
Chapter 45: Adventurer Squad_3

There are those who persevere doggedly in their initial dreams, despite seeing no hope in sight and refusing to give up regardless of countless setbacks they encounter.

Jadka clearly belongs to the latter group...

Many people, either young or mature, have chased countless pursuits that now seem laughable in hindsight: music, painting, basketball, science, being an artist...

Yet, the vast majority ultimately choose a more pragmatic future that contradicts their initial determination.

That fact, however, isn't necessarily sorrowful. Life is fraught with inevitable changes and the talents bestowed upon each person differ. The dreams stored deep within us never truly disappear. They continue to stir restlessly, only becoming more concealed as we age and grow more pragmatic.

Perhaps those people, now successful football stars, enjoy spending their afternoons playing dreadful basketball games that even elementary school students can't bear to watch.

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