
448. One Night At Tina's ~Just One Night~

Gabby sighs while she entered the restaurant. She makes her hair into a bun and places it inside of a hairnet. She then wears an apron and puts on her nametag.

"Welcome to Tina Tiger's Pizzaverse!" she smiled, gallantly. "May I take your order...? Oh, dear God..." Gabby sees her university classmates right in front of her, who are extraterrestrials.

"Hey! Uh... Hi!"

"Well, well... If it isn't the nerd-turned-normie!?" laughed the kids who all wore glasses. They all carried books of literature, comic books, PS12s, and Nintendo Switches.

"Guys..." Gabby blushed. "I'm still as smart as you guys are!"

"Pfft!" laughed one kid. "No, you aren't! Bye, normie! Probably doesn't even know what the powerhouse of the cell is!"

"It's Midochlorian...?" asked Gabby.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Bye, unintelligent noob."

Gabby bows her head in shame.

"You alright there, kid?"

Gabby looks to her left and sees Mark Fischbach. Known in their universe as Markiplier the Actor.

You're retconning Pewds, Jack, and Mark...?


"Oh, hey Mr. Fischbach," said Gabby. "They were just bullying me 'cuz I was a nerd."

"That seems terrible," said Markiplier. "Then, again, I don't care..." He puts on his fine makeup.

Gabby bows her head. 

Markiplier sighs. "Look, kid... All this nerd and normie nonsense that kids use to classify themselves into these so-called 'cliques'. It's all just for show!"

"What do you mean...?"

"You know! They just wanna keep their image up! A high-status member of society! I mean, I used to be like one of those guys! I lived in a beautiful Manor once! I stole my friend Damien's body and I ran away! Started a channel where I played characters from different universes!"

"You stole a body...?"

"But then I met your Dad! Really good guy, Gabby! Taught me the value of what it means to be a good Christian person!"

"Who's Damian...?"

"And... you're his heiress, kid... What are you gonna do if you're nothing like your Dad...? You like K-Pop! You like gyrating! You like hanging out with so-called normies! You're a casual viewer! You hate studying! So, what!? If your Dad doesn't accept you, then that's on him. Because he hated it when no one accepted him!"


"Yeah! He'd tell us this loser stories about how he was constantly bullied! Ugh! Absolutely horrendous!Then, after he died, Felix was transported into a dimension filled with cubes or whatever and Jack was transported into a dimension with Underground Monsters. Really weird! Then Felix fought a dragon, a three-headed box demon, an amphibious sheep, living turnips, his clone, and an evil being called Herobrine..."

"This is getting exposition-y for no reason..." 

"And Jack saved a bunch of Monsters from a goat demon and freed them into their realm!"

"Goddamn it!" yelled Felix, while his dog bites his other dogs. "Sven! Stop chewing Edgar and Maya's tails."

"You shouldn't be conjuring your pets, here, Felix," said Sean, who is making some coffee.

"Quiet, Irish boy! You can't tell me what to do!" yelled Felix, summoning a Fishing Rod and pulling Sven away from the two other dogs.

Sven looks like a large wolf, but he is domesticated.

Meanwhile, Edgar is a black pug. And Maya is a yellow pug.

Sven barks at Felix over and over.

"Sven! No! Dark Sven!" Felix summons Dark Sven. "Put Sven in timeout! Ugh!"

Dark Sven, a black wolf, nods and teleports Sven away.

Gabby stares at Felix, puckering her dimple.

Felix sighs. "What!?"

"Your dogs shat on the patties," said Gabby.


"Hi! Hello, reader! It's me! The future successor of the Omniverse when my Dad ascends to Heaven!And, yes! I can narrate and break the 4th-Wall. Ain't I totally cool, lods? Haha!"

Stop being 'cringe,' my foolish Granddaughter.

"Right... So, this story all began in Tina Tiger's Pizzaverse...My co-workers are old men who used to be famous actors and internet celebrities.And... they all have Child Star Syndrome."

"Hello everybody!" smiled Markiplier, suavely. "Welcome to Tina Tiger's Pizzaverse! May I take your order?"

"Mark Fischbach. We call him Markiplier... After his big break in his web series called 'With Markiplier,' he ended up becoming a rebel around ten years ago with the last series being 'Under the Sea with Markiplier.' After the rebellion occurred, Mark became a pizzeria employee."

"Yeah! PewDiePie? Haven't heard... Haven't heard of me...?" asked Felix, to the nice people.

