
unexpected revelation

Tuesday December 1, 2009, Washington DC...

My name is Nicholas Joseph Fury, I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. What is S.H.I.E.L.D.? It is a Spy organization that is in charge of protecting the world from the shadows, lately I have been quite stressed due to a rather annoying blond boy, Gilgamesh Aparicio, a university teenager who a couple of months ago began to use the whole world as his clue of personal flight, drawing the attention of many governments around the world and despite trying to hide it ends up being almost impossible if every two days he goes around the world in his "private plane", did you consider Gilgamesh a threat? Naturally, after all, she can immobilize one of my best agents with a simple thought, so it wouldn't be unreasonable if she could do the same with other even more capable people, not to mention that she "kidnapped" Natasha, I haven't tried to contact her since investigating I realized in more detail about the boy that he is not a hostile person, in fact he was quite normal until not long ago, I still don't know if those powers could come from some mysterious object like Like the Tesseract or some unknown technology, although it does reassure me a little to know that he hasn't done anything wrong, it would be a problem if he decided to do something and I doubt I can stop him.

Nick Fury was in a room full of people who at first glance seem important, with him being the center of everyone's attention.

- Fury we had already talked about this, you have to stop Gilgamesh, he is creating too much fuss in almost all the governments of the world, with that ship he can go faster than the speed of sound and many think that it could be a UFO, although in reality It's that, we don't have records of anything and that makes it more dangerous, if you don't do something we'll have to intervene, said one of the people sitting down.

-He represents a great threat, not only for the United States, but for the entire world, he has much more advanced technology than ours, even to be able to create portals, another person said.

- I can only do one thing, Nick said and they all looked at him.

-I mean the avengers initiative-, he was going to continue speaking when he was interrupted.

- We already rejected that a long time ago, said another from the room.

- I know, but now it's the only option, it could be said that I take one of my strongest agents hostage.

- What do you mean?, Several asked.

- Natasha Romanoff, or better known as Black Widow, Fury replied.

- The girl in the red room?, someone asked.

- The same, I'll show you the recording, said Fury, taking a control and a video began to play on the television in the room, in the video you could see Gilgamesh and Natasha in a bed, both talking until suddenly Natasha launched herself towards the boy but before reaching him, four chains came out of nowhere and imprisoned the girl.

- These chains are a problem since from what I have seen they are activated every time a danger approaches Gilgamesh, not to mention that he can take out weapons, which he probably has stored somewhere and with the portal he makes them appear, my idea is to try to recruit him with the avengers initiative, since as you have seen he has not done any damage, it would also be good in case another threat like Red Skull appears.

- Is there any other video? someone asked.

- Unfortunately no, that video is the only one of him in action, the others are only of him flying with his ship.

After discussing for a while more the decision was made, the avengers initiative was approved and they already had the first three members decided.

Leaving the room, Nick Fury took his phone and dialed a number.

- Clint, head to New York...

Wednesday December 2, 2009, New York...

09:15 A.M.

- Help me Mom, I yelled at my mom approaching her.

- What's up son? I ask confused.

- You see, tomorrow is Natasha's birthday and I don't know what to give her, I told her embarrassed, I really felt sorry for not knowing what to give my partner.

It's been 2 months since the Ancestral thing happened, nothing has happened with her, she hasn't even come forward to try to talk or apologize, I honestly don't care, but I wouldn't want to have a relationship of indifference with her either since at some point I could be necessary, although I doubt it, with my power no one can stand up to me, that kind of thought makes an arrogant smile fill my face, several times Natasha has seen me do it and asks me what's wrong, it's certainly strange to smile like that out of the blue , but hey, moving on to other topics, my mana level increases the more I use it, the biggest change I had was after using EA, my mana almost doubled, maybe I should use it more, no, really doing that would leave me as a good for nothing that only makes it strong, I have other weapons like Caliburn, Caladabolg, among other interesting ones, damn it I even have Nuclear bombs, weapons of any kind, I even have fighter planes, certainly Gilgamesh has all the treasures in the world, bad luck that they are only the Nasuverse, I would have liked to have the gems or Thor's hammer, although that would take away the fun.

- Are you okay?, I ask my worried mother seeing my smile.

- Huh? Yes, calm down, I was just thinking about how happy I am, I told her giving her a hug that took her by surprise but she reciprocated.

