

"Okay then what should we do?" August asked, running her hands through her hair nervously. I stood up and walked over to her and put my arm around her.

"We need to be ready for the day he does." I looked over at Xander. "We need to get as many Alphas as we can together and see who will help us with the war that will no doubt be coming." He nodded and pulled out his phone as he walked out of the room. I turned to my parents next.

"Can you talk to your Alpha and see if he is willing to help? We also got to train as many wolves as we can to make sure they will be ready for demons and their powers."

"Yes, I have no doubt that they will be willing to help." My dad said and walked out of the room too. I looked over to see my mom grinning at me widely.

"What?" I said, confused. She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"You're already acting like a Luna. I'm so proud of you honey." I smiled and hugged her back tightly. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Xander walking back into the room. I pulled away from my mom as he spoke.

"The Alphas have agreed to a meeting. I gave them a brief explanation as to what is happening but I will leave you to explain the details. They will need to know of your origin and your powers." I gulped and looked at the ground nervously.

"Are you sure we can trust them all with that information?" I said and looked back up at him. He was quiet for a moment before answering.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. We may need to withhold that information for the moment until we are sure. But I know of a few Alphas that we can trust with it." He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I smiled softly at him and nodded.

The next day, we were planning on meeting the Alphas to fill them in on the situation. I was getting ready in the closet when Xander walked in.

"I have a separate meeting set up for the Alphas I know and trust with the whole truth. I'm having them meet us in about 20 minutes in the conference room. After that we got about an hour before the other Alphas show up." I nodded as I finished pulling on my shoes.

"Well, let's get this taken care of so we can start training everyone too." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand as we left the room and headed to the conference room. We walked downstairs and went to the room next to his office and walked in. There were five Alphas in the room talking amongst themselves. When they saw us enter they all stood up and bowed slightly. It made me slightly uncomfortable. I wasn't used to this yet.

"You may sit. This is Angel. My luna and mate. We have asked you here because you are the most trusted of all the others. We ask that everything we are about to tell you never leaves this room." Xander said as we both sat down. They all nodded. I took a deep breath.

"As you know, I am the Luna. Up until a couple days ago, I was unaware of the supernatural world and believed myself to be human.."

"So you had no clue you were a wolf?" One Alpha asked. He looked to be in his thirties. "I apologize for interrupting. My name is Kade. Alpha to the Blue moon pack." I smiled and nodded.

"That's alright. I knew you would have questions. Yes, I was not aware of my origin. But I was not born a wolf." All of their eyes went wide.

"I am Aaron. Alpha to the Midnight Pack. What do you mean you weren't born a wolf?" He looked to be in his twenties, with long hair and a stern face.

"I am a hybrid. I have an Angel mother and a demon father. More specifically, my father is the King of hell. I was not aware of this until recently when my powers manifested. Also, I did not have a

wolf. But the moon goddess is one of my mother's friends and has gifted me a wolf." They all looked shocked.

"I know it is a lot to take in, but you five are my mates most trusted allies. We needed people that know the full extent of what they are getting into and what I am. My father has declared war on everyone. He wants my powers so he can rule all realms. We can not let him. Otherwise the worlds will be in chaos. As I have said, I was born a hybrid. Once I was given my wolf, Sadie, I am now a tribrid. We are fairly confident that we can win this war but we need help. You are chosen to be the ones to know my true nature. The others will know what they need to until we know they can be trusted." I took a deep breath and Xander put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"If I may, could we see your forms?" Kade asked and the other Alphas nodded their heads in agreement.

'You okay with that girls?'

'Hell yeah! I've been dying to get out.' Sadie squealed.

'Don't see why not.' Jezebeth said.

'Yeah! I haven't met our mate yet!' Arella whined and I laughed.

"Yes. I do not mind at all." Thankfully the conference room was pretty big. I looked over at Xander and he nodded. I stood up and walked over to the empty part of the room. I took a deep breath.

'You're up Sadie.'

'Hell yeah!' She yelled and I felt my body start to contort. Fur sprouted across my body and I fell on all fours. I looked up and saw the looks of disbelief on their faces. Thankfully this time I wasn't in pain.