
Inside Silph

Upon arriving at Silph Corporation, Kimi maintained a calm demeanour as she stepped towards the doors.

The sliding doors opened slowly as she got closer showing off the fact that they had sensor based technology built in.

Kimi already knew what kinds of security protocols and technology were in place further inside so it did not faze her.

She had entered the same building many times before she regressed so the building surroundings were all too familiar to her.

Many people were already busy crowding around the reception desk in order to ask questions, book a meeting or something else entirely.

Some were just wanting to take a small tour around the open parts of the building or make use of the facilities on the open floors.

Kimi walked among those people keeping her head low and blending among them.

She eventually found herself at the targeted location where she had been told to go.

There were several sectioned off areas with computers and equipment set up to the side.

Each location set up allowed for the privacy of each person using the computers and additional facilities.

Each computer was already logged into the main screen allowing for each person to access their account directly as they would begin to use the space based technologies available to handle their smaller items, Technical Machines and Pokémon.

It included the transferring of them from one location to another location that was fitted with the same technology or possibly one of the main storage facilities linked to their branch to allow for safe keeping for trainers.

It acted as a bank for some trainers since many could set aside items and they could take them out when needed.

Kimi needed to wait until one computer became available so she waited patiently.

She did not wait too long before someone left a computer available.

She sat down at the computer and plugged a small device into one of the machines linked to the computer.

Suddenly the screen started to become chaotic as the information and images shown flickered slightly.

It took a little time before it had been shown to have returned to the home window.

Upon seeing it happen, Kimi removed the device from the port and placed it back into her pocket.

She then calmly waited a little more until she pushed the button nearby which triggered a small flickering light near the help desk.

One of the people nearby saw the flashing light which indicated one of the customers was in need of service or had a problem on one of the computers.

They got up and went towards the area that Kimi was sat at, it was a middle aged man with glasses on his face, dark eyes and short messy black hair.

He looked towards the timid looking girl and asked in a professional manner. "What seems to be the problem here customer?"

He tried to subdue his voice a little to appear gentler in order not to startle the girl while making himself look as approachable as possible.

Kimi kept up her timid facade as she raised her hand shakily pointing to the screen. "Uh.. um.. the computer.."

The man looked towards the screen and saw the problem immediately. "Ah.. that sometimes happens. Move aside for a moment."

He had seen the same thing happen frequently since the computers were usually in use for the public.

It was not strange for one of the people using the computer to turn the computer off or log out leaving the computer unusable for others.

Once Kimi moved out of the way and was unable to see what was being typed onto the keyboard, the man began to type in the login details allowing for the computer to return back to its original state after loading up for a few seconds.

He turned to Kimi with a gentle smile and asked. "Would you require any more assistance?"

Kimi shook her head displaying her timidness further allowing her to keep her head lower without drawing suspicion. "Th.. thank you."

Her hands held tightly onto her clothes and she failed to properly speak further adding to her small performance.

The man nodded before walking away returning to his other duties while Kimi sat there for some time making it look like she was busy on the computer.

After spending some time there, Kimi got up from her seat and headed back outside.

She spent some time walking around the city before exiting to get changed once more as she went around to search for some opportunities to improve upon her current Pokémon team.

During that time, the effects of what had been done were beginning to have some effects slowly progressing in the direction that Old P wanted.

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