
Chapter 98: An Interpol Agent

Zarah and Xavier coordinated with Dwight to locate Rhea as fast as possible.

They went to the mansion as it was more comfortable to work in a bigger space than in Olivia and Trixie's apartment.

Dwight was fast in delivering everything that Zarah asked of him.

He provided the list of Carla Kent's allies and her trusted subordinates.

Zarah and Olivia's team started checking on their backgrounds. She asked her team members to investigate them.

She didn't trust the information on their profiles. It was easy to manipulate them.

Dwight provided the list of properties under Carla Kent and her cronies' names. They might have been hiding Rhea in one of these properties.

Dwight also gave a list of illegal businesses Carla Kent owned.

She found out that Carla Kent was involved in human trafficking. Zarah's blood boiled in rage. This kind of practice was taboo for her. The four of them were victims of human trafficking.

Therefore, it hit her soft spot.

Carla Kent's organization abducted children and young women. They sold the victims to brothels or underground auction houses. They used the others as drug carriers in their drug smuggling business.

Zarah gave this tip to Interpol. Her illegal business overseas was out of her jurisdiction. All she could do was ask for help.

Should they ignore her message, she would mess with their system and use it as a bargaining chip.

Zarah was not taking this matter lightly.

Zarah wanted to destroy her!

Zarah wanted to finish everything before she headed for the summit.

Zarah, Olivia, and Kelsey had a sleepless night that day.

The next day, Kelsey had to leave for an important meeting.

Because of the fire at Gil Hotel, Gil Corporation's stock price plummeted.

Zarah and Olivia grabbed this chance to reveal every corrupt practice they had uncovered from the Gil Corporation and the members of the Gil Family.

The issue of their substandard projects had resurfaced again.

The Gil Family was all over the news.

People were criticizing them all over the internet.

The issues were overwhelming that even their relatives working for the government had abandoned them.

Joel Gil was sitting in front of the board of directors.

Half of the board of directors was not present. They were attending another meeting with Kelsey.

Zarah asked Kelsey to strike the iron while it was still hot. Zarah would make sure that there was no coming back for them.

"What should we do now, CEO Gil? Our clients were boycotting us!" one board of directors complained.

"We have to find the person who killed those two mercenaries. That way, we could clear the company's name. Gil Corporation had no connections to the black market and the underworld!" Joel Gil said.

"Our PR Department had released that statement. However, it was ineffective, as the boycott didn't stop." Another director voiced out.

"I'm sorry, CEO Gil. I will pull out or sell my shares should this continue in the afternoon."

The remaining three members of the board had the same sentiments. No one would want to lose their money.

The ship was sinking. The investors had to save themselves from drowning.

"Relax, everyone. We will not be going down," Joel Gil tries to coax the angry directors.

"Are you hiding something from us, CEO Gil?" someone asked.

Joel Gil looked at his wife before he addressed them. Celia Mayer made a short nod in support.

"Indeed. I have been withholding this information from everyone." Joel started, and he could see the changes in their expressions.

"What is it?"

"My daughter is going to marry Xavier Lockhart," Joel Gil revealed.

"Ha! Are you sure?! Your daughter is facing a civil case against her. Do you think someone like Chairman Lockhart would agree to marry her?!" One investor mocked his ambitious statement.

Who was Xavier Lockhart? He became the most eligible bachelor when he showed up in Oakridge City. He had become the dream son-in-law.

"The late Chairman Stevens had agreed to this marriage. As his loyal son, Chairman Lockhart had no other choice but to obey."

Everyone was doubtful about what Joel told them.

"I don't know, CEO Gil. Perhaps if you could convince Chairman Lockhart to state the engagement, I will believe you."

Everyone agreed.

"Okay! Before the day ends, we will formally announce the engagement."

Everyone was stunned by his confidence.

Their meeting adjourned after that statement.

He asked his assistant to call Xavier's office. He wanted to book an appointment with Xavier this afternoon.

However, Xavier had filed for a leave of absence for a couple of weeks. His assistants and the executives were running the company in his absence.

"Where is he?"

"They didn't disclose, CEO Gil," his assistant reported.

He grabbed his phone and tried calling Xavier's phone number.

However, Xavier didn't answer, and the call went to voicemail.

Joel got up and headed to his office.

"Should I release the statement now?" He asked.

Celia was a little doubtful about this step. They could be a laughing stock should this fail.

However, those investors wanted reassurance.

Even he had started to doubt himself.

"Let's wait for a while, Joel. This plan might backfire on us." Celia reminded her husband.

"Then do something!"

"I will talk to my family for help. Wait here, and don't do something stupid."

Meanwhile, Kelsey's meeting with the other board of directors was fruitful. She managed to buy their shares at a reasonable value.

They would rather sell their shares now than suffer a loss.

Kelsey returned to the mansion in a good mood.

As she stepped into the living room, she saw Zarah with a document in her hand. Xavier was sitting beside her.

Xander was sleeping on Zarah's lap.

Meanwhile, the most eligible bachelor was busy peeling the roasted watermelon seeds for Zarah.

Xavier was so focused on the task that he looked so cute.

The couple was oozing with chemistry that was captivating everyone. Xander had a charm of its own. Zarah, Xavier, and Xander looked so peaceful and harmonious together.

Kelsey had seen some of the servants that were smiling from afar. The others were smiling as they admired the couple.

Their smile was contagious.

Kelsey found herself smiling, too.

"Ahem!" Kelsey cleared her throat to get Zarah's attention.

"I'm back!" she announced, which startled Xander from its nap.

Zarah rubbed its back so it could go back to sleep. The lazy ball of fur went back to nap. However, its ears and tails were wagging.

Kelsey had never expected Zarah to adopt a pet cat. Zarah did mention that the last time she had a pet, it died in her hands.