"That's Felix Kjellberg... After Rasputin was defeated, he decided to work here, too, for fun. But... he still works for my Dad. He's only technically still here to keep watch on me. Also, five years ago, he just came back from an unknown universe after being gone for around a whole year... Made him a bit... weird..."

Felix grabs his head. "BE QUIET, ULA BRITTA!!! EAT YOUR SAAALMOOON!!!"

Sean slaps Felix in the face.

"Thanks, Jack," said Felix.

"Did I not break your face?" asked Sean. "I was hoping I'd break your face."

Sean fixes the security cameras of the place. "What keeps chewing the fucking wires...!?"

"Sean 'Jack' McLoughlin (Shon MacLockhlen). He's the only one who actually takes this job seriously to start his own coffee business. He also fought with a goat demon in a world of Monsters with the power of determination."

Gabby smiles, dusting the animatronics. "Doo doo doo doo doo!"

"And this? This is me! Daughter of Miguel Ibarra and future Queen of the Omniverse. And what's my issue with gaining pretty much everything in the future?Well...The pressure..."

"Hey, sweetie!" smiled Miguel, waving from a table, along with Anne, who is texting on the table. "We'd like to order, please!"

Miguel lightly punches Anne on the shoulder.

"Yeah!" yelled Anne. "Over here!"

Gabby facepalms and woges just a bit.

"Being a hybrid between a Messiah and a Half-Demon, and since I am the only Messiah to have succeeded the previous rather than being reincarnated from him, I get a lot of pressure from... my Dad..."

A young Gabby drools while Miguel teaches her the meanings and secrets of the Omniverse.

"I was pretty much sheltered for my whole life... Homeschooled and tutored by her own father...He was always... sort of... embarrassed by me..."

"Haha! It's the Chosen One's Demon Child!" laughed one kid.

Gabby grabs her arm in embarrassment as Miguel zaps the child with a Depression Beam.

The child runs away, crying.

"Dad... Is that true...?"

"Pfft! Well...Yeah...But! We can work around that, kid! That doesn't matter! I swear!" smiled Miguel.

"I can tell that he was lying through his teeth."

Gabby headbutts the desk over and over.

"And... To show the whole world that Demons aren't all bad and that I would never be a failure...He signed me up for an interdimensional hyperbolic time school.I was told that he wasn't exactly the best student there... and that I was surprisingly amazing since I shattered expectations.I ended up becoming Valedictorian and finished college in just a year while out in space...And... Everybody hated me since I was too... uh...Regular...?Most people there were Weebs, whether or not you were smart or not...And I was labeled as a normie.I came back to Burnham with everybody hating me.And recently, I've done some mistakes to try and please my father...I made a deal with Stark...I rebuilt his room and forgot to place his Spawn Anchor...I also ended up losing some of Dad's pets.And I made a deal with Cipher to work here...So... Yeah. I feel like I failed again... All because of that deal with Stark...So... Now I'm here!"

Gabby finishes serving the pizza to her father. "Welp... See ya..."

"Thank you, Gabrielle!" smiled Miguel. "I'm proud of you!"

Gabby frowns. "Are you...?"

Miguel gives a saddened face. "Gabby. You know I care about you. You said-..."

"I only said those things to remind myself why I should not have a deal with Bill. Now, eat your pizza."

Miguel sighs. "This is really good pizza!"

"I don't care. You think any Sashimi pizza is good..."

"Yeah... I do..." Miguel bows his head. Miguel bites into the Sashimi Pizza. "Mm..."

Gabby sighs as she slams her head on the counter. "Ugh!"

Miguel finishes his pizza, sighs, and opens a portal, leaving.


"I'm sorry, WHAT!?" asked Gabby.

"Yep..." said the Manager. "You're gonna have to stay here for the night shift as a security guard."

"But I'm a chef!" yelled Gabby. "I didn't sign up to be a security guard!"

"I didn't decide that! The higher-ups did."

Gabby senses something sinister. She smiles. "Well, alright then!"

"Wait... Really?"

"Yeah...! Pfft! Easy!"

That night...

Gabby is confused. "Why do I have to wear this...?"

The Manager puts a Stand-Destabilizer around her neck. "Boss's orders. Now, the Boss wants you to stay here... Like... Stay put..."

"Something tells me that they're manipulating me and I'm doing something incredibly dumb by trying to get to the bottom of this..." she thought.

"Here... Close the doors when they're nearby," said the Manager.

"What!? Who!? Why does it need electricity to keep the doors open!? Why are you giving me a mascot face!?"

"Make sure that their scanners don't detect your face by wearing this. Use this flashlight to scare away the bats... You need to close the doors for the Hyena. You need to close the vents to keep out the vulture. She's the one after you."


