk into anything. Kelly groped the air and found the handle. Kelly found the flashlight he had in his pocket. He turned it on, the light flickered. The door opened, and Kelly walked into Casey. Both men jumped, Boden joined the three of you, "What's going on here?" His deep voice rumbled, "Not here." Kelly said, the emergency lights lit the path to Boden's office as the four of you made your way there. Boden leant against his desk, Kelly pulled a chair to sit in front of the sofa and Kelly sat beside you on the sofa.

Kelly had been trying to adopt you for a few months now, the paperwork was almost finished, thankfully the elusive owner of your orphanage had no control over your situation. You knew that he was in the process of adopting you. "Why are you hiding here?"

"She scares me." You whispered, everyone's brows crinkled. "Who scares you? Boden, he looks terrify but he's really a giant teddy bear." Casey told you with mirth lacing his tone. Boden gave Casey annoyed glance. You giggled lightly. "What's her name?"

"Gail. But she makes us call her Miss McLeod. She's not around much, she wants to shut this firehouse down." There was an eerie chill which ran through the room, and Kelly tightened his grasp on your hand and Casey asked softly. "She said that?" You nodded. "I like to draw the firehouse and you guys, especially Kelly because he's my brother." The three men smiled at that, then there was a shout of "Where is she?" You jumped, and Kelly's phone rang. Brett entered the room. "Um, McLeod is here for Y/N." You were almost constant fixture around here since Kelly had found about your familial status. "Brett, take Y/N and hide her in Casey's office. Don't leave her side." Brett nodded and picked you up and cradled you as she walked to Casey's room. Once there she was there she pulled a heavy blanket around the pair of you and sat on the small chair in the corner of the room beginning to tell you stories of the fires they had fought and the people they had saved.

McLeod was currently demanding that you returned to orphanage. Boden called one of his friends who was in charge of the firehouse, Mouch had called the police while they were busy two in the area were heading back to the district offered to take her. McLeod stepped as far the cops holding her allowed, "You'll never be able to adopt that brat." Kelly stepped forwards, "I already have, the papers went through two hours ago." McLeod was led from the building as Kelly moved to find you. He moved to Casey's office and found you curled up in Brett's arms both of you asleep. He grinned and tucked the blanket more firmly around the pair of you. 

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