
Ivica's Letter [2] {Vol.1 FINALE}

I turned to the next page, curious to see what else Ivica had to say.


Ivica's Letter Page 2 ~

Phew, I was able to live one more day...

I am currently speaking and writing this letter using an enchanted pen because I lack the energy to do so with my own hands. Please excuse any unnecessary babbling that may have occurred as a result of my dictation.

To get right to the point, I used my constellation ability to ascertain that you were brought to this world for a specific reason. However, there is always a cost to exercising this power, and I am currently paying the price. Yet, I have no regrets about trying to assist you.

I discovered that there are two factions in this world that are closely monitoring your actions. The first is supportive of you because they feel you will help them achieve their goals. But, they will only assist you until you are helpful to them.

Next chapter