- Tell me mom, are you already dating someone?, I asked rogue.

-Huh?, No, not yet, she answered sadly.

- Hmm, take your time mother, don't look for a quick relationship, you will only find idiots interested in your body and money, I seriously warned her.

- Thank you son, but I'm not stupid either, I know that there are many men who only want me for "that", believe me it would be easy to find a man, but I want one like your father, who sees me as a normal woman, my mother replied nostalgic

- I understand, just be careful and if a mestizo tries to go overboard with you, tell me and I'll make him pay, I replied, giving him a smile.

- Mestizo?, How curious, my mother said to herself.

A/N: Mestizo is the translation of Mongrel.

A few hours later...

- Done, I think this is a good gift, I told myself with several things in my hand.

I had been mentally observing all of GoB for hours in search of some jewel or something similar that I could give Natasha, my mother had recommended several things like clothes or some accessory, but I am a king, I must give her a worthy gift, curiously she had women's clothing quite pleasing to the eye inside the doors, I want to believe that they were clothes that he wanted to give to his wife in case one day he had them, I don't want to think that Gilgamesh had some strange habit like wearing feminine clothes, although he did not discriminate, it would certainly be strange.

What I had in my hands was a set of clothes that separated into a skirt and a shirt decorated with some pearls and a Ruby in the center of the shirt, I also had a pair of gold earrings with an emerald in the center and a ring with a diamond and pearls surrounding it, this probably costs more than my house, but it doesn't matter, it's all for Natasha.

I went to the living room where my mother was wrapping some things, probably her gift for Natasha.

- Do you already have the gift?, Asked my mother confused, something understandable since she had not left the house and she had not even told me what kind of gift she could give him.

- Yes, I already had the gift, I just wanted to check if it was a good gift.

-I see, show me, my eye doesn't fail, my mother said, closing one eye and staring at me as if she was pointing a sniper at me.

- Haha, okay, I just hope this is good, I told him, but I think it was a little clear that the gift is good.

- Hmm, this?... Where did you get this!? It probably costs more than everything in this house together!, asked my exalted mother seeing all the jewels and gems that the clothes had.

- It's a state secret, I said seriously to my mother who looked at me strangely.

- Is this stolen?, I ask my mother slowly.

- Stolen? Who do you take me for? I asked offended.

- So where did you get it from?

- I bought it with my savings, I made an excuse that was not credible.

- What savings? You have not saved in your life!

- Hmm, I have my means.

-* sigh * Okay, I won't ask for now, but I hope an answer would be later, understood?, my mother scolded me with a tired look but with a small smile on her face.

- Yes.

The next day...

-Good morning Natasha, I said good morning to the girl next to me in bed, which she had just woken up.

- Good morning, answered Natasha sleepily.

- Do you know what day it is today?, I asked getting closer, and hugging her.

- Who knows?, I ask playing dumb, I just smiled more.

- Happy birthday! I told her giving her a kiss and hugging her tighter.

A few minutes later...

She was with Natasha and my mother having breakfast while we talked.

-Natasha, can you accompany Gilgamesh to buy some things?, my mother asked, she was really bad at hiding things, but the intention is what counts, I heard out there.

- Sure, Natasha gave a simple answer.

-By the way, how old were you?, she asked my curious mother again, drinking a little juice.


- 25!? My mother exclaimed almost choking on the juice.

- Yes, is there something wrong? Natasha asked, confused.

- No, I just thought you were younger, answered the blonde smiling at Natasha.

1 hour later...

- It seems that we are going around, Natasha said blankly following me.

- No, as you think, I just haven't visited this mall much, in fact I've never visited it, I told him looking at the different stores.

I noticed that someone was following us, apparently Natasha also noticed, since she tensed up, I walked towards an alley where there was no one, Natasha just followed me in silence, but she seemed to be ready for anything, now that I remember the first months we met, she was like that, although at some point she stopped doing it, maybe she already trusts me, I still trust her so it's fine.

- What do you want mestizo?, I said as I turned next to Natasha seeing a guy with a hood.

-Hello Natasha and welcome Gilgamesh, the guy said as he took off his hood revealing someone he knew very well.

- Clint?!, Natasha exclaimed surprised to see him.

- Clint? I asked, pretending to be confused, how can I not meet Hawkeye?

