Agatha stepped forward, her tone grave, "Where did that 'ship that never arrived' come from?"
"The port of origin was Prand, it made a stop at Rensa for resupply, and then Cold Harbor," the soldier reporting the situation replied immediately, "Frost was its last stop—everything was normal until it resupplied at Cold Harbor."
"Damn it..." Colonel Lister pressed a hand against his forehead, his mood obviously very foul, "We are already swamped with troubles of our own... and now another ship has disappeared shortly before arriving at Frost... Where do we have the energy to deal with matters outside the City-State..."
Agatha watched the defense commander before her, her tone especially solemn, "But as you said, Colonel, it disappeared shortly before arriving at Frost—so we cannot rule out that it was affected by some kind of Transcendent phenomenon."
Lister looked up, "You mean..."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: