

Kimi spent a little time in between her usual duties to make the Feebas train in the pond and battle against each other or the other water types.

While there were a couple that had gained a little experience since she took them out to occasionally participate in the Pokémon battles near the water, there were not many other opportunities to let the fish type Pokémon out and battle due to the lack of a suitable environment for them.

Kimi let out a sigh as she was shining their scales while she knelt down by the side of the pond. "It is no wonder that most water type trainers usually spend most of their time on beaches, in the sea or stay around places which have a large pool. If they wish to use the water types which need to swim then they must stay in such places otherwise their combat power will be severely lowered."

The same would apply to many other situations like fire types being unable to release their fire moves in places that could catch fire and cause a big forest fire.

Certain environments had restrictions while others were better suited to certain types so it was always best for a trainer that was on the move to have at least one backup Pokémon of a different type.

Although it was best to make the team more balanced or diverse, there were many like her father who preferred to use one specific type.

Just as the father and daughter were finishing up with their packing up and had been fully prepared to leave, there was a knock at the door.

Her father answered and there was an officer Jenny standing there with her arms crossed. "Sir, is your daughter home? We need to take your daughter in to ask some questions, it would be best if you come along too."

She then noticed the packed up boxes and suitcases then frowned. "It would be unwise to have any thoughts of leaving this city until this case is completed."

Her father frowned. "Kimi!"

Kimi came to the hallway and asked. "What is it dad?"

Officer Jenny walked past Kimi's father and placed the cuffs on Kimi's wrists quickly. "Please cooperate and come quietly."

Kimi did not resist and followed behind. "I hope that you have a good reason for this."

Kimi was then brought to the officer building where she was seated at a desk in a dark room.

A small lamp was lit in the middle of the desk while Kimi was on one side while officer Jenny was on the other.

Officer Jenny began to explain and started to question her. "Yesterday you took part in a battle, the person that you battled had their Pokémon badly beaten and had to go to the Pokémon Centre. It is reported that you beat the other party and took a Fire Stone from him. What do you have to say in defence to this?"

Kimi sat back with wide eyes then her gaze became full of sarcasm as she spoke. "I did participate in a battle, I did beat his Pokémon and I did take the Fire Stone. There is no point in denying it since you have already found it and took it as evidence by now. But.. you have got it wrong."

Officer Jenny's gaze sharpened. "Wrong? How so?"

Kimi adjusted her posture to a comfortable position and replied. "According to the battle guidelines of the trainer and Pokémon laws, if two are to legally battle then certain rules and etiquette must be followed. There will be no harm to the other trainer, the battle will end once a Pokémon has fainted and any terms set for the battle will be discussed beforehand. The terms of the battle cannot he changed in the middle or afterwards unless both parties agree. Am I correct?"

Officer Jenny nodded. "You are correct, you know your stuff."

Kimi continued. "If you have information on me then you will know that I passed the provisional test with high marks. The other party who I battled was also a participant in the test who I had defeated fairly according to the rules if the test. Yesterday I was just taking a walk around the city and he came to me for the battle. He was insistent that I battle him but I did not want to so he put the Fire Stone up as a wager if I put my Eevee up as a wager on my end."

She cleared her throat and continued. "The Eevee was what I gained for ranking second in the provisional test so it carries great importance to me so I would not battle him and put her up as a wager unless I knew for sure that I would win and that there was something worth battling for.

We agreed for a one on battle between our Growlithes and mine won. He was unhappy with the result and did not want me to leave, I humoured him with another battle even though my Growlithe had already battled and was at a disadvantage against his second choice which was a Wartortle."

Officer Jenny then asked. "So why did you have to take things as far as you did? Were you close to losing so you decided to use such methods to prevent yourself from losing your Eevee and gaining the Fire Stone? You have motive for doing so and we have evidence of the injuries."

Kimi calmly took in the information and responded. "There is no motive since I won the battle fairly and according to the rules. I let my Growlithe release the Wartortle once the opponent gave up. When I was going to get the two items placed as a wager, he ordered his Wartortle which was close to fainting to attack me and my Growlithe who both had no intentions of fighting any longer."

Officer Jenny frowned. "Why are you unharmed and why did you not report this first?"

Kimi let out a sigh. "I carry some things on my body to protect myself and noticed the incoming danger so I threw a metal ball with enough strength to make the Wartortle faint before it could complete its attack. To be honest.. it was troublesome and I just wanted to return home to help my dad pack everything up. My opponent seems like they are part of a wealthy family or one with status and they have connections with those that enforce the law so reporting the incident would only bring me trouble.

I am just a small person from a smaller family but I do have Jenny blood in me, my mother has sacrificed herself for the law and safety of the people of Veridian City along with my father but sadly I only have my father remaining. Officer I hope that you can look more into this case and be fair in your judgement."

Kimi was still a little relieved over some other things. 'I am glad that I kept the Fire Stone out so they could not search the house or my belongings any further. Explaining the illegal Pokémon and the other stuff would be difficult. I let my guard down this time…'

Officer Jenny looked at Kimi carefully and then left the room to look over the evidence once again. "You will still have to remain here."

After meeting Kimi and reading her information, Officer Jenny couldn't help but admire her and wished to recruit her as an apprentice.

She had seen such allegations being made before and lots of the cases were often difficult to manage because there was a lack of evidence or the people involved had two opposing stories.

The culprit said one thing while the victim said another, the culprit was a child with Jenny blood in them even if it was further down the family line so if she was charged it would bring disgrace to the family name while the victim was someone with a motive to frame Kimi and he came from a well connected family in Veridian City.

Jenny let out a sigh as she looked through the documents. 'It is just a little battle between kids but now it could get ugly no matter who is proven as a victim or culprit.'

Next chapter