- I see we don't know each other, I'm Clint Barton, I'm a friend of Natasha's and I work at S.H.I.E.L.D., he doxxed, ahem, I mean, Clint showed up, maybe he told me all that so he would trust me or maybe he wants to propose something to me.

- Hmp, if you want, also tell me your address, where you keep your most valuable belongings and what days there is no one at home, I replied blankly.

- Haha, it's a lot of information but I think you already know why I'm telling you, Clint replied smiling.

- Certainly, what does S.H.I.E.L.D. want?, I asked him getting serious.

- Well, our director, Nick Fury, would like to have a conversation with both of you. Are you interested?

- Hmm, and when would that be? I asked.

-Well, whenever you want, although I doubt it's today, after all, today is your birthday, congratulations, Clint said, turning to Natasha and patting her on the back.

- Thank you, thanked Natasha smiling at him.

- Well, don't you want to come? I asked Clint who looked at me confused.

- Let's eat, I gave him a simple answer to which he just nodded not so sure.

20 minutes later...

- Well we're here, I told Clint and Natasha when we got home.

When I opened the door and entered I felt a Deja vu, why are all surprise parties the same? Who knows, everything was dark and nothing could be heard, I let Natasha and Clint go first and when we got to the room the only thing happened What did I expect?

- Surprise!, exclaimed all those present excluding Clint who only gave a half smile seeing Natasha.

(Too lazy to narrate another surprise party so let's do a timeskip xd)

Saturday January 2, 2010, Washington DC.

A month has passed since Natasha's birthday, right now I'm with Clint and Natasha in a cafeteria, waiting for a bald one-eyed, ahem, Nick Fury, the reason for waiting so long to meet him was simple,

in the first place it was the end of the year and in the second... Well, there is no second, I just didn't want to.

I heard some footsteps and when I turned my head in the direction of the footsteps I managed to see the person I was waiting for, was it my dad? Unfortunately no, it was just Nick Fury who came over and sat in front of me and Natasha and the Clint's side.

- Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Nicholas Joseph Fury, but you can just call me Nick Fury and I'm the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick kindly introduced himself, something I expected, after all, disrespecting a stranger could be dangerous, but even more if you know that this stranger surpasses you in strength.

- Hello Nick, my name is Gilgamesh Aparicio, I just said my name with a normal smile, I liked Nick so there was no reason to be arrogant, I would only do it if the situation warranted it.

- Changing the subject, I asked for this meeting to clarify a couple of things and propose a few others, Nick told us getting serious, I just nodded and Natasha didn't say anything.

- Well, the first thing would be to apologize for our actions, but I would also like you to understand that it was necessary, after all, that an unknown person flew over the skies of New York at 3:00 A.M. It is worrying and even more so if the object with which he was flying was totally unknown. When we obtained your information and analyzed it, we considered that you were not someone hostile towards the United States or the world itself, so we decided not to persecute you, Nick explained and then kept silent. .

- Hm, I apologize too, my attitude was a bit arrogant back then, but well, they did the right thing, if they had decided to do something, they probably wouldn't be alive now, right Natasha?, I asked while my eyes narrowed with a smile.

-Yes, it was Natasha's simple answer which she also smiled, Nick Fury only narrowed his only eye, analyzing us.

Natasha's attitude has changed in recent months, she has become, as it were, more confident around me, I would even say arrogant, it doesn't bother me since that arrogance is not directed at me, the good thing is that she knows when to be, leaving that behind. side is still the same Natasha as always.

- And well going to the main thing, I would like to propose something to you, change the Nick Theme, going on to what I already know what it will be.

-Talk, was my simple answer while he drank my coffee.

- I would like to talk about the avengers initiative, Natasha just frowned and I gave a small smile.

- Avengers Initiative? I asked curiously, or well, pretending curiosity, it's obvious that I already know everything he's going to say, but it's better to avoid questions.

- The Avengers Initiative It's an idea, the idea is to find and bring together a group of exceptional people to deal with the threats that we can't stop, Fury said determinedly.

- I see, in a few words a justice league, I said as if it were a fact, and yes, there are DC comics here.

- If you want to see it like this, although I would preferably like them to be a little more like antiheroes, I am clear that leaving enemies alive is a serious mistake, since they could return to the same thing, I would prefer to save that.

- Clever of you, although that was a bit obvious, after all you are recruiting two potential murderers, I replied amused.

