
31. Put Out the Fire and White Queen ~Terminator Tw...

Jessica sighed out of boredom as she entered the Burnham Train, a large bullet train that goes in and out of the mountains created by her ally, Kariel JoJo.

A beggar on the train asks for money from her, as she gave him a disgusted look. The beggar was saddened and walked away because of Jessica's rudeness.

"Snob," he whispered.

"I'm surprised a plebe like you KNEW THAT TERM!!!" she shouted, annoyed.


"Help me!" shouted a little girl. "Please! Help me!"

Jessica sighed and ignored the cry of help, as she texted her friends.

"Please! These monsters are attacking me!" she shouted again.

Two Stand-Users woged before the girl. One is a Phoenix, a red bird-headed humanoid, the other is a white Siren, a fish-like humanoid. The Phoenix squawked while the Jagerbar growled as they approached the little girl. The other passengers ran away.

"Please! Anyone!" cried the little girl, backing away and crying. "Please! Help!" she started to sob.

"Maybe this won't get her attention after all," said Apollo, the male Phoenix. He went in for the kill until-...


The child is gone.

Apollo's eyes widen.


"HORA!!!" shouted Silver Chariot, as Apollo was stabbed by the rapier in the torso several times.

Apollo and Diana then summon their Stand Armors in a woge. Apollo's armor is a red Stand with a tile-like pattern around him with alternating dark red and light red diamonds. He has a humanoid helmet with a glass windshield in front that can turn Phoenix-like. Diana's armor is a simple humanoid white armor with a glass windshield. These are their Stands: Put Out the Fire and White Queen respectively.

Meanwhile, Jessica also entered her Stand which acted as her armor. She stared at the two as she pointed her rapier at them.

"Geez," she said, sighing. "You honestly made me act like the hero right now... Honestly..."

Note: When Stands are in the form of objects such as armors, they can be seen by normal human beings.

Anne looked for some earrings in the jewelry store. There are pearls, diamonds, gold, silver, topaz, and emerald found just about everywhere in the store. Anne drools in excitement.

"Saved just enough money for those diamond earrings," she smiled.

She went out of the store with the earrings hooked to her ears.



"Ow!" she said. "Sorry! I wasn't seeing where I was looking, and-! Oh!" she turned red.

Miguel, aloof as usual, loomed over her. He then offered his hand and helped her stand up.

"Hey, Miggy!" she smiled sweetly, as Miguel stayed stoic.

"Hello," he said, tipping his hat.

He then walked away, as she followed.

"Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy..." she said in her head. "Why isn't this guy noticing anything different about me? Maybe if I cough..."

Anne coughs and Miguel looks at her for a second as he then continued to walk.

"Tch-..." she scoffed. "This welp is trying to act all cool despite my feminine charms... Clearly, he loves me..." she sneered.

"Hay Naku..." said Miguel. "Fine. You have nice diamond earrings. No idea how'd you get the money for that, but they seem nice on you. You look rather beautiful with them."

Anne turned red and stared at Miguel.

"Whoa!" she shouted, as she tripped. Miguel caught her immediately by grabbing her hand with her face inches away from the fire hydrant.

"Stop being so clumsy," said Miguel.

"S-Sorry!" she shouted.

Miguel sighs.

"D-Do you..." she said, as she pointed together her index fingers. "Do you wanna go somewhere?"

Miguel turned slightly red.

"Sure..." he said, tipping his hat over his eyes and trying to stay as calm as possible.


"Apollo," said Diana. "This is Cheetarah Chariot... She's the one who killed our brother. The Boss really is amazing... knowing so much about their identities."

"Twins, I presume?" asked Jessica. "I killed your brother because he was absolute scum."

"Yes, Jessica Polnareff, we are," said Apollo. "Frankly, I don't want to be defeated by one of the mean girls, so, let's do this."

"Why does everyone keep referencing that movie when they meet me?!" asked Jessica to herself.

"How many calories do you take in?" asked Apollo.

"Calories? Ew," said Jessica.

"Exactly," said Apollo. "I don't understand why your body's so-..."



Jessica charged towards the two as he slashed her rapier toward them several times over.


"PUT OUT THE FIRE!!!" shouted Apollo, as his Stand immediately shot flames towards Jessica. She gasped as the flames began to burn the entire cart.


In a split second, she ran around the room.

The wind blast from her run immediately put out the flames.

"You're nothing like The Reaper... you're much more... careful..." said Diana. "I could respect that, but you killed my baby brother... WHITE QUEEN!!!"

*creak crackle*

Jessica's feet are then frozen.

Jessica vibrates her feet so that she could keep her armor warm and avoid losing her body parts.

The friction melted the ice as White Queen shot spikes of ice towards Jessica, who zoomed toward her.

"HORA HORA HORA!!!" shouted Silver Chariot.

However, the twins are unscathed by Jessica's attack.

"What the hell?!" asked Jessica. "Oh, right... armor Stands..." she shook her head and flipped her hair. "Duh."

The two woged as Jessica ended up woging in response.

"Nekomata," said the both of them.

"Makes sense," said Apollo. "Cattusians ironically are the bitches of the Cryptid world."

"And you're a birdie and you're a fish," said Jessica. "And I'm a cat... This is bad news for you. Also, you adopted?"

"Our parents are different races, you racist!" shouted Diana.

"Our parents are different races, you racist!" she repeated what they said in a higher pitch.

"No matter... I'll just burn this train down," said Apollo.

"If you do that..." she sneered. "I'd have no choice but to kill you. You don't use your Stand to attack innocent people.And the fact that you're using this train full of innocent people to get to me..."


Suddenly, the train is empty, and Jessica disappeared for a split second.

"...pisses me off. SILVER CHARIOT!!!"

