
29. Chapter 29

Waverly tried to concentrate on serving customers and tried to listen to their stories and complaints about life in general as always. But... Every time a car went by, she couldn’t help but look towards the windows to see if it was Nicole’s cruiser coming back.

She knew that her Alpha was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, she’d had to for most of her life. But that didn’t mean that Waverly still wasn’t worried. Bobo and his pack were notoriously wild and hated cop’s even more than Wynonna did. When they were at their worst, the police basically camped outside their trailer park to try and act as a deterrent instead of wasting money on fuel.

“She’ll be okay, sis.”

Grumbling under her breath, Waverly poured another shot of whiskey for her sister and went back to looking out of the window. “I miss her when I can’t see her or touch her,” she whispered softly. “It hurts.”

“I know.” Touching Waverly’s elbow, Wynonna drew her from behind the bar and made her sit on the bar stool next to her. “It’s this that does it,” she touched the left side of Waverly’s neck where she could see and smell the mating bite just above the top she’d worn. “Takes a little getting used to… feeling that closeness when you didn’t even know anything was missing in the first place. I would tell you that it gets easier…” looking across to the pool table, she met the eyes of Doc and Xavier as they looked up at the same time and met her eyes. “I would be lying if I told you that though. What I can tell you though, is that I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Tossing back her shot of whiskey, Wynonna took the bottle from Waverly’s hand and poured herself another. “Have you gotten any of the extras with Redhaught then?”


The squeak in Waverly’s voice and the sudden shifting around in her seat made Wynonna’s brow climb in confusion. “Yeah, you know, the telepathy and stuff? I know the thought of that always used to get you excited when you were a kid. And what with Red being so mega powerful Alpha.”

“There’s a little bit of it going on,” Waverly admitted with a smile. “Oh, she’s back,” grinning, Waverly hopped up and put the bottle the other side if the bar out of Wynonna’s reach before she could pour another drink and rushed to the door.

“Maybe not such a little bit,” Wynonna muttered as it took several more long minutes after Waverly had rushed outside before Nicole’s cruiser went past the bar. For her sister to have known Nicole was back either her hearing had gone all Superwolf or she had felt Nicole in some way through their bond.

Shaking her head, Wynonna tossed back her drink and went to join her sister outside while she made googly eyes at her Alpha. By the time she was at Waverly’s side, Nicole and Nedley were climbing from the car and Waverly was barely restraining herself from rushing across the road. “Whoa there, tiger. Let the Officer do her job before you jump her.” Especially as by the looks of it, they had a couple of Bobo’s wolves in the back of the cruiser.

Wynonna watched as Nicole got one of the guys out of the back seat. The dude was huge, well over six and a half foot and his shoulders looked almost as wide. He looked passive but Wyn could see that Nicole was taking no chances and had a hand firmly on his arm. Unfortunately, Lonnie decided to come out and ‘help’ at the wrong moment and managed only to get in the way.

The wolf ripped free of Nicole’s grip as she tried to move Lonnie out of the way and head-butted her in the face, busting her lip open and sending her flying back against the side of the cruiser.

Breaking the cuffs, he started to lumber off down the street but came up short as Nicole rolled through as she bounced off the car, grabbed him by the back of his pants while still crouched and yanked him back, off his feet, catapulting him into the side of her car.

“Damn,” Wynonna whistled under her breath. Nicole had moved so fast and smoothly that Nedley hadn’t even managed to turn around to see what was going on before Nicole was back on her feet and hauling her prisoner back to his feet with ridiculous ease.

“Oh, shit tickets!”

“What’s wrong? Wyn?”

Wynonna nodded to a beaten up truck that was pulling up just down from them. “Unless there are two assholes running around up there with ridiculous Mohawks and furry coats… Bobo just dragged himself into town and I bet dollars to doughnuts he just saw Nicole’s moves.”

“Ahhhh, the Earp sisters. Wynonna… Waverly.”

“Bobo Del Rey. What are you doing in town?”

“Came to bail my boys out,” narrowing his eyes, Bobo moved closer to the two women. “Such a miscarriage of justice going on.”

“Oh, I doubt that Bobo.”

“My lawyer will be here soon to sort it all out. Wonder if I should mention to her how the new Deputy smells of baby Earp?” darting forwards, he ran his nose over the scent rising from Waverly and snapped his teeth together. “I wonder why that is? Maybe a conflict of interest or something, hmm?”

“How about you just back your ass up, Bobo Del Rey, before I put a bullet in your spine. It might not be silver but I wager it would hurt like hell and take some time to heal.”

Holding up his hands, Bobo moved away from the pressure of the gun barrel in his back and backed away from them. “Well, hello again, Holliday. Long time, no see. Well, if you all don’t mind, I believe I see my lawyer arriving… We should catch up some time.”

Wynonna cussed violently under her breath and she watched through narrowed eyes and Bobo gave a mocking low bow, spun on his heel and walked across the street, stopping traffic and threatening everyone he came across.

“Constance Clootie.”


“Bobo’s lawyer,” Doc pointed to the elegantly dressed blonde woman stepping up to Bobo. “That is Constance Clootie. I believe she changed her name to Stone. She is ruthless and unfortunately good at her job. Rumour is that she has got her claws sunk deep into some very influential people in town… not that any of it can be proved of course.”

“Waverly! Damn it!” Wynonna jogged across the road after her sister as she made her way over to the P.S.D. and nipped inside. Grabbing her, Wynonna pulled her out of sight before she could do anything rash.

It quickly became apparent that Bobo had already talked to his lawyer as they listened in from where they were and the first words out of her mouth were an attack on Nicole and her relationship with a rival wolf pack.

“Now then, Ms Stone! You need to back up and tone it down! Barging in here and accusing my Deputy of wrongdoing! As far as I am aware there is nothing in any laws that say we can’t be friends with people in town. And if it is more than friends… well that is between two consenting adults, isn’t it? Officer Haught was following my orders and evidence collected by myself and my department when we arrested those two fellows. It was done… by… the… book… and I suggest you do the same. Now! They are being processed as we speak and will be interview later. You are more than welcome to wait… somewhere else!”

“That’s, my Nedley,” Wynonna whispered proudly as they listened to her sometimes nemesis give Bobo and his lawyer hell.

“But- but, if she’s a werewolf that’s a clear conflict of interests!”

“Ms Stone! Are you saying that werewolves have no right to hold down a good, honest job and earn a lawful wage?”

“Of course not!”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it! ‘Cause frankly I don’t care if my Deputy is a Werewolf or a Mermaid Poltergeist as long as she does her job to protect the law-abiding citizens of Purgatory. Now! Ms Stone if you wouldn’t mind… leave!”

Wynonna pulled Waverly out of sight as Bobo and his lawyer stormed out.

“Lonnie!!! Help me to process these two fellows! And you, Officer Haught… Nicole.”

“Yes, Sheriff?”

“You did good. Now, go, see to that and take an early lunch. I’ll expect you back in an hour for the interviews.”

“Yes, Sheriff.” Shaking her head in amazement, Nicole moved across the station and stuck her head around the corner and crooked a finger at Wynonna and Waverly. “Come on, you heard the Sheriff.”

“Dude! You were awesome! Catch you later, Randy!”

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