- Will it just be the two of us?, Natasha asked curiously.

- No, for now they will have a third member, Nick said and looked at Clint who just nodded.

- So he too, well as long as they don't bother with meaningless things, it's fine with me, I said, crossing my arms and giving a smile.

- If he accepts me too, said Natasha giving a half smile.

- Very well, for now I will fix some things, we will be in contact for more information, said Fury standing up and leaving two phones on the table.

- See you, said Clint following Fury, me and Natasha waved goodbye and took the phones.

When I saw it, I noticed that it was an unknown model and make, probably made by S.H.I.E.L.D. I didn't have much, looking at the contacts I saw 3 numbers, scheduled as Clint, Natasha and Nick.

- We should go, I told Natasha standing up.

- Yes, I'm a little tired, let's go home.

An hour later...

I was driving to New York in my Lamborghini, we had decided to come by car since it was not a long trip and we had not driven in a while, Natasha was currently asleep, so she was just thinking.

I should read the books I took from Ancestral, he hasn't contacted me but he may need them at some point and I really don't want to antagonize wizards, they're not a threat to me, but I liked Wong and Doctor Strange in the movies that appeared, in these months of training I have managed to open portals without the need for the ring so I no longer need it, I have also abysmally improved my ability with the gates of Babylonia and my reserves are expanding too fast, I could probably use Gae bolg at full force its potency about 3 times before going empty, probably doesn't seem like much, but despite being Rank B+, it can be used as Anti-Unit or Anti-Army and is capable of sweeping the floor with 70% of the characters in it world, since very few are the ones who can resist having their heart pierced, speaking of other weapons, I can use EA a little better, although it is still out of my league, I was able to destroy the mirror dimension with s Only the little I was able to use of his power, probably now I could do it with half of what I used that time, now I understand Gilgamesh a little more, with so much power it's impossible not to become arrogant and well, after all it wasn't just the first king, but he's the best of both sides, the epitome of mortality and divinity, I guess I could respect that, since part of me is now him or something.

Author's note: I say it again, Gilgamesh's powers were changed for the sake of the plot or to make it not sound so bad, the powers are Gilgamesh's from the dimension of this version of Puffy xd.

20 minutes later...

-You should go to sleep in the room, I'll catch up with you in a while, I told a sleepy Natasha who just nodded and went to our room.

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, January 2, 2010, 5:30 p.m. Central Mexico time.

- My dear Mexico, I said leaving a portal in front of a city.

The reason why I came to Mexico is simple, in my past life I was born and lived here all my life, so from time to time I came to eat, even though I have tried food from other parts of the world, I still prefer Mexican food. maybe it's because I consumed it throughout my past life or maybe because of nostalgia, well that doesn't matter, today I was for something different.

I quickly went to a house which was relatively normal, with a key I opened the door and entered, the house was empty, the reason? No one lived there, I only had a couple of things for my training, apart from eating too came when he wanted to train without anyone watching, a simple magic barrier of camouflage and noise cancellation was more than enough.

From a golden ripple an ancient-looking book came out, taking it I saw its cover, in which several engravings could be seen, to be specific some magical runes to avoid being seen by normal humans and some others for protection, although quite simple for an experienced sorcerer .

- Cagliostro's book, I said as a smile spread across my face, as I remember this book could make me able to enter the dark dimension and even better, being able to use the Eye of Agamotto and even better, they still fight the stolen pages, well it was a bit obvious, the pages will be stolen in a couple of years.

I opened it up and started reading.

2 hours later...

- Interesting, this thing explains how to contact the dark dimension, I would do it but I doubt I'll be able to fight equally with Dormammu, although I could also use the Eye of Agamotto, although it would be complicated, I don't lose anything trying.

After thinking for a few seconds I opened a portal and put my hand in, I quickly took it out but now with something in it.

- It was easier than I thought, I said looking at a necklace in the shape of an eye, clearly the Eye of Agamotto, or rather, the gem of time.

I quickly put it on and with a movement of my hands the pupil of the necklace opened, leaving the gem exposed, I was tempted to take it, but first I wanted to test its functionality, coincidentally there was a plate with food remains, a drowned cake to be more specific, a green rune surrounded my hand and by turning it I saw how the food reappeared or rather, I went back in time.

