
A gentleman last night [Bonus chapter]

Junwei had a run and returned to his house. He halted near the couch when he saw Sophie wasn't there. "Did she leave?" He murmured and his eyes fell on a note on the table.

He picked it up and read, "Thank you for the last night. It is my first day at work with you, so I need to be on time."

He put the note on the table and went upstairs. After taking a hot shower, he prepared a light breakfast for himself. He picked up the phone while sipping his coffee and called his mother. He wished her good morning when she asked him if he had seen the news.

"News?" Junwei got puzzled. "Which one, Mom?" he asked.

"I am sending you the link. You can check," Katie said and Junwei put his phone down. He checked the message and opened the link. An article about Sophie going to the police station popped up. He put his mother's call on speaker while pressing his fingers against the temple of his forehead.

"Jun, you were with Sophie last night, right? Why did you go to the police station? And why did you take her to your house? You never did that," Katie said with a surprised look on her face.

"Mom, I will explain to you in the evening. I need to bring it to my house because of a certain circumstance. Please tell Grandpa not to think that we both have something going on," Junwei asserted and picked up the coffee mug. Yu Ziyang glanced at Katie and chuckled.

"You never took any person to your house. You do not even let enter us there," Ziyang said from the other side. "You two look good together. Your mother and I will be happy if you date her," he said with a smile.

"It is not happening, Grandpa. You are again assuming the wrong thing," Junwei stated and saw Wang Zexi's call was on waiting. "I will talk to you both in the evening," he said and answered his secretary's call.

"Good morning, Sir. The news about you and Miss Lin dating is everywhere," Wang Zexi said.

"Do not respond to it," Junwei stated and asked him not to call him over such trivial matters.

"Sorry, Sir," Wang Zexi said. Junwei hung up the call and finished his coffee soon. He put the dishes into the washbasin and called the housemaid before leaving for the office.

Upon reaching the office, Wang Zexi told Junwei about his day's schedule and they entered the lift when Alex also entered. He waved at Junwei with a broad smile and the elevator closed.

"So, you are dating Sophie?" Alex asked with a smirk. Wang Zexi gestured to him not to speak, but Alex did not listen to him.

"That is fake news," Junwei said and slid his hands inside the pocket.

"That does not appear as fake news. You took Sophie to your house. I asked you several times to let me see your house, but you never did it once," Alex complained and then smirked again. "I know any man would turn soft in front of such a beauty. You are no exception," he added and glanced at Wang Zexi.

"Am I right, Secretary Wang?" Alex asked.

"Yes," Wang Zexi replied.

Junwei beamed at him and Wang Zexi apologized.

"A stalker was following Sophie and I happened to find it. So, we went to the police station to complain about it. She was scared to go to her house, so I took her to my place," Junwei briefed them on the situation from the last night.

"Oh. Wait, did you call me last night for that reason only? But you did not tell me in detail," Alex said.

"Yes, I called you for that reason only," Junwei said.

"So, you became a gentleman last night. I had never imagined that Yu Junwei would actually help a woman and take her to his place," Alex said with a teasing expression.

Junwei pressed the button on the elevator on the 15th floor and the doors opened. Wang Zexi asked him why he opened the door when Junwei asked Alex to step out.

"Why?" Alex asked when Junwei pushed him out and closed the elevator.

Junwei lifted his hand and looked at the time. "Did Sophie and his team arrive?" He asked Wang Zexi.

"Yes, Sir. Miss Lin is in the conference room," Wang Zexi replied.

"Bring Miss Lin to the office with her manager. I would like to talk to her," Junwei commanded him. Junwei reached his office while Wang Zexi left to take Sophie with her.

Junwei removed his blazer and hung it on the office blazer hanger. He pulled out the chair and got seated on the swivel chair.


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