
Entrance Ceremony

Once Lucian woke up, he immediately used cleaning magic on himself to remove all of the blood from his clothes and body. Once he had cleaned himself of all of the dirt and blood, he put on his uniform and went downstairs.

Shin, Merlin, and Melinda were already at the table with food in front of them and there was an open chair for Lucian. He sat down and ate his food quickly, once he finished his food, the other three had already left the table and were standing by the front door. Shin called out to Lucian, "Come on bro, we've got to go to the entrance ceremony."

Lucian stood up and walked towards them, they all left the house together and got into the horse and carriage waiting for them.

*Half An Hour Later*

Once they reached near the Magic Academy, the four of them got out of the carriage and started walking in the direction of the academy.

As they were walking, a lot of onlookers were talking to one another, "Hey, look... That's the mantle that only those in the first class order can wear... If those two are wearing it, then it means... T-They're...!! It's the Magi! Master Merlin! It's Guru Melinda!!"

People starting swarming Merlin and Melinda, and Lucian moved out of the way as not to be squashed, whereas Shin got pushed out of the way by the horde.

By the time that Merlin and Melinda were free, Shin had started to walk off, and Lucian had already made his way to the Academy. Once he arrived, he looked around for anyone he knew, and the first people he found were Maria and Sicily, "Hey guys, looks like you two were accepted as well. What class are you in?"

Maria replied while Sicily seemed to be looking at something behind Lucian, "We're in S class as well, I thought you would have known that by the line we were in though."

Lucian laughed, "You make a good point, but what can I say, better to check than not."

After he said that, he heard two voices coming up beside him, they belonged to Shin and August who were talking among themselves, "So that's the girl you were looking for last time? Hm, I remember those two actually."

Maria bowed slightly before saying, "it's been quite some time since we last met, Prince August. I'm from Earl Messina's family. My name is Maria."

this was followed by Sicily performing a similar gesture, "I am from Viscount Claude's family, my name is Sicily."

This shocked Shin, who blurted out, "You both are nobles?! Well, I can see Sicily being one, but Maria?"

Lucian nudged Shin a little, "I don't know bro, Maria is pretty noble like if you ask me."

Maria, who's face had previously been one of anger, looked happy and responded, "Thank you, clearly you have good observational skills, unlike your brother."

All of them started laughing at this, before Shin asked a question, "Why didn't you tell us before?"

Maria replied, "Because people tend to act different when they hear that we're nobility."

Lucian replied, "That makes sense, but who really cares whether you're nobles or not. I know I sure don't."

Maria smiled, "I'm glad, I think the ceremony is going to begin in a minute because the venue's doors are open. Do you want to sit next to me Lucian?"

Without any hesitation, Lucian answered her question, "Definitely."

The five of them, Lucian, Shin, Maria, Sicily and August, entered the large hall and took seats near the front of the room. Once everyone had been seated, an announcement was made to everyone in the hall, "Well then. Now that you are all seated, the freshman representative will deliver his greeting speech. The representative is the student who received the highest score on this year's entrance exam, Mr Lucian Wolford."

Lucian stood up, "Yes ma'am."

Whispers could be heard around the room, "Walford...?!" "That means he's...!" "The Magi's... Master Merlin's..."

Maria whisper shouted in shock, "What?! What?! Lucian is...'

While Maria was freaking out, Sicily was in her own world, "That means... Shin is also..."

August whispered to himself, "So the two of them didn't know about it, the fact that Lucian and Shin are the grandchildren of the esteemed Hero."

Lucian stood behind the podium on the stage and spoke to the entire audience, "Hey, I'm Lucian Wolford and I'm your freshman representative. I bet you're all happy to have been accepted into a school as incredible as this one, but I would assume that some of you are disappointed that it isn't you up here instead of me. Well, let me tell you all something, I wholeheartedly believe that all of you have the potential to stand where I am today if you work hard enough. I'm not the type of person to lie, or do anything that could be seen as going against high moral standards or common decency, and if that's not the truth then nothing I've said today stands. However, everyone that knows me will tell you that what I have said is the absolute truth and that I genuinely believe in the potential inside of each of you. Everyone, please listen to what I've said today and try your very hardest for the next three years. Once again, I'm your freshman representative, Lucian Wolford. Peace out my fellow students."

Everyone in the audience started to cheer and clap for Lucian, as they believed he had just delivered an inspirational and positive speech. However, unless killing over seventy people in a frenzied state is considered high moral standards, then Lucian had just told everyone that none of them could stand on his level.

He walked back down to the others who were all talking amongst themselves, and Maria excitedly spoke to him, "That speech was amazing, but more importantly, why didn't you say that you were the Hero's grandson?"

Lucian replied, "Same reason you hid that you were a noble, don't want people liking me for my family after all."

Maria nodded, "Fair enough, I liked you just fine before though, this is just a plus."

Lucian laughed, "That so? Glad to hear it."

The King walked onto the stage while they were speaking, and everyone went quiet out of respect, "This year, we have some special students among us. I hope you can all learn something or two from them during your time here. I hope every one of you will grow to be great people during your time here."

Once the entrance ceremony ended, the group of five started to leave the room, and Shin noticed Kurt staring at him with pure hatred in his eyes. However, he just brushed it off and all five of them continued on towards their class.

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