Well, perhaps Zarah had changed for the better. She missed the old Zarah, though. However, she liked this new version of Zarah, too.

"You're back! How's the meeting?" Zarah asked her.

"Well, you now own twenty percent of the Gil Corporation, Zarah," Kelsey reported as she took a seat on the vacant couch.

Zarah hummed in response. Well, she was used to seeing this side of her.

"That's good. However, this is not the end of the game, Kelsey. We're just getting started." Zarah smirked slyly.

Now, this was the Zarah she knew.

Just then, Thea entered the living room. Now that her vacation was over, she had to return home.

Thea was unaware of what happened to Rhea. The lesser people who knew about it, the better.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart, Kelsey, thank you for letting me stay here. However, I have to go back."

"I understand. Thank you for helping us, Dr. Aldrich." Zarah sincerely said.

"Oh my! It's an honor to help you, Mrs. Lockhart." Zarah could feel her sincerity from her statement.

Zarah didn't hold her back and let her go. However, their paths would cross again someday.

Zarah then called Julie. "Julie?"

"Yes, Mistress!" Julie stepped inside the living room.

"Could you please send Dr. Aldrich to the airport?"

"Sure, Mistress." Julie then looked at Thea and said, "Shall we, Dr. Aldrich?"

"Okay. Thank you for everything, Mrs. Lockhart." Thea said one more time.

"Kelsey?" Thea called Kelsey's name to bid goodbye.

Kelsey looked at Thea with guilty eyes.

Kelsey could not look Thea in the eyes after she learned everything.

As his sister, she felt equally responsible for what happened. However, as a friend, she should do something right.

"Come. I'll walk you out," Kelsey offered, and Thea didn't protest.

The three women left the living room, leaving the couple alone.

Xavier started feeding the peeled watermelon seeds to Zarah.

"Open your mouth, mon amour. Ah!"

"Ah!" Zarah obeyed like a child.

"How's your wound?" Xavier asked.

"It's getting better. How about yours?"

"Same. Tristan said that there was no infection. The wound will heal within a week or two," Xavier pouted.

"That's good to hear, then."

"Good? Mon amour, unless Tristan gives me the clearance, you won't sleep with me. What's good about that?"

"Even if Dr. Miller gives you the clearance, I can't sleep with you. I am so busy lately to sleep at night. So don't complain. If you're lonely, you can hug Xander to sleep."

The cat's eyes opened and looked at Zarah innocently. The next second, Xander meowed in protest, which sounded like, "No!"

"Why? Did Daddy bully you, Xander?" Zarah asked her cat.

"I did not bully him!" Xavier said in defense.

"Then, sleep with him while I'm away for the summit," Zarah said casually.

Xavier huffed in disbelief.

"Fine." He stopped feeding Zarah the seeds and started sulking on the corner.

Zarah could not believe to see this childish side of him.

Just then, Kelsey came back with Jackson in tow.

"Someone's looking for you," Kelsey said.

"Jackson," Xavier said while straightening his back.

"Can I speak with Mrs. Lockhart, Master?"

"Zarah. Please call me Zarah when we're not on formal occasions," Zarah decided to correct him.


"Just do what she said," Xavier told Jackson.

"Okay. Will, can I talk to Zarah, Master?" Jackson said with urgency.

"Right here?" Zarah asked and put down the document.

"No. Can we go somewhere private?" Jackson said.

"Are you trying to steal my wife in broad daylight?" Xavier blurted out, and everyone was in disbelief.

"It's not what you think, Master. This matter is highly confidential." Jackson tried to explain.

"Unless Zarah wants to let you know," he continued and looked at Zarah.

"Okay. But let's go somewhere else," Zarah said. She got up and carried Xander in her arms.

"Come with us, Kelsey," she said.

"Oh, okay!"

A few minutes later, Zarah brought them to her study room.

Xavier had entered her study room for the first time, and he was amazed.

In a short period, Zarah had redecorated the room to her liking.

There were three large computer screens in the room mounted on the wall. The computers in the room were not ordinary computers but supercomputers.

Below was a long desk that housed the keyboards.

The room was painted white, and LED lights gave colors to the room.

The interior was more of a gaming room rather than a study room.

On the other side was a shelve of books.

In the middle were two couches and a cushion bag. It had a coffee table in the center.

Everyone settled on their seats.

"What happened?"

"The investigators found DNA in the hallway near the burned hotel room. It does not belong to any of the victims."

"Are you saying that it's mine?" Zarah interrupted him.


Zarah thought she had probably left it accidentally during the explosion.

"How many know about this?"

"Me and the doctor at the crime lab."

"Can you make that doctor silent?" Zarah asked him.

"It's against the law to kill her."

Zarah's lips twitched when she heard it. Of course, she knew Jackson would not do something illegal.

"I didn't mean to kill her. Think of ways to make her silent. If you can't, I'll handle the rest."

"Oh, okay. I was thinking of making this a kidnapping."

"Kidnapping could be possible. However, I'm sure your agents would interview me. I don't like drama," Zarah said.

"Well, we can do that. I will make the script look more realistic and Jackson, right?" Kelsey turned her attention to Jackson.

"Yes," Jackson answered.

"You'll control your agents," Kelsey continued. She then turned her attention to Zarah.

"Trust me on this, okay?"

"Okay. We will do that. However, I can legitimize my operation." Zarah calmly said.

"What do you mean?" Jackson was curious.

"They're mercenaries. They're wanted criminals. It just happens that I got the authority to capture them."

Zarah got up and went to the long desk.

She pulled one of the drawers below it and grabbed something.

She returned and tossed it to Jackson.

"You're from the Interpol?"


I'll try to update chapter 99 today before Christmas.

OrieNovelcreators' thoughts
Next chapter