"So that he won't kill the people I care about.Welp... Bye...This is all I could do to help you."

Gabby is tied to a stool, except for her arms. "Oh, crud..."

12 AM...

Gabby is stuck on the chair. She silently eats potato chips.

There are around 12 places to inspect, not including her own room. The dining area, the bathroom, the first kitchen, the second kitchen, the storage for animatronics, the storage for mascot suits, the one room at the corner, the room with the broken animatronics, the first hallway, the second hallway, the first vent, and the second vent. Gabby's room is filled with broken stuffed toys, a touch screen for surveillance footage, rusted metal walls, stickers, bloody handprints, and a fan right before her to keep her cool. She has a flashlight with her, a mascot head of a Golden Bonnie suit, and her touch screen. Also, a bag of chips.

She tries wearing a mask and realizes that she has to hold her breath. She gasps as she takes it off. "Ugh!" She checks the security cameras and sees that Coward the Cow is staring at the camera, very, very creepily. He's vibrating slightly and twitching.

Gabby looks terrified by this. "Uh...! UHH!!!"

She hears heavy footsteps outside along with what sounds like as robotic limbs walking very slowly. 

She checks the camera for kitchen one and the animatronic immediately stops, but its head is shaking. It is Leo the Lion.

Gabby gulps, realizing the situation she is in.

She checks the animatronics room and sees a small bat wearing a funny circus costume, but its face is creepy.

She's too scared to talk. "I shouldn't have agreed to this...! But...! Maybe there's a reason why Bill wanted me to work here..."

She sees that in the second hallway, Coward is there.

She checks the first hallway, and Leo the Lion is there.

"Holy shit..." she said, as her pupils contracted.

1 AM...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" she shrieked, as both animatronics knock on the glass while the doors to her left and right are closed. "LEAVE!!! THE BOTH OF YOU!!!" Gabby hides her head in her hood.

2 AM...

"What the hell!?" asked Gabby, seeing that every time she switches to another camera and goes back to the room with the broken animatronics, Hannah the Hyena slowly pops her head out of a strange sheet.

Suddenly, she hears running.

She checks hallway 2 and sees that she's running toward him.



She closed the door just in time and sees that Hannah is back in the room.

3 AM...

She checks that in the room at the corner, Via the Vulture's eyes have widened and its pupils had contracted. Via is partially broken for parts.

Gabby gulps. She has to figure out which vent-...

Via the Vulture has her head pop out of the vent.

"HOLY FUCK!!!" yelled Gabby.


Gabby grabs the van and beats the animatronic in the face over and over again.


*CLANG!!! CLANG!!! ZAP!!!*

*CAW!!! CA-... zip... zip... zap...*

Gabby finishes killing the vulture.

"Huh... you guys are surprisingly weak..."

"My brothers and sisters are stronger... And they will come for you... Gabby Ibarra."

Gabby stares in horror. "I would believe that you're bluffing, but you're practically broken..."

4 AM...

Gabby stuffs the haunted Android into the vents after she managed to cut herself from the rope. She sighs in relief.

She checks the cameras and sees that Tina the Tiger is gone.

Gabby sees that she's outside her door.

In fear, Gabby closes both doors.

5 AM...

Gabby, now being sweaty, stinky, and traumatized by the things she's seen, sees that the battery of the area is low. "Uh...!"












It's dark.

Except for a bright face flickering on the left door.

Gabby closes her eyes, accepting her fate.


6 AM.

Gabby sighs in relief. "Huh... living animatronics... Huh...?"


"WHA!!!" Gabby turns to the door to see Tina Tiger deactivated.

"You finally went through the night shift..." said Markiplier, popping out of a trash bin.

Gabby stares at Markiplier.

"How long have you been there...?" asked Gabby.

"Ever since we closed down," said Markiplier. "You've got a lot to learn..."

Markiplier shows a book in his hand. 

It says, "The Freddy's Diaries."

Note: In this universe, Who Killed Markiplier? is canon. And Markiplier didn't have a gaming channel. Rather, he was an actor who played several alternate versions of himself in multiple Choose Your Own Story Web Series.PewDiePie also never did any Let's Plays (sadly) except for horror games. Instead, he went on to become a popular actor in "Scare PewDiePie." But Jack did have let's plays. However, he never played Undertale.Felix ended up becoming a legendary hero in the Minecraft universe where Steve and Alex live and Jack paired with Frisk to save the Monsters and has a brother-sister/brother relationship with them. Yeah. Get Retconned, fricksters.


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