
122. Chapter 122

The words Wynonna had been dreading rang out across the living room as clear as a bell and had her whimpering and burying her face deeper into the precious, delicately scented bodies of the babies snuggled against her.

“Did you hear me Wynonna?”

“They’re back… yeah, heard you the first time,” she grumbled. “What say we lock your mama’s out?” she lulled in a sing-song voice to her Nieces.

Even as he rolled his eyes, Doc surreptitiously lifted his phone and snapped a picture of the blissful domestic scene as Xavier went to see if the couple needed help bringing their bags in as apparently they looked a little unsteady. They certainly looked more flushed than usual as they came through the door.

As happy as they looked though, it was nothing compared to their joy as their eyes lit upon their baby daughters. Lifting his phone again, Doc quietly recorded the moment for them and Wynonna as Nicole and Waverly sat either side of Wynonna. They did not take their daughters away from her and Doc could see the happiness on Wynonna’s face at that. His love had most certainly grown even more attached to the two little mites than she had already been.

Their pack had unfortunately not been blessed with too many births since Wynonna had become the head of it so Doc was not sure if she would be how she was with every pup or if it was because they were Waverly’s children but Wynonna was certainly invested with them to the point that he was pretty sure that many parents would have taken offence to how much of her scent she had put upon them but Waverly, and even Nicole, encouraged it. And the sense of peace that arose in their scents mixed with the delicate fragrance of baby had Doc settling back in his chair in contentment.

Leaning into the warmth of her sister’s body, Waverly gently ran a hand over their sleeping daughters as she scent marked her sister. Until she had met Nicole, Being an Omega, Waverly had always thought that female Alpha’s had it easier. And in many ways they did. But when it came to maternal instincts, nature hadn’t made it so easy for them. A healthy Alpha’s strongest desires revolved around protecting and nurturing but females struggled to become pregnant even with fertility treatments. It just wasn’t really meant to be for them but that didn’t make the need go away. And it was that need that Waverly recognised instantly in her sister’s eyes when they had entered their house. The very subtle way that her eyes had shifted and her hands clasped them closer as though afraid they were going to be wrenched away from her. She had bonded with them before they had been born and it had only become even deeper once they had arrived.

But that was good… who better to protect their babies that two Alpha’s as strong as Nicole and Wynonna?

“How about an Omega that could whoop both our asses?”

Waverly started a little at the purr of Nicole’s voice running through her mind and reached over to playfully swat her on the shoulder.

“Ugg, would you two behave before you wake them up? Thought you would have it all out of your system by now.”

“Never!” Nicole smirked. “I’m going to fix something to eat… y’all joining us? Assuming you didn’t eat everything that is… where is Calamity anyway?”

“Ha! Very funny!” Wynonna flipped a finger Nicole’s way as the redhead ruffled her hair and pressed soft kisses to her daughter’s tiny heads. “Xavier offended her by trying to feed her cheap food so Calamity is probably upstairs guarding your toy collection and plotting revenge.”

“’Nonna!” Waverly blushed, “I can’t believe you rummaged around enough to even find them!” She’d thought that hiding them in a bag at the very back of her closet shelf would have been enough.

“I wish I could say I was shocked that she looked,” Nicole grumbled as she filled the kettle.

“I wish I hadn’t! Seriously! A rainbow one? Could you two get any gayer?”

“Well, I had thought of changing the P.S.D. uniforms to plaid and having the badges made into rainbows or unicorns.”


“Ohhh, unicorns! Definitely unicorns, Baby! With sparkly rainbow horns!”

“I’m telling Nedley!”

“Hmmm, maybe we could get Jeannie and Eliza to add a bit of colour to their side of the building… ‘Rainbow Badge Division’.” Reaching up, Nicole caught the cushion that narrowly missed Xavier’s head as it was sailing towards hers.

“Okay, before a cushion fight breaks out I’m going to take my daughters up and get them fed and settled before we eat.” Gathering them up from Wynonna, Waverly chuckled as they fussed in hunger. Just the feel of them and their little hungry noises had her breasts leaking in anticipation.

Mounting the stairs and moving into the peacefulness of the nursery, she listed to the sounds of family coming from below as they all pitched in to help prepare lunch. “They’re crazy but they’ll keep you safe,” she whispered to her girls. “Okay, okay,” she chuckled at the totally unimpressed looks she got back. “Time for a feast.”

Juggling two infants wasn’t an easy task but it was one Waverly had soon adjusted too once she had gotten a hang of their rhythms and it wasn’t long before they were both settled down and doing the kind of deep sucking on already oversensitive nipples that made her very glad they hadn’t got teeth.

Waverly looked up, smiling towards the doorway as she felt Nicole nearing. “Hey,” she felt her smile widen as Nicole’s long legs bore her across the room until she was crouched beside the chair with an utterly soft and besotted expression on her face as she looked at them all. Working a hand free, Waverly ran the backs of her fingers along Nicole’s jaw and felt Nicole nuzzle and kiss them softly. “Shouldn’t you be cooking?”

“I got kicked out… Apparently, I was being too gay around Wynonna’s food when I suggested putting rainbow sprinkles on everything,” Nicole grinned up at Waverly. “Oh, looks like Dom’s had her fill,” she stroked the softness of her daughter's cheek as her suckling slowed to a halt. “Want me to burp her?”

Waverly nodded and watched, love blooming brighter through her, as Nicole draped a towel over her shoulder and gently lifted Dom into her arms and started rubbing her back. It was such a simple thing, but the sight of Nicole caring for them, especially when she got such an adorable look of pride on her face just because of a burp, made Waverly’s love for her deepen.

They tackled the changing of clothes and diapers together, spreading around the love between their girls and just savouring every moment as they settled down in their crib just as close as they could get.

Nicole slipped her arms around Waverly’s waist. Nudging her nose against her neck, she breathed in their scent and felt Waverly’s body shudder against hers as she grazed her teeth over tender flesh that had been bitten many times while they had been away. “Wynonna’s already asked if she can spend another night.”

“She’s so broody with them I think she would move in full time if she thought she could get away with it.”

“I want our girls to have everything I never had growing up, especially when it comes to family. Not sure I could live with someone that won’t let me put rainbow sprinkles on their bacon though,” she teased against the pillow of Waverly’s lips as she turned in her arms.

Gasping in mock horror, Waverly grabbed Nicole hand, entwining their fingers together as she guided her away from the crib and down the stairs towards the sound of their family in the kitchen. One glance at the table had her snorting in laughter when she saw that Wynonna had placed a container of sprinkles with the other condiments while she took a bite from a strip of bacon covered in them.

“So… Can I stay?” Wynonna winked at her baby sister as Nicole rolled her eyes and failed to contain a laugh.

The buzz of her phone cut Nicole’s laugh off. Fishing it out of her pocket she felt her eyes widen as she saw the caller ID. “I’ll be back in a bit,” kissing Waverly’s cheek, Nicole walked out of the kitchen and stepped outside before pressing accept. “Hey…”

“I’m sorry!!”

Nicole winced, yanking the phone away from her ear as static burst out across the line and the phone went dead in her hand.

Her finger hovered over the link to redial but she blinked, frowning at the phone in confusion as she tried to work out why she had taken it out in the first place. Grunting, she shoved it back in the pocket of her heavy leather jacket and stomped back towards the house.

“Where had you been!? We have plans to finalise…”

“How many times do we have to go over this Svane? Leave it to me and the rest of the Earp pack will be dead before the morning!”


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