
Want to kiss me?

"Mom, could you please tell Sophie to leave this place?" Junwei asked his mother.

Before Katie could speak, Ziyang said, "Why? Sophie will not go anywhere. She is here at my request. If you have a problem with her, then you can leave."

Katie asked Sophie to come with her and they both left the living room. Sophie looked back and saw Junwei had gotten on her knees. She looked straight and went to the room, where Katie led her to.

"Grandpa," Junwei got on his knees and held his hand, "I am sorry for yesterday. I was not supposed to react that way. Forgive me for not understanding you." He pleaded for forgiveness. The entire day he was not able to focus well on his work. He was annoyed more than the previous day.

"Jun, do you understand the meaning of a family?" Ziyang finally spoke with him.

Junwei fell silent when Ziyang said, "When I see men of your age, I feel guilty for not being able to give you enough love and care. Maybe that is why you stay away from us. I also wished Fang Jiao could live longer, but we are humans, Junwei. We all have a fixed time here on this earth. The dead are gone, but we have to move on with the time."

"Grandpa, I was not angry because you mentioned Fang Jiao. I was furious because of Sophie. I do not like it when Grandpa made her the brand ambassador for the new model of the car that I'll launch in the next two weeks. I do not like people like her and working with her was a big NO to me," Junwei affirmed.

"Well, the contract with her has been signed, so I have no problem with that now. The thing that happened yesterday should not have happened. I sincerely apologize for that, Grandpa. I didn't like the way I talked with you and Mom," he stated.

"Fine. I forgave you. I also should not have lost my temper," Ziyang said and asked Junwei to sit beside him. "Did you have dinner?" He wondered as Junwei sat next to him.

"No. I thought to have dinner with you and Mom," Junwei answered.

"Luckily, today, we decided to eat late. Since Sophie is here, so we got busy talking with her," Ziyang said.

"Why did she even come here? Does she have nothing to do at her home?" Junwei complained.

"Katie! Katie!" Ziyang called for her daughter, who came to the living room with Sophie.

"It seems you two have patched up," Katie said as she found a warm smile on her father's lips. Ziyang hummed and told her that Junwei had apologized to him.

"Why did you fight with your grandfather?" Sophie questioned him. Junwei lifted his head and looked at her with a glare.

"Why are you here? It is late at night. Also, if I do not find you at the office at the right time in the morning, you have to bear the consequences of it," Junwei warned her.

"I am more punctual than you," Sophie stated and twitched her lips in annoyance. Junwei always scolded her when they were in front of each other. However, behind his back, he would act lovely.

Ziyang and Katie gazed at each other as they heard them converse.

"I liked the gift that you sent for me," Sophie asserted.

Junwei arched his eyebrow as he heard her words. "What did you say?"

"What gift did Junwei give you? This is such a new act of his," Katie said and looked at her son in astonishment.

"Why would I gift her? She is again lying to both of you," Junwei stated and stood up. He slid his hands into his pockets and told them that he would freshen up quickly before having dinner with him.

"Jun, that soft panda toy was cute. I liked it," Sophie said with a smile and fiddled with her fingers. He ignored her and went to his room.

"Did he really gift you the soft toy?" Ziyang asked.

"Yes, Grandpa. Let me show you both." Sophie took out her phone from her pocket and showed them the picture. She told them how she apologized to Junwei for troubling him and in return, she sent a gift for me through a little boy's hand. Katie and Ziyang were delighted to hear about it. They wondered if Junwei was interested in Sophie.

Katie told them that she would set the dinner table when Sophie told her that she would also help her. Ziyang looked at the small carry bag which had donuts inside a box. He picked it up and went to the dining area.

"I will call Jun. He is taking too much time," Katie said when Sophie told them that she would bring him.

She excitedly went to Junwei's room and knocked at the door before pushing it in. She peeked in and went inside the room. With quiet steps, she walked ahead and found out that his room was plain, not much decorated. She looked at the stacks of books on the shelves, which he had not finished yet.

She picked the top of the book with curiosity. "Solar energy engineering," she read and found it was a heavy book. She put it back in its place and saw a robotic bird. She picked it up when she got startled by Jun's voice.

The robotic bird fell from her hand, and it broke into two pieces. "I am sorry," Sophie said as she got on her knees. She tried to join them, but it was in vain. She gulped, holding the pieces in her hand, and finally gazed at him.

She stopped blinking as she saw his half-naked body. Her heart thumped wildly against her chest, and her cheeks turned beetroot red. Junwei took steps towards her and she got the scent of the soap that he had used. She inhaled its scent while keeping her eyes glued to his chest.

Her eyes traveled down when she shook her head. She came out of the magical trance when Junwei snatched the metallic pieces of the robotic bird from her palm. "Leave my house before I will kick you out." His tone did not sound pleasant and she found his murderous gaze on her.

"I will rejoin the parts," Sophie said and stepped up to take the bird from him when he pushed his hand back.

He forwarded a step to her and saw that she moved back and it continued until her back hit the shelf behind her.

"Stop!" She put her hands before his chest. "Do you want to kiss me?" She asked with an amusing smile on her lips.

"Pardon me?" Junwei was confused to hear her statement.

"Aunt Katie!" Sophie looked behind Junwei's back, who tilted his head to look when Sophie quickly ran out of his room. He chuckled as he realized she pranked him.

Sophie opened the door a little and peeked inside. "We are waiting for you over the dinner table. Come soon," She said. Junwei turned to glare at her and found her smiling at him. "You have a nice body," she said and shut the door behind her.

Junwei looked at himself and realized that he did not have his shirt on. He chuckled and went to the cupboard to take out a sweatshirt. He wore it and went out to have dinner.

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