- Infinite food, I said to myself and I took the cake and took a bite, then I put it down again and when I turned my hand again the cake was without the bite, with a smile I turned back and looked at someone

- It seems that you learned to use it, even faster than me, said Ancestral sitting in an armchair behind me.

- Certainly, but don't you want it back? I asked smiling.

- Oh, of course I want it, but I doubt I can get it back if I force it.

-Clever of you, although it's not that I need it for now, here, I told her taking off the necklace and throwing it to her, Ancestral seemed surprised but she caught the necklace.

- Well, what brings you to me, apart from that gem, I asked curiously.

- You see, I was observing quite outstanding sorcerers, not at your level or Natasha's, but comparing an average sorcerer with you two is like comparing heaven and earth, Ancestral answered me.

"So what?" I asked again, confused.

- Well, I would like you to observe them, one of them may become the future Supreme Sorcerer, said Ancestral.

- Or maybe a future threat, I said, smiling even more.

- It could be, the possibilities are endless.

- Hmm, okay, could you tell me their names.

- The first is Wong, the second is Mordo and lastly Kaecilius, all three are quite promising, really anyone could aspire to be Supreme Sorcerer, Ancestral said smiling.

- Hmm, okay, I'll go there when I'm free, I replied, she nodded and disappeared the next second.

Monday April 12, 2010, New York.

- WHAT!? I yelled into the phone I was holding.

"Calm down son, we'll be back tomorrow," my mother answered on the phone.

- It's okay, be careful, I told him and hung up the phone, from another pocket I took the phone that Nick Fury had given me and called a number.

- Hello Fury, I think now we could start with the first mission of the Avengers.

What had happened, you wonder, well my mother had gone on a trip with Tony Stark, what's so strange about it? Nothing, just that the trip was to Afghanistan, a curious country, right? According to my memory this year, I don't know the day, Tony Stark on a trip to a base in Afghanistan would be kidnapped, with this information plus knowing that my mother was there made my nerves increase by 10 levels.

Timeskip 2 hours...

- Why so rush? You haven't said anything to me all the way, Natasha asked nervously in a room where Natasha, Clint, Fury and I were.

"Well, you'll see," she was about to continue when a call rang from Fury's cell phone.

-Yeah?, Nick asked and a second later his look went from confusion to shock and then to seriousness, at the end of the call he just looked at us and said.

Tony Stark has disappeared...

That news was the fuse that made it explode.

- My mother was with him! I exclaimed putting my hands on the table and giving them an anxious look.

- So that was it, I think as you said, it's time for the first mission of the avengers.

10 minutes later...

- Shall we go here? Clint asked looking at the curious Vimana.

- Half-breed, this is the fastest ship in the universe, get on it, I replied trying to smile but my anxiety was overwhelming, it could be said that I grew fond of my mother in this world, something a bit obvious, after I've been in this world for almost a year world and I see her almost every day, I wasn't really surprised when she told me about a relationship with Tony, I felt a little sorry for Pepper but I care more about my mother so I don't care what happens to the canon.

- Well the first mission of the Avengers begins now, said Nick Fury watching as Vimana rose and a second later disappeared in a blur of speed.

- This thing is going very fast, but I barely feel the wind, Clint said, surprised, looking down at the ship, careful not to fall.

- You look like a child, Natasha said amused looking at Clint, who was wearing the Hawkeye outfit by the way, Natasha was wearing that skintight black outfit that fit her 10/10 and I, well need I say it?, was wearing the usual golden armor.

- Weren't you the same the first time you got on? I told Natasha mockingly.

- Hmp, Natasha complained looking away.

- How fast are we going?, Everything looks blurry, asked Clint observing the sky which was blurred due to the high speeds.

- Enough, I answered calmly, after trying Vimana for too long I got used to using it at extreme speeds, although I could go around the world in a second if I wanted to, I would probably spend more mana than I wanted.

"So how are we going to find Tony and your mother?" Clint asked again, becoming serious.

- We will fill the whole country with Swords if necessary, I said coldly looking at the horizon.

- Eh, it's not necessary to go to such extremes, if they were kidnapped it's probably because they need something from Stark and I doubt he'll let them do anything to him, Clint replied.

- Can be...

4 days later...

Friday April 16, 2010, Military Base, Afghanistan.

- Is there something? I asked blankly looking at a military man.

