
Chapter 2

~Alison's P.O.V.~

After shift that night I ended up at Molly's. I sat on the bar stool and had a drink. People began to get their slowly.

"Hey" Jay said approaching me


"Look about earlier today-"

"Don't. Look Jay I'm the one who is gonna apologize. I shouldn't have acted that way"

"You were upset. It's understandable"

I nodded

"Hey babe"

I turned to see a girl who greeted him with a kiss. That made my stomach turn

"Ali this is my fiance Cindy. Cindy this is Alison. She's a firefighter at firehouse 51" Jay said

I shook her hand and forced a smile. Fiance? Great.

"Hey babe let's go say hi to Joe Cruz" Cindy said practically pulling him away

I faced back foward and took a sip of my beer.

"So how long have you been in love with him?"

I looked up to see Gabby giving me a look

"I don't know what your talking about" I said trying to avoid it

"Come on"

I sighed and put my bottle down. I turned to look at Jay then I looked back at her "I've been in love with him since we practically first met. Well I found him attractive then I fell in love with him"

"Why has it taken you this long to say something? It's been like over a year since we've met him"

"I know it's just. I don't know"

"Well don't worry. Things have a way of working themselves out" She said patting my shoulder

I nodded and grabbed my beer "Thanks girl" I stood up took a drink and walked away. I passed people who were drinking and just happy. Me not so much. I kept drinking beer after beer. I could I was definitely drunk already. I stared down at Jay as he was smiling and laughing with Cindy. I chugged down my beer before I began to walk to the door

"And where do you think your going?" Casey asked as he stood up front of me

"Home" I drunkly said as I began to walk passed him

He took my keys straight from my hand "I don't think so"

I turned around "Give me my keys Matt"

"Your drunk. There's no way your driving home. Trust me your gonna thank me later"

I rolled my eyes "Fine" I turned around annoyingly

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Home" I opened the door and walked out of Molly's

~Jay's P.O.V.~

I didn't like the way Cindy pulled me away from Ali like that but oh well. As time passed I kept an eye on Alison, I noticed she was drinking more and more. It was weird, she never drank that much. I watched as she drank her last drink and was about to walk out when Matt stopped her. He took her keys but she walked out anyway. After that Matt walked to the bar and sat on the stool

"Hey I will be back" I said to Cindy

She nodded as I stood up and walked over to Matt

"Hey Matt" I said

"Hey Jay what's up?"

"Is Alison okay? She looked pretty drunk I don't think I've ever seen her that way"

Matt nodded "She's fine"

"Are you sure?" I asked concerned

"Jay. I'm sure"

I nodded and patted his shoulder "Alright" I walked away back to Cindy. But I couldn't get her off my mind. The rest of the night I seriously just couldn't stop thinking about her

~Alison's P.O.V.~

I opened my eyes. The light was so bright. At first I thought I was outside, them I realized it was only the ceiling light. I groaned and sat up, my head was in do much pain. Then I tried to remember what had happened last night. Then I looker around the room to see where I was, oh no. This isn't home, I'm at the firehouse on my bed. I groaned even more, I was hungover great and I wasn't even at home. I quickly showered and walked to the kitchen while everyone was coming in for their shift. My eyes were droopy. The light was like the sun shining straight into my eyes. And every single little tint pin drop made me cringe. I walked to grab a cup of coffee while everyone came in. After I poured the cup Kelly approached me

"Hey sis!" He said very loudly

I jumped and it felt like a ton of bricks hit my head "Ahh why must you be so loud" I tried covering my ear

Kelly simply laughed "What time did you get home last night?"

I reached the table as I slowly sat down and Kelly sat next to me "Actually, I never made it home" I said as I took a sip of my coffee

I turned to Kelly and he just looked at me then he chuckled "Wait did you, did you stay here overnight?"

I didn't say a word

He bursted out with laughter

"God Kelly why must you be so damn loud. Shut up" I scolded sounded very annoyed

He quieted down "Well keep drinking more coffee. Cause your on shift sis" He stood up and patted my back "And your gonna need it" He said then he walked off

I sipped more coffee. It was actually helping me, considering. I saw Casey walk by "Hey Casey"

He saw me and walked over to sit down. I held out my hand "Hand them over"

"Hand what over?"

"My keys, you took them from me last night"

"Oh you remember that?"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled "Just give them"

He reached into his pocket and put them in my hand "By the way. You welcome for saving your life"

He smiled before he walked off. I groaned as I drank more and more coffee. Then the intercom went off

"Ambulance 61. Women is distress, Washington boulevard"

It felt like the ton of bricks hit my head once again. This is gonna be a long shift I thought as I drank more coffee.

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