
364. Stats

Stand and Being Stats:

Stats: Power∞ Unlimited. User can break through anything s/he pleasesU: Galactic-Universal Level DestructionS: Planetary-Solar Level DestructionA: City Breaker Level DestructionB: Building Breaker Level DestructionC: Fair/Average HumanD: Slight Harm. Child Level.E: Weak. Baby Level.F: Very Weak. Small Animal Level.Z: Extremely Weak. Insect Level.0: No Form of Strength.

Stats: Speed∞ Unlimited. User can warp time completely through speed alone and becomes one with time itself.U: Beyond Speed of Light (+ 299 792 458 m / s).S: Speed of Light (299 792 458 m / s).A: Speed of Bullet (1,422 m/s).B: Speed of Sound (343 m / s).C: Fair/Average Human Speed (1.42 m/s)D: Slow (0.80 m/s)E: Very Slow (0.40 m/s)F: Extremely Slow (0.20 m/s)Z: Barely Moving (0.10 m/s)0: No Form of Motion

Stats: Range∞ Unlimited. The Stand can be anywhereU: 1,000,000 meters to 1 light yearS: 100,000-1,000,000 metersA: 1,000-100,000 metersB: 9-999 metersC: 8-15 metersD: 3-7 metersE: 1-2 metersF: 1 DecameterZ: 1 Centimeter0: Stand cannot leave the body, or the Stand IS the user.

Stats: Durability and Stamina∞ Unlimited. The user is virtually indestructibleU: Galactic-Universal Level and Nigh-Infinite StaminaS: Planetary-Solar Level and Extremely High Stamina.A: City Breaker Level and High Stamina.B: Superhuman and Above Average Stamina.C: Fair/Average Human and Average Stamina.D: Durability of a Child and Below Average Stamina.E: Durability of a Baby and Low Stamina.F: Durability of a Mouse and Extremely Low Stamina.Z: Durability of a Bug and Nigh-Infinitissimally Low Stamina.0: No Form of Strength

Stats: Precision∞ Unlimited. The user has unlimited precision.U: The user is nigh-perfectly precise and accurate at everything and almost has no mistakes.S: The user has extremely high precision with great accuracy.A: The user has high precision and accuracy.B: The user has above-average precision and accuracy.C: The user has average precision and accuracy.D: The user has below average precision and accuracy.E: The user has low precision and accuracy and is very messy.F: The user has extremely low precision and accuracyZ: The user nigh-infinitesimally low precision and accuracy.0: The user has no form of Precision.

Stands Only:

Stats: Potential∞ Unlimited. User can learn anything and has infinite potentialU: The user has nearly unlimited potentialS: The user has limit-breaking potentialA: The user has top to limit potentialB: The user has above average potentialC: The user has average potentialD: The user has below average potentialE: The user has weak potentialF: Very Weak PotentialZ: Weakest Potential0: No form of Potential

People Stats:

Stats: Senses∞ Unlimited.U: The user can sense the whole planet and can sense emotions.S: The user can sense everything in 9 million km and can sense emotions.A: The user can sense everything in a city and can sense emotion.B: The user can sense everything in a 10,000-meter range.C: The user can sense like a normal person.

Stats: Intelligence∞ Unlimited.U: The user has an IQ of 5,000+S: The user has an IQ of 500+A: The user has an IQ of 200+B: The user has an IQ of 115-199+C: The user has an IQ of 85-114+D: Mental DisabilityE: Mental Disability F: Mental DisabilityZ: Mental Disability0: No Intelligence

Stats: Combat∞ Unlimited.U: The user has 1,000+ years of experience and serious training.S: The user has 100 years of experience and serious training.A: The user has 50 years of experience and serious training.B: The user has 20 years of experience and serious training.C:  The user has 10 years of experience and serious training.D: The user has 5 years of experience and serious training.E: The user has 1 year of experience and serious training.F: The user has a few months of experience and serious training.Z: The user has no experience and serious training.0: Does not fight.

Stats to Power Levels

U=100+ Beyond











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