-No, there is still no trace, replied the nervous soldier because of my look, he was letting out my aura involuntarily due to my anxiety.

Damn, it's been four days since Tony and my mother were kidnapped, I trust that Tony is doing everything possible so that nothing happens to my mother or this continent will disappear from the map.

- Calm down Gilgamesh, I know your mother is fine, Natasha tried to comfort me, but she was just as anxious as me.

- Tsk, enough of games, we are called Avengers but we don't have to wait for something bad to happen to us to avenge it, I said annoyed standing up and leaving the room, Natasha and Clint looked at each other before nodding and following me.

- Are you an archer right? I asked Clint already knowing the answer.

- Yes, why? Clint asked curiously.

- Here, you should be grateful, that your king gives you a gift should be an honor, I told him as a too thin sword came out of a golden ripple.

-This is it?, he asked again.

- It's called Caladbolg, it's a sword that you can use as an arrow, obviously it's not usable like this but when you aim with it in the bow the sword becomes as thin as an arrow, I explained to him and then I gave it to him.

-Thanks, I guess, Clint said putting the sword next to his arrows.

- Be careful, when it hits it can create an explosion of tens of meters, make sure you only use it at long distances, I seriously warned Clint, I wouldn't want him to die for something stupid.

- Why do you give me something so powerful? Clint asked not knowing why.

- Powerful?, Hahahahahaha, what a good joke, you see I'm not Gilgamesh for nothing, during my life I collected all the treasures in the world, I even have that spear that killed Jesus, what was his name? Ah yes, Longinus, things as simple as Caladbolg are just a grain of sand in the immensity of the desert, I started laughing very hard and explained my majesty.

Leaving the base, a giant golden ripple appeared and from there Vimana came out, the three of us climbed up and headed to who knows where.

- And where will we go?, Natasha asked confused.

- In these two days create a rune to detect in a radius of 10 square kilometers all people with the same DNA.

After that I took a hair and with my other hand I drew symbols in the air, I put the hair in the rune and I closed my eyes.

- He is not here, I said and Vimana turned around.

After searching for a couple of hours I finally felt something of the rune, although the rune was very faint, I could barely feel it, plus I didn't know its exact location, since I created it fast.

- Well, we have 10 kilometers, it must be somewhere here and since we came from the right and we didn't feel anything before, they are probably to the left, I told them both and I got off the Vimana.

- Make sure you're stealthy, it's obvious that they were kidnapped and they could threaten to kill you if we do something that upsets you, Natasha said.

- Don't say it, we have to separate, let us know anything through the communicator, I told them, pointing to the communicator in my ear.

- Natasha, here, I told her, extending a golden spear just out of GoB.

- And what is this spear doing, it destroys a city with one attack? I try to joke Natasha.

- No, I wouldn't give you something so powerful, this spear is Gáe Buidhe, this spear is cursed and any wounds caused by it will be impossible to heal, just in case, I gave him a smile.

They both nodded and we parted in three directions, Natasha to the South, Clint to the East and me to the North.

I was running but my steps were not heard, looking around for a sign of life in the middle of this desert, approximately 10 minutes ago we separated, I have been about 4 kilometers tours.

- Anything? Ask for the communicator.

- Still nothing, replied Clint.

- Same, answered Natasha.

- Wait I see something, said Clint.

- What is it?, I asked.

- It's a cave, but I see several armored vehicles- What the hell is that!?, Clint exclaimed.

- What time!?, Natasha asked exalted.

- It's a 2-meter robot, oh, and it's throwing flames at the vehicles, there are also people shooting at it.

- I'm on my way, don't shoot until you see what's happening, I said and a second later I was in the Vimana which took off in the direction of Natasha.

- Get on, I said almost falling off the Vimana of agitation, after getting on we flew towards Clint, we arrived in 13 seconds due to the speed.

In golden particles the Vimana disappeared in front of Clint, looking in the direction that he was looking with binoculars I saw that the robot was being suffocated by fire and bullets, I noticed narrowing his eyes that he returned to the cave and a few seconds later with a explosion saw the robot go flying with what looked like thrusters.

- Shit, get on, that robot is carrying my mother, I said in shock while Vimana reappeared and taking each one with one hand, I jumped and took off.

I noticed while flying that the robot, no, Tony's armor was about to crash.

