
It is about my dignity, Jun

The police cooperated with Sophie and asked her to tell the details about the entire incident. After she explained to the officer in charge who would look into that case, Junwei told him about the suspicious person whom he had seen in the basement of the apartment where Sophie lived. 

He had a detailed conversation with the officer regarding Sophie's safety because the person had threatened them that he would upload the video on the internet. 

"I have sent the number to the nodal agency where it will be tracked. We will find out whether the call was from a regular phone or a burner one," the officer told them.

"What about checking in the society? Since the stalker was around there for a long time," Junwei asked. 

"The team will go there and we will do the search," the officer replied. "I will lead the team," he added. 

"Officer, please be careful. If the stalker finds out that we have come here, he might leak the video," Sophie requested. 

"No such incident will happen, Miss Lin. We will nab him soon," the officer stated when the landline phone rang, and he picked it up. 

Ciao patted Sophie's shoulders and told her that everything would be fine. The officer hung up the phone after talking to the person and told them the phone number could not be detected. 

"The stalker has used a burner phone," the officer informed him. As Junwei had predicted. He asked the officer to check the CCTVs in the society and even told her that Sophie had received the toy from a boy. 

"We will do that, Mr. Yu. Currently, all I can say is you must go home. If anything comes up, I will ring up to Mr. Hong, the secretary of Miss Lin, and Mr. Yu too," the officer asserted. 

After they get assured by the officer, they left the police station when Ciao told Sophie that he would drop her at the apartment. 

"I am scared to go there," Sophie said. 

"Ciao can stay with you in your apartment," Junwei stated. 

"Actually, my mother has come to Beijing. She is sick and I cannot leave her alone," Ciao asserted. 

"It is fine. You should go home," Sophie opined. "I will not open the door for anyone," she affirmed. Junwei found out that she tried to look fearless, but he could sense how terrified she was. 

"I will drop you home. Follow me," Junwei said and opened the door of his car. 

"I do not want to disturb you anymore," Sophie stated. 

"Really? Then, get in before any paparazzi notices you and make an issue of it," Junwei got into the car. Ciao told Sophie to go with Junwei and not to think anything negative. Sophie nodded and thanked him. She apologized to him for troubling him. 

"Don't be," Ciao said and told her to go with Junwei. She hummed and left with Junwei in his car. 

However, midway, Junwei told her that he would take her to his home. 

"Why?" Sophie asked. 

"I think the stalker lives near your apartment," Junwei stated. "He must have seen us leaving. I do not want him to get suspicious thinking we went to the police station. So, it's better for you to stay in my house tonight," Junwei affirmed. 

Sophie agreed with him and told him if the stalker was suspicious, then he might leak her video. She checked her phone to make sure there was no video leakage. 

"He must be looking at it. I feel so…" she paused as her voice choked in fear. 

"Calm down. He will be caught soon. He cannot escape the CCTVs," Junwei affirmed.

"Do you think so? Everything will ruin if anything goes wrong," Sophie stated. "Are you not a computer science engineer? Don't you know how to hack anyone's computer? Please do it, Jun," Sophie said and joined both hands. 

"I cannot do something illegally," Junwei asserted. Sophie placed her hand above his which was on the steering wheel. 

"Please, Jun. No one will find out about it. I will keep a seal on my lips," Sophie stated and pursed her lips together. 

Junwei asked her to move her hand away. Sophie immediately pulled her hand back and asked him if he could not hack those CCTVs. 

"A year ago, I watched a drama by one of the popular actors. He was a hacker there, and he helped people with his hacking skills. You can do the same, Junwei. I don't trust the police. I only have faith in you. Please help me," Sophie continued pleading with him.  

"I do not know hacking," Junwei lied to her. 

"Don't lie to me. I heard from Alex that you are a genius hacker too. Your employees can't stop praising your skills. It is about my dignity, Jun. I don't even know anyone except you," Sophie stated.

Junwei parked his car after seeing a good place and turned to look at her. "You want me to break laws?" 

"Is my dignity less important than those laws?" She asked. 

"Why do you not ask the police?" Junwei asked her and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. 

"Can you not do it for me? Please," Sophie again pleaded with him. 

"You do not hack the way it is shown in dramas or movies. I know nothing about that man. I need to install a bug in his computer and for that, I need to go to his house. If anything goes wrong, I will be in big danger. Let the police do their work. Nothing will happen. That man will not leak the video," Junwei asserted. He looked ahead on the road and asked her to let him drive in peace. 

Sophie turned quiet and did not say a word. Internally, she was shaking in fear. Junwei drove to his house and soon they arrived there. 


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