"HORA HORA HORA!!!" shouted Silver Chariot, slashing its rapier towards them.

Apollo shot flames at her as she grabbed Apollo and threw him up the cart. A hole is punched in the roof, as Apollo clings to a bar on the roof.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" he shouted.

Diana shot bullets of ice as Jessica immediately blocked all of them by slicing each of them in amazing precision.

"HORA HORA HORA!!!" shouted Silver Chariot. However, none of her attacks seemed to have injured Diana.

Silver Chariot then begins to multiply into hundreds of clones.

"What the hell?!" asked Diana, as she sees that every cart on the whole train has at least twenty Jessica Polnareffs.

"What the hell is your game, Jessica?" asked Diana. "My game is that I'd be able to kill both of you in a split second... But us Cattusians like playing with their food."

"I tawt I taw a putty cat!" said Apollo, as he melted the roof and jumped down. He then blasted flames everywhere as Jessica crashed upward and was thrown out to the roof.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" she shouted, woging into a Nekomata as Silver Chariot stabs the roof with its rapier to avoid falling. She sees that they are about to hit a tunnel. "If I vibrate myself in the right frequency..." she whispered to herself. "VIBE CHECK: PHASING!!!"

She phases inside the cart and falls on the floor.


"You hear that, Apollo?" asked Diana.

"That I did, Diana," said Apollo.

The two march toward her.

Jessica phased through each cart, keeping her soles solid as she ran toward them. She then solidified and managed to stab Apollo.

"APOLLO!!!" shouted Diana, as Apollo bled out.

Diana, enraged, shot more ice at Jessica.

"VIBE CHECK: INVISIBILITY!!!" she shouted, as she vibrated once more and turned invisible.

"COME OUT, YOU COWARD!!!" shouted Diana, as Jessica appeared once more

"SHE'S BEHIND YOU, DIANA!!!" shouted Apollo.

Jessica then charged her rapier toward her back as Diana immediately froze it in place.

The ice began to reach her armor.

*crack craaaack*

"I will not be losing two brothers today, Jessica Polnareff!!!" shouted Diana, beginning to cry.

Apollo laid on the ground, bleeding. He uses his flames like a blowtorch to seal his wound.


"Apollo," she said, teary eyes. She then closed her eyes, muttering something, as she then viciously screamed and began to tear off Jessica's rapier.

"Stop trying to kill me, and you won't be losing anyone else!" said Jessica.


Jessica stared at her, dead in the eyes.

"You're an interesting character... Diana," said Jessica, as she phased out. Her rapier then falls off, and a new one is regrown.


(theme begins)

"I may have been the biggest whore in the school," said Jessica. "But I know for sure that if I were you, I would've done everything to keep my parents while also trying to stay on the side of the good guys. You want justice for your brother, right?I killed your brother because he smuggled drugs and sold them to children.I killed him because he was a scum that worked for Lord Salvi.You're not doing this to protect your parents.You yourself could do that alone since you're well equipped to do so.But you want to kill me out of vengeance. Leave me now, or suffer the consequences."


"I never gave the drugs to children. I made very sure that none of my customers would give the drugs to children. If they do so, they would have to answer to me," said Jessica. "Those violations caused Salvi to have me caught by the BPD.However, Chief found me to be very useful despite myself being a Stand-User. My family was so ashamed of my actions that they disowned me. I would do anything to get my parents back. Therefore, I would've understood you if your acts were purely out of love.But, alas......YOU WANT TO KILL ME FOR A FALSE SENSE OF JUSTICE!!! VENGEANCE FOR A SCUM LIKE YOUR BROTHER!!! AND YOU USE YOUR PARENTS' SAFETY AS AN EXCUSE!!! YOU ARE TRASH!!Even though Miguel JoJo is also doing this out of vengeance, I could respect that his mother had good intentions, and Miguel still wants to avenge that side of her.But you... YOU VERY WELL KNOW THAT YOUR BROTHER IS TRASH, THAT'S WHY I, JESSICA POLNAREFF, WILL KILL YOU IF YOU ATTACK RIGHT NOW!!!And since you're lower than a plebe... I will not even use my rapier on you, since you don't even deserve it."

"Be my guest, JESSICA POLNAREFF!!!" shouted Diana, as the twin attacked at once.

The two charged.

"What a terrible choice, plebes," she said, sighing.

Jessica charged as well.

Suddenly, Jessica launched herself out of her Stand.

She then shouted, "VIBE CHECK: PHASING!!!"

"No!" shouted Diana. "No, no, no, no, no! This can't be! She's going to kill both of us... She can't be aiming for that, is she?!"



Dripping noises could be heard.

On Jessica's hand was Apollo's heart.

On Chariot's hand was Diana's heart.

Both hearts dripped blood.

The two looked down in horror.

"I told you..." said Jessica, as the two gasped for air. "...I could've killed you earlier... it's just that...Cattusians like playing with their food..."






Jessica crushed both hearts as she zoomed back down the mountain.

She sees the crowd of people who are completely confused and are vomiting. She vibrates her face to avoid them from seeing her.

"Hey!" she smiled. "Everyone okay? You guys alright?"

"You ruined our day! We were supposed to go about our businesses!" shouted a man.

"You damned Stand-User! I missed my son's birthday because of you!" shouted another man.

"You Stand-User! I'm late for a meeting!" shouted a woman.

Everyone started to attack her as a mob.

"Welp... Haters gotta hate!" she smiled. "Bye, bitchuuuuus!!!" she said, with a peace sign, as she ran into the city.

"Ungrateful cattle," she called them, as she ran around the city. "Huh?" she saw two people as she immediately hid behind a tree. She's on top of a hill as she sees the two of them looking at the stars. "Tch-!" she began purring out of annoyance.

Miguel and Anne are sitting on a bench... simply talking to each other.

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