- Not in my presence!, I exclaimed while in a second the Vimana disappeared and reappeared right in front of the armor a few meters from crashing, everything went into slow motion while dozens of doors opened around the armor creating a network which wrapped it avoiding all the damage it could have caused.

The chains slowly lowered to the ground next to the Vimana, Natasha and Clint were still stunned by everything that had happened in a couple of seconds, I got off the Vimana and the chains disappeared revealing the armor which protectively hugged a woman, said woman was my mother which was seen with some minor injuries, that made me calm down a bit.

- Are you okay Mom!?, I asked approaching and checking her.

-Son!?, What are you doing here?, No, now is not the time for that, Tony, He's hurt!, My mother exclaimed as she removed the helmet from the armor, revealing Tony breathing heavily.

-And- I'm fine, Tony said but a second later he coughed up blood.

- Mom, step aside, we have to remove the armor, I said seriously approaching Tony and removing the pieces little by little.

- Shit, I said surprised seeing several bullet wounds in Tony's stomach.

- It's not that bad, said Tony trying to calm us down, but my mother started to cry.

- It was my fault, if you had left me there none of that would have happened, my mother sobbed looking at Tony.

- What nonsense you say, I would be unable to let you die and even less when I know I have a family, Tony took my mother's cheek and smiled at her.

- Family? What are you talking about? I asked confused and curious.

- You see boy, I am, ahem, don't be surprised, but I am your father, said Tony.

My face went blank for a few seconds, but then I looked at him doubtfully.

- How?, Ask.

- Son, before having a relationship with your father, well, your stepfather, I had one with Tony, I thought the son wasn't his since the pregnancy took another month, so you can get an idea, my mother replied sorry.

- Yeah, I guess this place wasn't the best place to say it, I would have to process it, but something more important, damn idiot, to think that I would have to use this on you, one of my greatest treasures, I gave him a complicated look. Tony.

-What do you mean?, Tony asked bleeding to death, to be about to die he was very calm.

- You see, throughout my life I collected all the treasures of the world, from weapons to jewels, within my entire collection I have 3 things, the three most valuable things that exist, the first is EA, the sword of the rupture that separated the sky and the earth in its creation, the second is the holy Grail, my only friend Enkidu and lastly this plant, I said as a plant emerged from a golden ripple, it seemed quite normal.

Tony and my mom looked confused but then surprised to see the ripple appear out of nowhere, normal since they don't know who I really am.

- This plant grants eternal life to those who consume it, it also heals all superficial wounds, so it works quite well, but first tell me something Tony, are you willing to live for all eternity? Well, in case you no one kill you

- Why me? You could eat it yourself or give it to your mother or your girlfriend, Tony asked confused.

- I don't know, I don't even understand myself, but eat it, you'll die in about 30 seconds if you don't eat it, I told him and brought the plant closer to his mouth, the plant was nothing more than a stem with two leaves so it's not hard to consume.

Tony opened his mouth and ate the plant, after passing it he began to glow gold.

- What happened?, asked my mother covering her eyes because of the brightness, it is possible to say that Natasha and Clint were They kept silent until now.

After the glow stopped, Tony was seen without any injuries, but he also looked more, Young? Despite being 40, he was played by an actor of about 25 in my world, so I didn't know if he had changed much.

-I feel lighter, Tony said, looking at his body, which no longer had any injuries.

- You're fine Tony, my mother said happily hugging him.

-It seems so, answered Tony corresponding to the hug, after separating he looked at me and came closer.

- As you said I think it was not a good time to reveal those things, but I was about to die, I guess it looked good, but, thanks, eh, can I tell you son?, Tony asked, the truth seemed like a good gesture to me that despite being 19 years late, want to take responsibility.

- I guess, I said without knowing what to answer, my father, or well, dead stepfather, seemed so irrelevant to me, so that revelation doesn't bother me.

-I think I don't need this anymore, Tony said taking the Arc Reactor off his chest, but a second later he began to convulse, putting the Reactor back on him I looked at him blankly.

- You still need it, it gave you eternal life and healed your wounds, but it didn't make you immortal, it won't heal things like that, only superficial things like bullet wounds or similar, I explained to Tony who looked at me and said.

- Why do not you tell me before?.

If I told you, I replied funny...

End of chapter...

sorry for the delay, I don't usually use Webnovel, so I forget to upload updates, see you next week. :3

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