

Dearest gentle reader, it is often said that those who marry in haste must repent at leisure, a sentiment that is clearly shared by Miss Daphne Bridgerton, who has apparently rejected not one, not two, but three proposals already this week. Some believe she is showing admirable forethought in her deliberations, but I would venture a different conjecture, that she, like this author, is still waiting on the only suitor of note.

Penelope and I are waiting for the post to arrive. Since Marina is still locked in her room Penelope and I have been searching the mail every day for a letter from Spain.

"Post has arrived!"

I smile at Penelope as we rush down the stairs.

"Some prince is coming to London," Prudence tells Philipa.

Philipa gasps. "Then I shall wear my most brilliant dress of all."

"Something must hold his interest, as it will certainly not be your conversation," Prudence remarks.

Penelope shuffles through the letters on the try that a servant holds. She frowns, not finding any letter. We head to tell Marina the news.

"Anything?" Marina questions. Penelope and I shake our heads. Marina throws herself down on the bed. "How long does it take for a letter to arrive from Spain?"

"Sir George is with the front line. It must be difficult to get letters in and out," I reason.

"You must be patient. If your love is as great as your previous letters state, surely he will write back to you soon. Or perhaps, even better, he's already making his way back to you here to come and take you home," Penelope says.

Aunt Featherington burst through the door followed by Mrs Varley. "Penelope Featherington! What did I tell you about cavorting with the expectant?"

"Marina has been in here for ages, Mama!" Penelope says.

"Out. Out." Aunt Featherington pulls Penelope away from Marina. "Out!" She turns to me. "You as well Diana."

Penelope and I watch from the door.

"You cannot hide me away forever," Marina states.

"No, I cannot, which is why you are to reenter society at once and find yourself a husband," Aunt Featherington tells her.

"I do not want..." Marina starts.

Aunt Featherington cuts her off, "What you want became immaterial long ago. You shall wed, and you shall do it as soon as possible. You are to be fitted for a new wardrobe. It's about time you dressed in the family colors anyway."

"That poor girl," I remark.

"It is not fair what mama is doing to her," Penelope states.

I shake my head. "It is not. No one should be punished for finding love."

Another day means another social event. Aunt Featherington however will not let Marina attend until she has a new wardrobe fitted. She has yet to start showing, but I assume Aunt Featherington is planning ahead.

I dance with a few suitors here and there. Penelope, Prudence, and Philipa have still yet to have any callers of their own. I feel sorry for them. They stand around and watch as everyone else is dancing and chatting.

Benedict smiles as he walks towards me. "And how did you find your eligible bachelors?"

"I must confess, I have felt more chemistry when being fitted at the modiste," I state.

"The prince is from Prussia, and I dare say that I just caught his eye," Prudence says.

Her and Philipa walk past Benedict and I.

"I love Russia. I could swoon," Philipa remarks.

"They do not even know him," I state.

"They do not need to," Benedict remarks.

"Besides the fact he is a prince," I say.

"Surely you cannot be surprised. You know how this works," Benedict states.

I chuckle. "I suppose you are right." Benedict smiles. "Watch as Miss Cowper lowers her eyes.

Benedict nods. "Mm."

"Oh, so demure. Now she will look up at him, ever so quickly, and then allow her fan to slowly sweep across her bosom before casting her eyes back upon the ground, for one is much too timid to ever meet His Royal Highness's piercing gaze, of course." I chuckle. "Oh, now he will kiss her hand."

"Forever charmed by her submission," Benedict states.

"Precisely." I smile widely. "Maybe you should take notes. Should you ever decide to find yourself a wife."

Benedict chuckles. "I find comfort in knowing that when I decide to take a wife I am a Bridgerton. Any girl would swoon to get a chance at having me court them."

I scoff. "Such a burst of confidence, Benny."

Benedict smiles. "Confidence is key my dear." Anthony gestures for Benedict. "I shall see you next time, Di."

"I'll be around tomorrow to see Daphne," I tell him.

"Then I shall see you tomorrow," Benedict says before walking off to join his brother.

"Hello Miss Featherington."

I smile and curtsy. "Good evening Lady Danbury."

"I do believe that Mr Benedict has been to more social events this season than ever before," Lady Danbury says.

"Miss Bridgerton did make her debut this season," I remind her.

"Then why have I seen him with you and rarely his own sister?" Lady Danbury questions.

I can feel myself blush. "We are friends. Miss Bridgerton and I have been close friends since the age of five. I would only think that my friendliness extend to the whole Bridgerton family."

Lady Danbury nods. "Friendliness yes. He is a very eligible suitor should someone wish to turn that friendship into something more."

Daphne and I sit in the parlor of her home.

"How is it with the Duke?" I question.

"It is well, but I must confess something," Daphne tells me.

I look at her curiously. "What is it?"

"I do not know that a proposal will ever come from the Duke. He does not wish to marry," Daphne tells me.

"Why ever not?" I ask.

"I asked Anthony about it," Daphne says.

"They are best friends," I offer.

"Anthony told me that the Duke barely knew his father. Never knew his mother. Not one sibling. He has not mentioned his so-called family even once. He has spent his entire life alone," Daphne tells me.

I sigh. "I know the feeling."

"So how is it that you can find the desire to wed?" Daphne asks.

"Do I have another choice?" I question. "If I were not to marry I would never be able to get out of the Featherington house." Daphne chuckles. "But I would also not be able to create a family for myself. The family I have always longed for."

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